Chapter Seven

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- Cover by StarPumpkinpie 😍
- Thank you rodeogirl1715 for your message on my message board 😊🐎


The thing about heavily rainy day's and farm life, is that the work doesn't stop even though everybody wants to hide under cover and drink warm drink's.
It just meant that instead of taking horses out to check on the stock, the boy's took Ute's.
Being the middle of winter, it also meant the boy's were doing hay drop's to the cattle and sheep, to ensure they had enough dry roughage to aid their abilities to keep warm.
Even more so, it meant that the guy's prayed that no pipe's burst, windmill's broke, stock got sick/injured and fences met their demise, because none of those chores were fun to deal with when the ground was waterlogged and a seemingly endless supply was still pouring down from the sky.
Given my 'pregnant' status, i was in the warm house assisting Grandma and Mum with household chores while the rain pelted down on the roof and pinged off the kitchen window.
Zuke darted through the kitchen, heading for the short hall that lead to the back door, yapping away.
What the?
"I think I heard a car out the front."
Mum noted, entering the kitchen with a pile of tea towel's in her arm's.
"Wanna go check it out?"
Stifling a groan I set my cup of tea aside and followed the path my dog had taken. Once there, I grabbed the handle of the back door.
The back door where Zuke was dancing in the way, whining and his tail wagging in his typical circular motion.
"Get out the way Zuke!"
I groaned, leaning down to pull the half grown dog back.
Finally with a couple of feet of space, I pulled the back door open.
It was safe to say I was surprised to see Blayze's Mum standing on the doorstep, clutching an umbrella over her head.
"Uhh...come- come on in."
I told her, stepping back to give her some room.
"Thanks Bailey."
She said with a smile, closing her umbrella.
"Does umm... Does Blayze'"
I asked cautiously, as I closed the back door in hopes to seal off the outside winter cold.
"Well no..."
Oh great...
Suddenly Loralai looked a bit apprehensive.
"Do you think he'll be upset I just randomly showed up?"
Do I think he'll be upset...?
"Uhh... are you um here for a good reason or bad?"
Loralai looked surprised.
"Oh no, nothing's wrong or anything."
She hastily assured.
"I just... well it's been eight week's since I seen him and although we've spoken..."
I felt relief wash over me.
"You're here because you miss him?"
I clarified.
She nodded quickly.
Well then Blayze will be fine.
Though I probably should warn him...
"I had the option of a few day's off and on a bit of a whim I decided to mosey on down here."
Loralai explained, tucking her now folded umbrella into her handbag.
Well I guess the surprise visit could be considered a nice gesture...
"How about you come into the kitchen and we can fix you up a warm drink and something to eat."
I offered, giving her a small smile.
Oh man I'm sounding more and more like my Grandmother...
Luring people inside with the temptation of food and beverages is what Grandma does!
"Well... a warm coffee would be nice."
Loralai agreed.
"I think Grandma's got some baked goods on the go too."
I explained, turning to lead the way to the kitchen.
"I'll also see if I can get onto Blayze and find out what he's doing."
"I know you're no doubt tough from living out here, but I definitely wouldn't recommend braving that weather. It sure is picking up."
Loralai mentioned as we stepped into the toasty warm, delicious smelling kitchen.

Storm cloud's hung low in the sky.
All around the yard, tree's were bending due to the strength of the wind which was blowing at a high rate of knot's.
I pulled my jacket tighter around my body and did up another couple of button's, while I stood still slightly under the protection of the farm house.
Pulling my hat onto my head, I tugged it a little lower down on my forehead in hopes that would keep it on my head with this crazy wind.
I guess once this wild weather moves on we'll have some cleaning up to do...
Zuke whined at me from behind the closed back door of the house.
He wanted to come too.
But I wasn't too keen to unleash him into this stormy weather while he's still so young.
"You stay inside Zuke, you'll get blown away out here."
I told the pup.
In answer, I heard him scratch at the door.
I flinched.
Grandma would kill him if he started defacing our house and furniture.
"Cut it out."
I warned in a stern voice and gave the wooden door a flat palmed smack.
The scratching sound no longer reached my ear's.
Breathing a sigh of relief, I stepped aside and eased the screen door closed.
Now to brave crossing the yard...
Grandpa had told me that Blayze was servicing the stock truck, ready for the upcoming sheep sale on the weekend, which meant he would be over at the machinery shed.
At least that meant I'd be able to find him easily enough.
Then again, he could've needed to go and help some of the other guy's, seeing as I'd tried to call his phone but received no answer...
Oh well, the walk wouldn't hurt me.
Well, it wouldn't as long as the wind didn't throw any tree branches or sheet's of iron my way...
With a shake of my head, I stuffed my hands into my jacket pocket's and walked down the few step's onto the worn garden path.
Guilt tugged at my heart strings.
Azlan and Zeus go almost everywhere that Blayze goes.
Hewey, Dewey and Lewey are almost always out with somebody.
My hand went over my belly as my thoughts drifted towards my growing baby.
If I can't be brave enough to let Zuke out in the wind, what the heck will I do when its my Son or Daughter's turn to explore the world?
Go get your Dog Bailey.
I turned on my heel and wales back to the house to open the back door.
Zuke was laying down in front of the door, his chin propped on his white paws and staring at the bottom of the door.
"C'mon Zukey."
I urged him.
His eyes lit with their trademark sparkle once again and he shot to his feet.
He legitimately bounded out of the house like he didn't want to give me a single chance to change my mind!
Laughing softly to myself, I closed the door again.

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