Chapter Nineteen

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The adrenaline finally wore off as the idiot Sergeant tried to basically throw me into the holding cell.
I wanted to bang my head against the rough stone wall as the metal, bar clad door shut with a clang.
I turned around, to find my best friend slumped against the adjacent wall, his head tilted back against the rough stone and his blue eyes almost closed.
I opened my mouth to speak, but apparently I was mute.
"Fucking knew we'd wind up in here together some day."
Keegan's grumble made me snap my head back toward him.
My brain seemed to automatically flash back to the last ten years.
I have literally almost as many memories with Keegan as I do Bailey.
And contrary to what he'd said, we'd been here together before.
Back when I was too new to the town to be trusted, even though the great Harley family had taken me in and Keegan was the town's shit head, we'd found ourselves in here a few times.
Shit Bailey.
She's gonna freak the hell out when she finds out about this...
And there was no way she wasn't going to find out.
Half the town saw me chase Austin the hell out of the pub and then our car's tearing out onto the Main Street with the engine's screaming in protest and the tyres squeaked as they sought traction.
Plus, I can't just lie to her.
Lying to her would be a sure fire way that would absolutely fuck up what we so far have.
With a defeated groan, I slumped back against the rough wall and ran my hands over my face.
Somebody clearing their throat made me drop my hands.
Both Keegan and I looked toward the bar's that were the gate to the cell.
Senior Constable Adam Pharryl was now standing just outside our holding cell, dressed in his Cop uniform.
The bloke is only Lukas' age, which only put's him at about eight year's older than me.
If it wasn't for the fact that he holds enough authority to keep me here, I wouldn't think twice about him.
"I know Morrison's a downright pain in the arse, but good move trynna kill him Blayze!"
He growled.
"I'm not stupid enough to kill somebody!"
I growled back, through a tightly clenched jaw.
Yes, in my life I've broken the law a few too many times.
Yes, I've gotten into far too many fight's.
But I'm a Cowboy, not a Gangster.
I might hate Austin with a passion, but I certainly wouldn't want killing him on my conscience.
It had tortured me enough to put a bullet in Quinton when he was laying at death's door.
I'd never be able to kill somebody.
"Who's makin' the first phone call?"
Senior Constable Pharryl asked, glancing between Keegan and I, apparently ignoring my protests to his judgmental and wrong assumptions.
My heart pounded as I thought of anybody I care about finding out right now that I'm here.
Isaiah's anger.
Grace's disappointment.
Kylie's dismay.
Lukas' regret at trusting me to actually be man enough to be with Bailey.
Bailey's horror...
"He can."
I gestured quickly to Keegan.
It would give me at least a few more minutes to avoid the inevitable.
My best friend shot me a glare.
"Get fucked! You're the reason this is where we're spending our Saturday night!"
Ah fuck.
"Looks like you're up then Riley."
Pharryl stated and slipped a key into the barred door to unlock it.
There was all kinds of sickening clinking and clanking noises as he went about the simple task.
It all rang in my head mockingly.
What the fuck have I done?
Pharryl swung the gate open and I had to drag my feet to make myself move.
I wracked my brain for who to call, as I followed Pharryl into the next room.
I really don't want Bailey to know about this yet.
Besides, it's not likely she's got the money to bail us out.
I couldn't even just give her my card and do it that way, because of course the pig's had stripped us of everything as soon as they'd dragged us in the Station.
I stood in front of the desk that held little more than a phone.
"Well? What're ya waitin' for?"
Pharryl all but demanded.
I'll call Heath.
I'll get him to phone Jaxon and get somebody to let Keegan and i the fuck out of here.
"I need my phone."
I told Pharryl.
"I don't know the number I need."
Faint amusement finally glinted in Pharryl's hazel eyes.
"I can get the home number for ya. Even Lukas' number if you're suddenly claimin' amnesia."
Of course I know the main number's after ten damn years.
But I'm not calling them!
At least not yet...
"I'm calling my brother, he's at the pub."
I said through clenched teeth.
Pharryl's face blanked.
He asked.
What the hell?
I snapped.
Why's he being such a god damn pain in the arse?!
"So... that wasn't just town gossip then?"
What the-?
"Not in the mood Pharryl!"
I just want to go the hell home and beg Bailey to not be too pissed at me!
Pharryl sighed visibly and audibly.
"Back in a minute."
He said in a resigned tone before he walked out the room.
I knew I was likely only getting this minor level of leniency because he's grown up with Lukas and they're friends.

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