Chapter Three

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"What are you two conspiring about?"
I asked cautiously, zipping up a second hoodie over my first non zip up one as I walked into the living area of Blayze's cottage.
Last night's cold temperature's lead me to believe it would already be near freezing outside this morning at a quarter past six.
Blayze and Heath were standing suspiciously between the kitchen, lounge area and front door, which never normally happened.
Heath denied quickly, looking away.
"You're a really bad liar."
I told him, narrowing my eyes in his direction.
Blayze sighed, rolling his eyes.
"Should we just get a move on before we're late two day's in a row?"
"Nobody complained about us being late yesterday."
I reminded, grabbing my brown Ariat jacket I'd brought a couple of month's ago at the Country And Equine Mall when they had the huge sale.
"Damn it."
I muttered, leaning down to grab the waterproof, fluffy inside beanie, hat thing that matched the jacket, which had fallen to the floor.
I'd forgotten I'd stacked them together on the back of the lounge before going to bed last night.
I set the hat onto the dining table and prepared to pull the jacket on.
My ever growing belly, plus so many layer's of clothing wasn't helping me to feel very awesome about my body.
I paused, my hand shoved into one of the sleeves.
"Am I going to need this jacket as well do you think?"
I asked the brother's.
Heath nodded.
"I've been out there and it's fucking cold."
"Didn't quite need such an explicit answer."
I muttered, wriggling my way into the jacket.
I avoided looking at Blayze while I struggled, because I could almost feel the amusement rolling off him in waves.
I huffed, spinning around in yet another circle while trying to reach the other arm sleeve.
Heath's snickering reached my ear's and I also saw him doubled over in laughter.
"Shut up Heath!"
I ordered.
The idiot only laughed harder.
"Need help with that?"
I finally dared myself to look at Blayze's face.
His eyebrow was quirked and his lips were twitching, but he was holding it all together a hell of a lot better than his brother.
But even I know when I have to admit defeat.
I felt my shoulder's sag, knowing I wasn't even halfway through my pregnancy and was apparently already needing help with getting dressed.
I relented, dropping my gaze to the scuffed wooden flooring.
Blayze's boots clomped across the floor until the toes of them came into my vision, along with the dark wash of his jeans.
"You've always struggled with the last layer."
Blayze noted, the amusement easily audible in his voice.
Hey yeah...
I smiled a little as I tipped my head back to look at his face.
"I have haven't I."
"It's still kinda cute."
He told me, his eyes sparkling as he reached behind me to help me arrange the jacket properly.
I felt a blush heat my cheeks.
Heath gagged and turned away from us.
"Thank you."
I told Blayze, now that I had my right arm through the sleeve.
He leaned down for I'm guessing a kiss.
But maybe I'm just a little bit greedy about having them these days.
I stretched up to quickly touch my lips to his.
"And I'm not cute."
I stated as I stepped around him, heading for the door.
"No not at all."
He sarcastically agreed.
I poked my tongue out at him over my shoulder as I headed for the door.
We were bloody well about to be late again!
And today we don't even have a decent excuse.
I grabbed the handle and hauled the door open, almost tripping over the dogs as they scurried to get out.
"Jeez you're all so impat-"
I froze on the small slate porch of the cottage, my eyes glued on the garden in front of me.
The unusually white garden.
I felt my eyes widen so far that I was almost a little worried my eyeballs might drop out.
I squealed like my five year old sister Hazel and bounced up and down on the spot, clapping my hands together.
I no doubt looked mental.
But I couldn't care less.
"Did you realise you were dating a five year old?"
Heath asked, his voice shaking with laughter as I scampered down the couple of steps as fast as I safely could, knowing they'd be slippery with snow.
"Yes Bailey reverts back to her inner child when we have our rare show of snow."
Blayze agreed from behind me.
I squatted in the patch that was normally meant to be lawn and reached for the ice cold substance that had taken over.
I'd thought it was too ridiculously cold last night!

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