Chapter Thirty One

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Thanks so much Mikayala7700 , RachelBaker976 and AddisonWilliams0 (sorry apparently I can't tag you) for your votes last chapter 😀

So, so, so, SO sorry for the longer than usual wait guys! I've had a hectic few weeks and have been doing my best to keep the updates coming for you because I know full well how frustrating it is to read an incomplete story!
This chapter is extra long and I hope you enjoy!

(I apologise in advance, it's largely unedited because well I know you were waiting, waiting, waiting and I wanted to get the update to you!)

🐎 Bailey 🐎

Doctor Legend stepped back into the hospital room and closed the door behind himself with a gentle click, in order to give us privacy.
Immediately, I could feel an uncomfortable chill gnaw at my nerves.
What's wrong?
Thankfully Doctor Legend had been able to offer me a replacement ultrasound and checkup two days after my blunder of forgetting the initial appointment.
Yet after taking note of my vital signs and running a scan on the baby, Doctor Legend's mask cracked a little as he faced me now.
"What's wrong?"
I all but squeaked, my voice refusing to work properly.
Doctor Legend released an audible breath through his slightly purses lips and eased himself back into the leather surface of his chair, folding his arms lightly across his chest.
"What's going on in the land of Bailey Harley lately?"
He questioned, his English accent standing out to me, because it seemed like ages since I'd heard it.
"N-nothing much..."
I stammered, feeling my cheeks warm a little in a blush.
Why won't he answer my question?
He always answer's my questions!
Doctor Legend tipped his head to the side, eyeing me curiously.
"Blayze couldn't get off work?"
He asked.
What's he got to do with anything?
I'm too mad at Blayze to think about him!
He has been to most of your check ups.
I stammered, my blush flaring as I dropped my gaze to the shiny floor, avoiding eye contact.
"I'm not a counsellor."
Doctor Legend's voice explained.
"But I am your Doctor and a few of your health symptom's have me doing a double take today."
I snapped my head up to look at his tanned, admittedly gorgeous but not my kind of man face.
I whispered, my voice barely working.
"Your iron levels have dropped a little, but we should be able to fix that by prescribing you an iron supplement."
That wasn't too bad right?
We had a way to deal with it...
I whispered.
Doctor Legend cautioned.
Uh oh...
That chill was back to my veins.
I squeaked.
Doctor Legend shifted forwards and placed his elbows on his knees, clasping his hands together into a loose fist and placing his chin atop his hands.
"Your blood pressure has risen."
I stared at him, not really all that sure what to do or say.
Of course I knew that every time myself or somebody I knew visited the Doctor's or Hospital, their Blood Pressure was checked.
Grandma was heavily on Grandpa's case about his Blood Pressure since his heart attack fiasco.
But I thought I was far too young to have to actually worry about my Blood Pressure.
Doctor Legend probably read my alarm in my expression, because he got to talking again.
"The problem we're facing is, there is a pregnancy complication that can occur as of around the twenty week mark, one of the biggest symptom's being High Blood Pressure."
I could literally feel the warm blood draining from my face as my palms began to feel sweaty.
"I don't want you to panic."
Doctor Legend insisted, spreading his hands in a smoothing motion.
How the hell did he expect me not to panic when he just said I could be having pregnancy complications?!
"Are you currently experiencing any situations that are making you feel stressed?"
Doctor Legend prodded.
While my heart pounded in my chest, my body and my mind alarmed at the idea of harm coming to my unborn baby, I slumped back into my chair.
"Blayze was in a Rodeo accident."
I explained.
Doctor Legend nodded.
"I did see that on the television. A colleague of mine who specialises in Sporting Injuries treated him last week."
I bit into my lower lip.
If Doctor Legend knew about Blayze, then why was he questioning if I was undergoing stress?
"Well I guess you can understand that the last couple of weeks haven't exactly been fun."
I muttered, avoiding his gaze.
"He's okay though?"
My Doctor asked.
Hot tears immediately pricked at my eyes.
I shook my head.
"I'm not sure that he is."
I squeaked.
"In what way?"
Doctor Legend questioned, propping his chin on his fisted hand again and watching me carefully.
In what way?
Well I'm pretty sure that thanks to his injuries it was a given he would be in pain.
But his response to it...
His drinking...
His staying up all night...
"I'm going to go out on a limb here..."
Doctor Legend stated somewhat cautiously.
I eyed him wearily.
Where was he going with this?
"You two are quite close."
Doctor Legend suggested.
I nodded slowly, still unsure as to where he was going with this.
"From what I've seen, you both become pretty engulfed in each order's feelings and emotions, whether they're good ones to get tied into or not."
Okay now he was beginning to sound like a Doctor.
"What are you saying?"
I whispered.
"If Blayze isn't coping post accident and it's placing stress and anxiety on you, you really need to take a step back."
"But he needs me."
I whispered, tears stinging my eyes once again.
"Bailey, from a Doctor's perspective I'm concerned you could have Preeclampsia."
I asked, my heart pounding in my chest.
It seemed like I'd heard that name before, but I couldn't seem to place where or why.
Doctor Legend explained.
"High Blood Pressure is one of the strong indicators. But from a purely human perspective with a little Doctor history, I would be beckoned to believe there's a chance you're feeling stressed and have had a rise in your BP."
My heart was literally pounding in my chest.
A nervous sweat was starting on my palms.
"H-how do we f-find out? What h-happens if I..?"
I swallowed hard, tears blurring my vision.
What if my baby is in danger?
Instinctively, I placed my hands gently against the swell of my belly.
"I would like us to run a urine test, because your mineral levels in your urine will give us more answers."
Doctor Legend explained, completely straight faced.
I bit into my slightly trembling lower lip and nodded quickly.
I'd do anything.
Well, anything that wouldn't harm my baby any more...
Doctor Legend nodded and pushed himself out of his chair.
He crossed to a large cabinet and pulled out some supplies.
"Take this cup into the adjoining bathroom and... well you need to get at least half the cup full of your urine."
A blush flared on my cheeks as I avoided eye contact and took the plastic cup from him.
I stood on slightly shaky knees and headed for the small adjoining bathroom.
All I could think as I sat on the toilet seat, willing myself to pee, was please be okay my little Cowboy or Cowgirl.

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