Chapter Sixty Six

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A picture to melt your hearts 😍
P.S I'm so sorry it's been taking so long to get the updates up 😳 I hope you enjoy the chapter and haven't given up on the journey 💚

"I appreciate the call, but there's nothin' I can do for ya at the moment, Jared."
I pulled my focus off dinner prep and frowned at Blayze as he walked through the front door.
I was attempting my first Butter Chicken style curry.
At least that was the plan.
I was hesitant seeing as it was a new dish to my skill bank.
Who does he know that's even-?
"I know I've fixed problems for ya in the past."
Blayze agreed with whoever 'Jared' was as he came towards the kitchen.
Instead of approaching Me though, he headed for the fridge.
"Well Bailey had Luka two weeks ago so I'm not takin' on clients yet."
Blayze denied, his mobile clamped to his ear while he reached into the fridge to retrieve whatever it was that he was looking for.
He's done jobs for him before?
It was like a light bulb illuminated inside my brain!
Abandoning the chicken breast, I darted across the small space between us and snagged the phone, slipping it out of Blayze's clutch before he even noticed what I'd done.
He spun around to face me, a frown on his brow as I turned on my heel and put the iPhone against my ear.
I asked.
Listening to the reply should tell me if my hunch was correct.
And if my hunch was correct, I'd kick Blayze up his arse!
"Bailey Harley?"
The replying voice sounded confused.
"Where did Blayze go?"
"Mister Thompson."
I replied, shooting Blayze a disapproving glare.
Why the hell would he be turning down work from Jared Thompson?
He's only one of the richest men in our entire damn state, let alone town!
Blayze sighed both audibly and visibly and set his beer onto the kitchen bench near my food I was trying to prep.
"Is there anything I can help with?"
I asked Jared.
I'd been made to call the man 'Mr. Thompson' my whole life, or at least especially when I was speaking to him.
"Do you think you can talk Blayze into takin' a look at one of our horses for me?"
Jared questioned me back.
I'd thought as much.
I twisted around to get a look at Blayze.
He was by now leaning backwards against the nearest kitchen bench, his arms loosely folded across his wide chest.
"Do we know the horse in question?"
I asked into the phone, keeping my eyes on Blayze.
He narrowed his eyes at me.
"No it's not one Blayze has worked with."
Jared denied.
"It's a two year old Colt."
"Not winning races for ya?"
I teased.
Blayze shook his head at me.
I knew he was probsbly irritated at me.
But he'd be an idiot to turn down Jared Thompson's business.
If Jared spread word around then Blayze could kiss his reputation goodbye as if it were a bolting horse.
"Won't let anybody stay on his back."
Jared told me.
That was a new one.
"And you think Blayze can ride him out?"
I questioned.
Blayze once again narrowed his eyes at me.
"Well he's fixed enough of my horses for me to know he know's what he's doin'."
Jared informed me.
"But besides that, he is a Rodeo Cowboy. Isn't that their specialty?"
Blayze was technically an ex Rodeo Cowboy.
But there was a chance that people like Jared Thompson didn't yet know that.
"Mister Thompson, how about I have a chat with him and he can call you back tomorrow?"
I offered, pasting a smile into place even though I knew he couldn't see me.
"Well I guess if anyone can twist his arm then it's probably you."
Jared agreed.
"Give it your best shot Bailey, coz this Colt is worth good money."
"Is he a 'Rising' Colt?"
I asked hopefully.
It would be good to have a Colt with Phoenix's bloodlines come to the Farm again!
Blayze scowled at me.
"He is."
Jared agreed.
I strongly tried to resist the urge to do a happy dance.
"Blayze will get back to you tomorrow with his answer Mister Thompson."
I told him.
Jared sighed audibly.
"Thanks love. Guess if anyone might be able to talk him into it it's probably you."
I might be able to twist Blayze's arm occasionally.
But if he doesn't want to do something, he's too stubborn for even me to change his mind.
"I'll let ya go Mister Thompson."
I told him, preparing to hang up the phone and get back to making our Dinner.
Before Luka decides to wake up again...
Though he'd just fallen asleep at 6:30, so I was pretty sure it would be a few hours before he should wake up again.
"Oh Bailey?"
Jared unfortunately said, instead of the 'goodbye' I was hoping for.
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.
I questioned.
"Congratulations. I hear you had a Son?"
Gossip travles fast around a town like Riverston.
And Blayze and I had been into town earlier today with Luka for the first official time.
"We sure did."
I replied, unable to hold back my smile.
"And thank you."
"Well, we wish ya the best of luck. No doubt he'll provide us all with some entertainment in the years to come!"
I couldn't help but laugh.
"Yeah, you're not the first to predict that!"
Blayze arched a questioning eyebrow.
"I'll let ya go. I know there aren't too many peaceful hours in the day when they're young."
Jared commented.
"Yeah, I'm just getting Dinner underway."
I agreed.
"Then I'll definitely let ya go. Make sure Blayze gets back to me ASAP though."
"He'll give you a call tomorrow."
I promised.
"Righto. We'll be waitin' to hear from ya then."
"No worries. Bye Mister Thompson."
I bade.
With my chance finally there, I pulled the phone from my ear and ended the call.
Now to face Blayze...
Inhaling a deep breath, I headed back towards the kitchen bench, Blayze's phone clutched firmly in my left hand.
He just eyed me as I approached, not saying a word.
I eyed him back, trying to gauge his mood.
The way he'd narrowed his eyes at me a few times during the chat with Mr. Thompson and how he'd folded his arms across his chest, suggested he might be irritated.
But he appeared to be standing fairly relaxed, leaning backwards against the bench adjacent to the sink and not too far from my bomb site that would hopefully eventually resemble our Dinner.
Ensuring to keep my own mouth shut for a little while longer, I wordlessly held my phone holding hand out to him.
Equally silent, he slipped the mobile from my grasp and placed it onto the bench with a gentle thud sound.
Ten... nine... eight... seven... six... five... four... three... two... one...
Ten entire seconds passed and Blayze didn't yell at me.
He didn't even swear.
Frowning in confusion, I folded my own arms under my chest and lifted my chin to look at his face better.
"Why are you not yelling at me?"
He raised a questioning eyebrow, staring back at me.
"Do you want me to?"
Want him to?
Of course not!
I'm not exactly scared of Blayze, but he does piss me off when he starts yelling and punching things.
Plus, I don't want Luka to see any of that.
Or wake up to it...
"Of course not."
I told him.
"It's just..."
Completely out of character.
I'd piss him off and he would start yelling if I said any of those options!
I shrugged and turned on my heel to head back to my dinner prep.
"We'll talk when you're ready."
I said over my shoulder.

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