Chapter Twenty Three

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I parked my car inside Noah's yard, Hayley soon pulling in behind me.
It was Tuesday and Noah hadn't shown up to school again.
The second day in a row.
Or answered our calls.
So by recess we'd made the decision to come to her house when we left school at lunch time, to check in on her.
Though I was going to have to be careful about whatever it is that she's sick with, considering I'm pregnant...
Hayley asked as she walked towards my car, while I slid down from the driver's seat, stuffing her hands into her jacket pockets.
I agreed, sliding my keys and phone into my handbag before pushing my door shut.
We climbed up onto the porch that sat in front of Noah's childhood home and Hayley pressed the button for the doorbell.
Pounding feet sounded on the other side of the door, in the hallway I knew waited on the other side.
The large wooden door swung open to reveal the eleven year old twins Odin and Parker.
They looked like Noah, but in the boy version, with their dark hair and their green eyes.
"Hi Bailey and Hayley!"
They greeted in unison.
"Hey their names rhyme!"
Parker declared to his two minutes older brother.
Odin just rolled his eyes at him, like he was tired of his antics.
I couldn't help but laugh.
"Is Noah in?"
Hayley asked, smiling brightly.
"Yeah she's-"
Parker turned to look over his shoulder.
"She keeps chundering!"
Odin declared, pulling a disgusted face.
Uh oh...
It was like my belly began to churn already.
I don't want to get gastro sick or anything!
Morning sickness was bad enough!
A door opened down the hallway and Noah stepped out.
She was wrapped up in track pants and what I would safely bet to be one of Codie's hoodies, that was dark blue and had FOX embroidered across the front in bright yellow writing.
Her hair was scrunched up into a messy bun on top of her head and she looked like she hadn't slept in days.
"I'm not sick."
She muttered, making her way down the hallway.
But Georgia and Odin said...
And she hasn't been...
"Odin, Parker, take a hike."
Noah told her brother's, shooting them a glance.
They rolled their eyes but obeyed without protest, taking off down the hallway towards the spiral staircase, their sand shoe clad feet squeaking on the floorboards as they raced each other.
They were just like Izac and Jace, only four years older.
"Come in."
Noah encouraged Hayley and I, taking a step backward towards the nearby lounge room that I knew awaited.
Cautiously, I stepped over the Zannox's threshold, Hayley stepping in after me and gently closing the door.
Noah led us into the lounge room and the three of us sat down on their massive lounge.
"I'm sorry I've been dodging you guys the last couple of days."
Noah all but whispered, lacing her hands together in her lap and looking down at them.
"As long as you're okay, then it's not a problem."
I told her, reaching out to grab her hand.
Noah chewed on her lower lip, still staring down at her hands.
Hayley asked gently, the worried note in her voice easily audible.
"On the weekend..."
Noah whispered, finally lifting her gaze to look at us.
Uh oh...
"We found out I'm pregnant."
Noah whispered, her voice barely working.
Hayley gasped.
I found myself just sitting frozen as I tried to absorb what I'd just been told.
Noah chewed nervously on her lower lip, averting her gaze.
Slowly a smile spread on my lips.
She's pregnant.
At the same time as me!
"Our babies will be friends!"
I whispered, feeling my excitement bullding.
Noah snapped her gaze back to mine.
Slowly a smile spread onto her lips too, a gentle sparkle reaching her eyes.
Hayley popped off the couch to get closer to Noah so that she could hug her without having to go through me.
She whispered.
Noah laughed lightly as she hugged her back.
"Do you know... how far along you are?"
I asked tentatively.
"A little over six weeks."
Noah explained, her voice slightly squeaky as Hayley knelt down on the carpet floor between us so she could stay close.
"I...thought you were on the pill...?"
I stated carefully.
I knew that Noah had been confused upon her feelings after the mishap of a few people in town believing she was pregnant not me.
Was this something that she and Codie had decided to do?
"I am."
Noah agreed with a nod.
She then winced.
"I was. Once we found out on Saturday I haven't taken anymore of the tablets..."
"Then how...?"
Hayley asked, seemingly purposely breaking off.
I sucked in a breath.
That's a pretty personal question Hayley!
Noah shook her head slowly.
"I got a bit of food poisoning about eight weeks ago remember? Couldn't keep anything down... almost had to go to hospital but I managed to pick up in time?"
Hayley and I both nodded.
"Well the Doctor I saw believes that in that time I dispelled the affects of the pill from my system. So..."
It was an accidental pregnancy.
That made a bit more sense.
She certainly hadn't informed us yet that she wanted to try for a baby...
"How...are you coping?"
I asked concernedly.
She's stayed away from school these last two days and not answered Hayley or I...
Plus we are in year twelve...
"It's taking some time to sink in."
She admitted, wincing slightly.
"It was far from planned and part of me just has no bloody idea what to think..."
That I could understand.
I've been there myself.
Though I didn't even seen to consciously make the decision to go ahead with the pregnancy.
Before I knew it I'd grown attached to my baby.
Now I didn't know what I'd do without the little cherub growing inside my belly...
"You could have told me."
I told her, reaching over to give her hand a squeeze.
"I'm in the same boat remember?"
She offered up a small smile.
"I'm just trying to get my head around it. I promise, other than Codie and my parents you guys would be the first I'd tell."
"We love you and we're here for you."
Hayley promised, taking hold of her other hand.
Noah shot her a smile, giving her hand a squeeze.
"How's Codie coping?"
I asked, wondering if Blayze knew about this situation yet.
He hasn't dropped any hint's to me...
"I don't know how he is away from me, but around me he's been such a rock for me."
Noah whispered.
"That's good!"
Hayley chirped.
Noah smiled softly.
"Are you coming back to school any time soon?"
I asked; raising a questioning eyebrow.
Noah sighed, her shoulders slumping.
"Soon I guess..."
She agreed.
"When you're ready."
I encouraged, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.
Though she couldn't exactly take too much time off.

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