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(Mark's P.O.V.)

"I wonder what Seán wants to talk to us about."

"Yeah. He sounded really serious."

"And he waited till the last day of the convention, which is normally pretty weird for him."


Bob, Wade, Felix, and Ken talk about Seán's sudden meeting with us, but I stay quiet. I can't help it, the fear running through my veins keeping me from talking. Earlier today, near the beginning of the last day of the convention, Seán told all of us to meet him in his hotel room because he has something to tell us. Something important. 

None of us know what it could possibly be, though we've all been guessing throughout the entire day. Well, they have. I've just been quiet. My concern for my boyfriend is off the charts, and it's even worse knowing this is something he hasn't told me. And we tell each other everything. What's so bad, he hasn't told me till now?

Before I know it we're at the hotel, and in the elevator to go up to Seán's room. The four others are still talking about it, trying to make last minute guesses. 

"He has been pretty off lately. Kinda... Sickish."

"Yeah, yeah definitely." Felix agrees with Bob.

"Maybe it has something to do with that?" Wade suggests. Ken shrugs and stops at a door.

"We'll see." 

And he knocks. In only a minute Seán opens the door for us, smiling softly. "Hey. Come on." He nods for us to go inside, and we do. He leads us over to the little living room like area, and we all sit down. Bob, Ken and I on the couch, and Felix and Wade in the two armchairs. Seán stands in front of us.

"Everything okay?" Wade asks Seán, and we all watch him intently. At first nothing is said or done.

He inhales and exhales slowly, not being able to find his words. Then he opens his eyes and looks around the room at all of our friends. And then he looks at me, and he stares me straight in the eye. And I suddenly get this feeling that this meeting has more meaning than I thought. With one last moment of silence, he speaks.

"I was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer about two weeks ago." He says it softly, almost as if he was scared to admit, which he probably is. And I freeze, tears slipping from my eyes silently as I process everything. Felix beats me to words.

"Does your family know?" He asks it quietly and Seán nods.

"The majority of them were there, and then we told the rest the next day." He answers. It's silent. I'm frozen. He's still looking at me. I'm looking at the ground.

"Is there any chance of recovery? Chemo? Radiation? Something..." Bob asks it so quietly I barely heard but Seán just shakes his head.

"They said it's spread to much already. Anything we do would be pointless." And that is when it hits me. It finally registers in my brain what he's saying. He's saying he's going to die. He's going to die and there's nothing we can do to stop it. Because of cancer. My breathing becomes uneven and I shake my head, tears falling down my cheeks at a record pace. I stand up, still shaking my head. 

"No... No, no, no. Seán... I-I-I can't..." I collapse to my knees, causing him to run over and wrap his arms around me reassuringly. But I sob... "I can't lose someone else. Not to that damned disease. I can't... I-I-I can't lose you..." I sob and cry and yell. All of our friends are silent. Everyone is silent. "I love you to much..."

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