Chapter Five

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- cover by StarPumpkinpie 😍
Thank you Mikayala7700 and StarPumpkinpie for your votes last chapter! They're highly appreciated 😍

"I'll be back in once I bring the horses in for Blayze to tend to their hooves."
I informed Grandma, placing a pile of breakfast dishes onto the bench alongside the sink which she was filling with warm, soapy water.
"No worries Dear."
She told me with a kind smile.
I nodded and turned on my heel to head outside.
Phoenix was one of the horses due to have his feet trimmed, so I wanted to be the one to bring the horses up to the hitching rails.
Plus, leading the working horses around was one of the few chores that was still considered 'Bailey Friendly' so I was going to keep doing it while I could.
Pushing the screen door aside, I was met with an overly excited Zuke.
"C'mon Ratbag."
I told him, laughing lightly as I bent to pat him.
The thing about dog's and horses?
No matter what, they'll always greet you with excitement and a clean slate.
Maybe we human's need to learn to take a leaf out of their book...
My brain flashed back to the twin like raven haired girl's from Saturday night.
One was hanging off Blayze like a burr to a sheep's tail.
The other even danced with Jaxon!
Bugger the 'clean slate' idea.
This shit needed attacking with a sledgehammer.
With a shake of my head, I made my way to the yard gate.
Saturday night I stayed with Blayze because I was too exhausted by the time we finally got home to force myself to put up an argument in the wee hours of the Sunday morning.
Plus, we had a sleepy Tameron with us.
Yesterday once he took Tameron back to Rikki, I let rip.
Well, mostly I just ended up staying in my lonesome old single bed bedroom...
Even Saturday night he'd gotten the message that I was angry.
But I'm trying to practice being an adult and putting my shit aside when innocent child ear's and eyes are around.
The yard gate closed behind me with a twang and Zuke bounded to catch up to me, his pink tongue flopping out the side of his mouth.
Troy greeted, coming toward me but obviously heading for the Main House.
I replied, pulling my jacket around my body a little more snugly.
The sky was vast and grey, the heavy set of a few cloud's promising some rain.
The cloud's seemed to match by dark mood.
But I was going to have to do my best to set my mood aside, because I was about to fetch a few horses.
Hopefully Blayze has disappeared off somewhere and I can bring the horses up for him and not have to actually run into him.
Yeah like that'll happen...
The proof hit me in the fact that Azlan and Zeus came barrelling out of the tack shed, sprinting in Zuke and I's direction.
Zuke put an extra burst of speed on to meet his doggy friends in the middle of the farm yard.
If they've come out of the tack shed...
Well isn't this just great!
I have to go into the shed to get halter's so I can bring the horses up!
Breathing a sigh, I trudged toward the open Tack Shed doorway.

The shed was lit with a dim couple of light bulbs.
The rich scent of leather assaulted my senses in a super sweet, familiar way.
It was a smell that I connected with home.
I glanced around the large, dimly lit shed and bit my lip seeing Blayze standing by the shelves that held the hoof care equipment.
He was organising the tool's he'd need for the morning's chore.
He turned around, obviously sensing or hearing my arrival.
My heart immediately began to beat harder in my chest as we locked gazes across the shed.
His deep, slightly husky voice basically sang straight to my soul.
And right now I hated it.
I replied, ensuring to keep my voice guarded and headed for the wall of hook's with halter's and rope's hung up.
"How did you sleep?"
For two damn night's in a row now!
Even though I'd slept beside him Saturday night, I'd not been able to turn my brain off.
But I couldn't let him know any of that.
I dismissed, reaching first for Phoenix's lime green halter.
Next I grabbed Narnia's purple halter and leadrope, then Gabbi's pink one and Cupid's light blue one.
The four of them are friends, so I should be able to handle leading them all at once.
I heard Blayze's boots scuff on the cement floor behind me.
Please don't do this now.
I silently begged.
"Can you just stop cold shouldering me?"
His upset, but mostly frustrated voice sounded not far behind my shoulder.
"I'm not."
I denied, my heart rate picking up as I could feel his body behind mine.
"You are."
"I'm not hashing this out now."
I denied, spinning on my heel to head out of the shed and catch the horses.
"What the hell's going on? You're not normally like this!"
Blayze exclaimed, grabbing my arm as I tried to walk past.
"Like what?"
I hissed, whirling around to face him, the rope's all slapping against my jeans covered legs.
"You know damn well what! Normally you'll tell me exactly what's on your mind!"
That much was true.
But over the last couple of days I just couldn't work out what to say.
I was still trying to work it out.
"I've got work to do Blayze. I can't talk about our problem's right now."
He looked bewildered.
"I didn't think we had any problems!"
Once a boy, always a boy.
Even if they grow up to look like a man.
"And that look says it all..."
Blayze sighed, stepping back and letting his hand drop from my arm.
I shook my head and headed for the door.
Maybe one day he'll wake up and understand.

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