Chapter Sixty Five

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I felt like I was forgetting something.
And no, it wasn't my one week old Son, because he was laying sound asleep in the basinet along with the rest of the things we needed to bring along.
Standing in the middle of the open plan living area with my hands on my hips, I scanned the house, hoping whatever it was that I was after would pop out at me.
Zuke whined from outside the front door.
"Quiet Zuke!"
I ordered the youngest (and most trouble) of the Dog's.
Ever since we'd introduced the Dog's to Luka, all three had been obsessed with him, but in particular Zuke.
We only let them be near Luka while we were around to watch them though, even though not one of them had shown a single sign of aggression towards the Baby.
And we limited it to just a couple of hours or so at a time, giving everybody a break.
Though I was fairly sure Blayze would bring the Dog's along on the drive to town today, so all three would be happy about that.
I crossed over to the kitchen and grabbed my phone to check the time.
Luka's appointment was at 2PM in Currency Creek Hospital.
Even with Blayze behind the wheel, we really needed to leave.
There was no way I was going to give him permission to drive fast with our Son on board, even if the only crash I've known him to be in was due to malfunction of his old Ranger.
The accident which cost Quinton his life far too soon.
"Blayze we gotta go!"
I turned on my heel to take my phone to the nappy bag.
I'd started to somewhat get into dragging around a handbag while being pregnant.
Now that I had a nappy bag to tote around with me when going anywhere though (even though today was our first day to try that party trick), I figured I could just stash things like phone and wallet in there instead.
At this rate we'd have the Dog's with us too, so I was fairly sure even Azlan or Zuke would rip off somebody's hand in they tried to touch Baby Luka's belongings.
"What's the time?"
I looked over my shoulder towards the hallway where Blayze was just now walking out of, while I bent down to zip my phone into one of the bag's pockets.
"Like twenty to!"
I told him, my nerves skyrocketing!
Yesterday I'd tried to get us prepared for this adventure.
Last night I'd barely slept, panicking about being late for Luka's checkup appointment.
Blayze slipped his own phone out of his dark wash jeans pocket and checked the screen.
He turned his gaze on me and rolled his eyes.
"It's almost twenty to eleven Babe. We've got time."
How the hell does he figure that?!
We didn't have time to get me to said hospital to have my Son!
"We need to go!"
I insisted.
"What if we have to stop along the way? What if we have to stop in town? What if we want to stop in town?"
Blayze visibly and audibly sighed.
"Bails we've got time. But yes, we'll go get this stuff and Luka in the car."
He gestured towards the pile that was waiting near the door.
Really it looked like we were about to take the poor Baby on his first holiday.
"Come on!"
I insisted, gesturing towards the door.
Wouldn't we look wonderful as parents if we were late to our child's first ever appointment?
"You need to relax."
Blayze told me, coming to stand in front of me.
"I'll relax when this is over and done with."
I dismissed, brushing his hands away as he went to reach for me.
I turned on my heel to open the front door.
Before I could take more than a step, Blayze's large and slightly rough hand clamped around my left wrist, promptly spinning me back around to face him.
He eyed me with a concerned frown.
"What the heck's got you so worked up?"
What's got me worked up?
How about the fact that we live over three hundred kilometres away from the Hospital we are scheduled to go to?
What if we run out of Diesel along the way because we were too busy to check the tank levels?
What if we got a flat tyre along the way?
We're headed to a checkup for Luka, what if there's something wrong with him that Doctor Glenn didn't notice last week?
What if he doesn't fit the average for Babies his age?
I opened my mouth, my heart pounding and it was like a bout of word vomit suddenly consumed me.
The words were spilling out so fast it was a miracle I wasn't getting tongue tied.
Even I noticed my breathing pretty much coming out in gasping pants though.
Blayze stared at me with his eyes wide and his jaw hanging open, like he thought my head was about to explode or something.
Really it was only then that I realised I probably looked and sounded like a complete and utter nutcase!
Biting into my lower lip, I averted my gaze, turning my eyes onto Luka, a pink blush warming my cheeks.
"Let's just go."
I muttered, my voice now small and squeaky.
"No, no, no, no fucking way!"
Surprised, I turned back to Blayze, my own eyes widening a little.
"What the hell's gotten into you?"
He asked me, bewildered.
I muttered, dropping my gaze to the glossy wooden floor.
"We just have to go."
"No you need to tell me what the hell is goin' on! I e only seen this reaction out of you twice in the ten plus years I've known ya!"
I peeked up at him to see him hold up two fingers for emphasis.
I frowned.
What's he talking about?
There's nothing wrong with me!
I just don't want us to be late!
And if we keep standing around jawing, we're damn well gonna be!
"Blayze we need to go!"
I insisted.
"Your Mum and Paul's Wedding."
He told me, folding his arms across his chest.
I frowned at him.
What the hell's he on about?
He shook his head.
"Back then I had to get Luka's to come deal with ya because at that point I had no damn clue how to make ya stop and take a breath!"
I tried to recall what he was on about, but couldn't.
"Okay let's try this one."
He held up one finger pointedly.
"Phoenix rippin' up his leg in that fence Alex neglected to notice or check, still haven't worked out which yet."
I felt a scowl building up.
Alex was meant to check the fences.
The next day we found Phoenix tangled up with wire wrapped around his leg and blood splattered everywhere, along with loose skin flapping.
That was four years ago and we'd been unsure whether he'd even be able to have a riding career after it.
I'd gone into shock and had a complete meltdown from what everybody liked to tell me.
I was doing that again now?
"I'm sorry I'm freaking out."
I laced my fingers together and stared down at them.
"I just... I don't even know... I guess... I don't want to fail Luka..."
"You're not going to."
Blayze stepped into my bubble and placed his hands on my shoulders.
I let him this time.
Slowly, I lifted my gaze until I had my head tipped back slightly to look at his face.
"Who cares if you're late to an appointment or two?"
I opened my mouth to protest.
"Not that we're gonna be."
He insisted, giving my shoulders a squeeze.
"I'm just saying. Shit happens and people are late sometimes. I bet we'll get there early and then we'll be sittin' there waitih' on them."
We probably would be.
It had happened often enough during my appointments through the pregnancy.
"Lets just go."
I muttered, a blush once again warming my cheeks.
Blayze let go of me and turned to the pile of our belongings.
"Head out to the Ute and I'll bring this shit out."
Pre Pregnancy, he'd never treated me like I couldn't pull my weight.
I'd kind of hoped and thought we might return to that now Luka was out.
Guess not.
It was my turn to roll my eyes.
"I can lift things again now! He's out remember!"
I exclaimed, throwing my hands up.
Sure, I still pretty well daily felt like I'd been in the saddle for a three day Muster and was now back on my non mounted legs.
But I'd have to get back to normal life sooner or later!
Blayze narrowed his eyes at me.
"You haven't been checked out yet either."
I once again rolled my eyes, placing my hands on my hips.
"So can ya just do me a favour and do as I ask, at least until we talk to your Doctor's?"
I relented.
With a sigh, I turned on my heel and headed out of the front door.

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