Chapter Fifteen

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Thank you so much musiclady6, Kenmcham and RachelBaker976 for your votes on chapter 14! 😀

Thanks also to Rachel and jaymonkey for your comments! 😀


Blayze was driving, Keegan was riding Shotgun, Hayley, Noah and I were taking up the middle bench seat and Tristan was passed out in the back seat.
As tired as I was, I seemed to have caught a bit of a second wind as we drove towards home, the tyres of Blayze's Ute churning through the waterlogged roads, downed tree's all over the place and Emergency Services vehicles dotted around the place working to do damage control.
It now seemed like the eye of the storm had passed and we were in the weaker aftermath.
Heavy cloud's were still around, but there were now fragments of blue sky breaking through the grey mass.
The wind was less fierce, allowing Emergency Services teams to begin dealing with the fallen tree's which were obstructing the road.
Red and orange lights flashed in the gloomy environment as the CFS and SES truck's alerted us to their presence.
Not that you can miss those huge ass vehicles...
Blayze slightly twisted around in the driver's seat.
"Wanna check in with Codie Noah?"
He asked.
"Is he here?"
Noah straightened in her place, the seat belt straining slightly.
"He was somewhere 'round here when we came through."
Keegan explained, leaning forward to peer out of the windshield where the wiper's were still waving backwards and forwards across the glass to remove water.
Blayze reached for the UHF microphone and plucked it out of it's cradle.
Out here, we 'average' people can be on the same channel as the Emergency Services, especially in the occasion of Fire or Storm.
"You on channel Codes?"
He asked.
There was a moment of silence, while the tyres churned through the mud and water, the vehicle being in 4x4 mode pretty much since we'd left the school.
Suddenly the UHF crackled.
"Yeah mate, what's up?"
Codie's voice replied.
"Where are you at?"
Blayze returned.
The radio crackled again.
"Pretty much not far from where we were before. Please tell me you're not stuck."
Codie sounded frustrated in his reply.
I suppose he'd be rightfully frustrated.
Who know's when he'd have gotten the call out to help the community.
Codie is a member of our regional CFS crew and even in a storm like today's, the CFS can be called in to help, because although more water wouldn't be helpful, the CFS do have other tools and skills that are useful.
"No we're not stuck."
From my position in the middle seat, I managed to glimpse Blayze roll his eyes.
"Gettin' bogged ain't beneath even you today Blayze."
Codie replied.
"One of our truck's had to pull another one out coz fuck-wit was driving the one that got stuck."
"My name's not Brian Walton Codie."
Blayze retorted.
Codie's laughter resonated through our car, but it was clear we'd missed the beginning of it.
"You got it!"
"Of course I did. Now d'you wanna see Noah or what?"
Blayze asked.
The rest of the car snickered.
It was clear that Blayze was as over today as everybody else was.
"What the hell are you on about? I haven't even been able to speak to her. The last message I got she sent to me at like eleven."
"I'm sure you of all people understand cell service is down. Noah's in the car with us now, we're helpin' her get home."
Blayze explained.
"Oh good! You know the truck I'm with."
Codie responded.
Blayze told him.
"I gotta go."
Codie explained.
"We'll see ya in a bit."
Blayze told him and set the UHF receiver back into the cradle.

Noah's family's home, was pretty much half way between town and our farm's.
It was in a strange cluster of what was basically a kind of neighbourhood.
But, there was no shop and no bitumen roads.
I knew the tale to be, that some thirty years ago a farmer gave up his land.
The new buyer didn't need/want all the massive acres (the property was close to as large as my family's), so they'd essentially 'subdivided' a chunk of the acres, of one of the boundary paddocks, fairly close to the Riverston to Mildura road.
Noah's newlywed parents brought a lot there and built their home.
They'd only just moved in, when Noah's eldest brother Aarian was born.
The rest of the Zannox brood soon followed, with the most of about two years being between the siblings, except for the 'accidental' eleven year old twins.
Blayze guided the Ute through the familiar track's to the cute white picket fence that Noah's Mum Lizzie was so proud of.
"Thanks so much for the lift."
Noah told Blayze as she unbuckled her seat belt.
"No worries."
He replied, leaving the car to idle in the gravel driveway while Noah got herself organised to dash inside.
She didn't really have to worry though, because the rain had once again stopped.
The wooden front door of Noah's home swung open and Lizzie dashed out onto the wrap around porch, pulling a long coat snugly around her body as she hammered down the half a dozen steps.
"Better go face the worry wart."
Noah muttered with a roll of her eyes, pulling her backpack up off the floor to perch it on her lap.
"Thanks again for the lift everyone."
She bade.
"We'll talk to ya once we get some phone service back."
I told her.
She nodded, pushed her door open and slid out of the raised Ute.
Lizzie spotted the opened door and raced around to the passenger side of the Ute.
"My baby!"
She cried, throwing her arm's around Noah.
"Mum I'm fine!"
Noah protested.
"They're so cute!"
Hayley noted, laughter lacing her voice.
Lizzie practically pushed her youngest daughter toward the safety of their two storey home.
Noah went obediently, but twisted around half way to wave at us and offer us an apologetic grimace.
"My god are you all okay?!"
I jumped in surprise, with Lizzie's voice booming into the Ute's interior.
Noah's Mum was leaning in through the door that her daughter had abandoned just moments ago.
"We're fine Mrs. Zannox."
Our group chorused.
"Thank you so much for bringing Noah home!"
Lizzie gushed.
Blayze twisted around slightly in the driver's seat.
"Not a problem Mrs. Zannox."
"You all travel safely."
Lizzie insisted.
"The weather might have calmed a lot, but I don't doubt it's still risky as hell on the road."
"We'll be careful Mrs. Z."
Keegan promised.
Funny how he said that, yet Blayze is the one who's driving...
"I'll let ya get home."
Noah's Mum told us and stepped back quickly so she could shut the door.

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