Chapter Thirty Seven

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"So? How's it all going?"
Hayley questioned as she plopped down beside me on the picnic bench we'd decided to use now that it was officially Spring time and we finally had a day of sunshine.
"I could be a smarty pants and ask you what exactly it is you mean. But I have the feeling we both know what you actually want to know."
I replied as I unwrapped the homemade muesli bars Grandma had sent with me.
Hayley groaned.
"I don't exactly have my own love life to worry about!"
I couldn't help but laugh.
"Trust me."
I told her and gave her side a gentle elbow.
"I've learned the hard way that it sure as hell ain't always sunshine and lollipops."
"But when it's good, it's good, right?"
Hayley raised a questioning eyebrow.
I couldn't help but smile.
"It is."
"So how's the reunion going?"
Hayley prompted.
"Things were a bit interesting Friday night."
I admitted.
"But we had a really good chat Saturday night and sorted things out."
Hayley grinned.
"I'm so glad to hear that!"
I couldn't help but smile back at her.
"So do we know where Noah is?"
Hayley questioned as she unwrapped her own recess.
"I sent her a text, but she hasn't responded yet."
I'd better make sure that statement is the truth.
I unzipped my left side jacket pocket and slipped my phone out to check the screen.
Noah hadn't answered my text, but Uncle Lukas had sent me an image.
Frowning at my screen, I unlocked the phone and opened my Uncle's message.
The picture was of Blayze bent over, with Aston's left front hoof propped against his thigh, while Blayze shaped the hoof with a filing rasp.
My phone buzzed as another message came through.
Uncle Lukas: 11:08AM: Finally got him workin' again 😀👍
Surely my Uncle was just being a smarty pants.
Blayze hadn't even been cleared by the Doctor's yet to get back to work.
My phone buzzed again.
What the?
It was my Uncle again.
Uncle Lukas: 11:08AM: Whoops he just said 'don't you dare fucking show Bailey that she'll shoot me!' 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Glad he thinks it's funny!
I certainly don't!
"Excuse me just a moment."
I muttered to Hayley as I exited the messages app and went to my contacts.
"Uh oh? What's happened?"
Hayley asked, looking apprehensive.
I tapped on Blayze's number and put my phone against my ear.
Ring ring, ring ring, ring ring, ring ring, ring ring, ring ring, ring ring-
Why the hell won't he pick up his phone?
Probably because he knows you're going to be mad.
Ring ring, ring ring, ring-
"Allo you."
"Don't play innocent with me."
I scowled, glaring at the tabletop.
"I've seen the phone and my Uncle's messages."
"It was only Aston."
Blayze reasoned, the sigh audible in his voice.
"C'mon I'm goin' bat shit crazy ordering everybody around from the sidelines."
I was glad he added the 'on the sidelines', because otherwise I would have to tell him it definitely was nothing new for him to be bossing people around, so he could drop that load of codswallop.
I closed my eyes and released a deep breath.
"Please just take it easy."
I requested.
"The more you behave yourself, the sooner you'll be cleared to get back to it."
Smiling, Hayley shook her head.
I shot her a smile.
"Fine I'll behave."
Blayze sighed.
"The trim's are done anyway."
"Yeah I got stuck havin' to do em!"
Uncle Lukas' slightly muffled voice chimed in.
I couldn't help but laugh.
"Tell him to 'suck it up princess'."
I told Blayze.
"Tell him yourself, I'll put ya on speaker."
Laughter also laced Blayze's voice.
I agreed.
"Hey Luk! Bailey's got a message for ya!"
Blayze declared.
"Oh yeah? And what's that?"
My Uncle's voice sounded slightly clearer now.
"Suck It Up Princess!"
I sang.
"On be quiet you!"
Uncle Lukas scowled.
Blayze and I both laughed.
"When are you comin' home anyway?"
Uncle Lukas' voice sounded like it came closer.
"Why? Miss me do ya?"
I teased.
Beside me, Hayley snickered.
"No. I want someone else to take over babysitting the apparent toddler that's stuck in a grown man's body!"
Uncle Lukas replied.
I couldn't help but laugh.
"Shut the fuck up."
Blayze grumbled.
I shot a sideways glance towards Hayley.
"I will be having lunch with Hayley, then I'll be back to relive you from your shift, Uncle."
I found myself grinning by the end.
"Hey! You shut up too!"
Blayze exclaimed.
Uncle Lukas just laughed.
"Wise words to say to your girlfriend idiot!"
"You can both shut up!"
Blayze exclaimed.
"I need to go now."
I informed the men.
Or... should I say boy's...
"Otherwise nor Junior or I will be eating."
"Go feed the kid."
Uncle Lukas agreed.
"I'll drag this one up for morning tea."
I couldn't help but laugh, while I heard Blayze make a 'hmph' sound.
"Pretty sure Grandma would have packed up morning tea some time ago."
I warned.
"She'll feed him."
Uncle Lukas sounded confident in his theory.
"I will see you both in a few hours."
I explained.
My Uncle sang.
"Bye Blayze."
I couldn't help but smile, considering he hadn't answered yet.
He grumbled.
Laughing, I pulled the phone from my ear and ended the call.
"That sounded fun."
Hayley noted, snickering lightly.
"Apparently Blayze isn't doing so great not being allowed to work."
I explained, setting my phone onto the picnic bench style table.
"He even filed Aston's hooves."
Hayley made a tsk'ing sound with her tongue and shook her head.
"Bloody boys eh."
I agreed.
"Maybe I do want my kid to be a girl..."
I mused.
Hayley squealed in excitement, her grey eyes lighting with an eager sparkle.

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