Chapter Fifty Eight

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Because the Western's are legends, they gave Hayley, Noah and I each a room at the hotel for graduation day and night.
Hayley and I drove into town in my car (yes, I handed Hayley the keys and let her drive the beast for the first time!) and we met Noah in the front room of the Riverston Hotel at 11am.
Friday the 11th of November.
I could hardly believe the day was finally here.
Today, Hayley, Noah and I were going to see each other's dresses for the first time.
Even more importantly, we were about to mark off a final milestone in our schooling and yet another milestone in our friendship.
Hayley and I had been friends since our nappy days, thanks to being neighbours and our Mum's being childhood friends.
We met Noah when we were all four year's old and started Kindergarten.
"Here ya go."
Pulling myself out of my trip down memory lane, I accepted a room key from Sally Western.
I offered her a smile.
"Thanks Sally."
"You three are so not leaving here tonight without me seeing you all primped up ready for the ceremony!"
Sally warned, her gaze shifting between my best friends and I.
"You're not going?"
Hayley asked, surprised.
It was kind of news to me too.
Sally pouted and shook her head.
"There's not enough room for tagalong's."
She was right.
Each graduate had a designated amount of ticket's assigned to their name for people who support them to attend and you could buy a few more for extra money if necessary.
The allocated number was 5.
How the hell they expected us to just have 5 people to come was beyond me.
The standard family these days had at least that number of people!
Blayze, Mum, Jaxon, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Lukas and Aunty Bridey meant I was already at seven people.
The good thing was, thanks to Heath being in the graduating class with me, it was a little easier to manage the guest list.
He apparently had nobody that he wanted to attend other than Blayze and it was kind of a given that Blayze would attend, because of Me, so we were sharing the guest list between our allocated 10 tickets.
Noah was in strife.
She had nine siblings, plus her two (albeit divorced) parents.
Plus there was Codie and member's of his family, who had deemed Noah a member of their family.
I wasn't even sure how much money the Zannox's had forked out on extra tickets.
"I think we can manage showing you."
Noah assured Sally.
"So long as we don't find ourselves running late..."
Sally smirked.
"Or your boyfriend's don't come and gate crash your rooms!"
Hayley raised a hand like a school girl who wanted to answer her Teacher.
"Well we can get ready in my room, because I don't have a boyfriend."
She suggested.
Sally just laughed!
"Still don't think it would take Blayze and Codie long to track ya down!"
Probably not.
But I highly doubted they were interested in the dramatics that was apparently 'girls getting ready for graduation'.
I was already feeling nauseated from the 'to do' lists I'd heard other girls raving on about.
However, it was pretty cool that Blayze and I had a hotel room to come back to after the ceremony!
No doubt he'd just choose to drive us home anyway, but a girl could dream.
"I'll leave you girls to it."
Sally told us with a warm smile, taking a long step backwards.
"Sing out if you need anything."
"Thank you Sally."
I told her sincerely.
The Western's definitely didn't have to do any of this for us.
Yet they were.
Free of charge.
Completely out of the goodness of their heart's.
"Go on and enjoy yourselves."
Sally insisted, waving us towards the stairs.
Enjoy ourselves?
I was beginning to feel sick with nerves.
A dress.
It was all sickeningly sophisticated and so not me.
"Come on."
Hayley wasn't usually one to take charge in a situation, but she did today, hitching her overnight bag (that looked more like a lifetimes supply suitcase if you asked me) onto her shoulder and heading for the long staircase.
Noah released a long breath.
"Well... here goes nothin'..."
I shot her a wry smile.
At least one person appeared to be on the same page as me.
We followed Hayley to the long, carpet covered staircase and the three of us began to climb our way up.

The hotel room was mostly open plan, with the door leading you almost directly into the kitchen that splayed out to the left.
There was a walking space past the kitchen that then opened up into the lounge area, with a long L shaped sofa along the left wall, facing a large flat screen TV that was hung up on the right wall.
A large window filled the back wall, overlooking green land that was slowly beginning to dry out and a lake which had a track around it that town's people apparently used to get exercise.
On the right hand side wall, there was an open doorway which allowed me to already see the bedroom which had a large, no doubt Queen or King sized bed in it.
There were no other door's, so I was guessing the bathroom was in the bedroom.
Dragging my overnight bag, I headed into the bedroom to dump it there.
Our room's went in the order of mine at number 20, Noah's number 21 and Hayley's number 22.
We hadn't discussed which room we would get ready in, or when to group up again, because we'd all been a bit too ridiculously excited to scope out our given room for the night.
I set my bag on the end of the bed which was made up with white sheets and light blue decorative cushions and I headed around the bottom of the bed to poke my head into the open bathroom door.
It was pretty much all white, with light blue towels hung on the towel rack and a couple of light blue mats on the floor, one in front of the shower door and the other in front of the toilet.
Simple, but matching.
I turned around and made my way back out into the open area.
What the heck to do now?

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