Chapter Twenty

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Thank you to Mikayala7700 , RachelBaker976 and marnimiddleton123 for your comments on the last chapter! Made me so excited! 😍


I drifted awake, to the gentle warble of birds outside the window in the gum tree and a stream of winter sunlight shining through a gap in the dark blue curtains.
Next my ear's registered the soft drones of a music show on the television out in the lounge room and the sizzle of what I could assume to be bacon frying in the kitchen.
Blinking my eyes open, I came to realise that I was alone in the large bed.
My heart clenched a little with disappointment as I realised Blayze had left me behind in bed again.
An uncomfortable pressure down in my bladder informed me that I too was due to get my butt out of bed.
As the weeks we're going by, I was beginning to find it harder and harder to ignore my urges to perform the normal bodily function known as peeing.
Mum had already informed me that by the end of the pregnancy (and after it), I was highly likely to have to go find somewhere to relieve myself as soon as I felt the need, or risk wetting myself.
Deciding to get my practice in, I tossed the blankets aside and dragged myself out of the bed into the crisp winter air.
Damn it I'm gonna need that jumper I ditched...
I grabbed the jumper off the end of the bed and pulled it over my head as I walked to the door.
Blayze nor Heath were in the lounge room portion of the cottage, so I had nobody to say good morning to as I stepped out of the bedroom.
Stuffing my hands into the kangaroo pouch of the Bullzye hoody, I headed down the short hall to the bathroom.

Walking back to the main area of the cottage, I could now hear Blayze and Heath chatting.
"That chick who hit on you tried her luck with me when you stormed out."
Heath's voice said, from in the direction of the kitchen.
I stopped in my track's.
Some girl was trying her luck with Blayze last night?
Blayze groaned.
"Don't tell me you had a go with the town bike?"
Uh oh just who is he referring to?
I could pretty much list on one hand the names of the girls who were well known around town for umm...
Kayla McLennan is the bitch from my school who loves to get under my skin, Suzannah's eldest sister.
As far as I'm aware she's the same age as Blayze, Keegan, Codie and Joel.
She's got four kids to apparently three different Father's.
Her next younger sister, Leah is something like twenty-three years old and she's got two kids already, both to two different Dad's.
Monique, the twenty year old apparently has a brain different to her sister's and she's off in Adelaide studying a Medical degree in one of their Universities.
It could just be that I hate Suzannah, because ever since High School started she's been such a wretched bitch, but in my opinion she was set to take after Kayla and Leah, not Monique.
The rumour's at school say that she's already been through almost the entire football team, as well as other guy's.
Juliana who work's at the Chocolate Bar and is on a gap year from Uni and her twenty year old (or is she twenty-one now?) sister Renee are the other two who are well known for as Grandma would say, 'disrespecting their bodies'.
So which of the above (given Blayze's reply comment to Heath I had to assume it was one of those four), who'd thrown herself at Blayze last night?
"I was tempted."
Heath confessed.
"But I already had somebody else keen and then Troy warned me she's had more meat through her than the local Butcher."
I was torn between hanging around to eavesdrop more, or get the hell away from hearing this conversation.
If I hung around, I'd at least hear what they wouldn't sensor if they knew I was around.
Most of that would probably be damn mentally scarring given what I'd already heard.
But at least I might get a legitimate insight as to how this chick, whoever she was, had approached Blayze.
Get out of here Bailey you don't want to hear it.
The reasonable voice in my head urged.
She was definitely right.
I was more than content to listen to the nice way that the boy's speak about women.
With a shake of my head, I walked back to the bedroom to get dressed for the day.
"Does Bailey know she hit's on you a lot?"
I froze with my hand on the bedroom door handle.
"She hit's on everybody Heath. You just told me she found you last night as well."
My heart seemed to beat a little easier.
"That still didn't answer my question,"
Heath stated pointedly.
No, it didn't.
"How didn't it? I'm not special to her, she just hasn't given up and I don't understand why since the answer has been no for the last ten years."
He's never slept with this girl?
"Hold up! You've never been with her?"
Heath sounded if anything more surprised than me!
"Fuck no."
It sounded like Blayze scowled.
Heath sounded amazed.
"Why the hell does that surprise you so god damn much?"
Blayze's voice demanded.
"I just assumed..."
"I'm not talkin' about this any longer."
I heard movement.
I scurried into the bedroom quickly and shut the door behind me as quietly as I possibly could, while still being in a hurry.
That's what you get for eavesdropping, almost getting caught.
I grabbed some jeans, a bra and a t-shirt and slipped out of my pyjamas and got dressed.
Next, I grabbed my handbag and rummaged through it to find Blayze's belongings so I could give them back to him.
I guess at some point today he'll at least need his phone and probably his keys.
I accidentally pressed a button on the side of his phone and caused the screen to light up in my hand.
A bunch of notifications were evident on Blayze's phone.
- TROY P: 1:16AM: 😂 lmfao
- TYRON: 1:16AM: 😂 shit bro you never fail to give me a laugh!
- ALEX: 1:17AM: Shit man that was GOLD 😂 👏🏼
- XALAN: 1:17AM: 😂 shit dude you made me spill my BEER! 🍻
- Joel: 1:18AM: 😂😂😂😂😂
LEAH; 1:18AM: Oh that was amazing! 😂
CODIE: 1:19AM: Fill me in! Fill me in! Fill me in!
- JAKE: 1:19AM: 💪🏼 you told er bro 😂
- SHAYNE: 1:20AM: Bam! 💪🏼👊🏻🖐🏻
- ADAM: 1:20AM: Fuck man that was awesome! 😂
- KYLE: 1:21AM: 😂😂😂😂
- SALLY: 1:21AM: LMFAO 😂
- ANNA: 7:47AM: My god PLEASE tell me I didn't DREAM you blasting Kayla last night! 😳😱😀😂
- DAISY: 7:57AM: Please please please tell me that was real! 😍😂
- ELLA: 8:08AM: Shit that was the BEST night at the pub in SO LONG! 😀😍😂
- GEORGIA: 8:18AM: Oh my god that was AMAZING 👍🖐🏻👏🏼
- LUKE: 8:20AM: 😂😂😂😂
- HOLLY: 8:21AM: My god Kayla's MORTIFIED 😂😂😂
- MATT: 8:22AM: Shit bro that was the best 👏🏼😂
- ISABEL: 8:23AM: 🎉🎉🎉 you scalded her once again 😂👍👏🏼 though I've never seen ya take it THAT far 😂
- JACOB: 8:24AM😂 you rock Riley! 👍💪🏼🖐🏻👏🏼
- JESSI: 8:25AM: God I could FEEL the heat from that BURN 😂😀👍👏🏼🖐🏻
- DIEGO: 8:26AM: How the hell did I miss that?! Everybody's telling me! 😩
- KELLIE: 8:27AM: Wow 😳 guess she got to ya this time 🙄lol
If there was more, I couldn't see them because the lock screen wouldn't scroll any further.
How does he know so many people?
Why does he have so many girls' numbers?
Why are they all texting about whatever happened last night?
Due to the text's I could kind of gather it (or most of it) was about whoever had tried their moves on Blayze last night.
I jumped in surprise as I heard the door swish open across the carpet.
I spun around, clutching the phone to my chest while my heart pounded inside my chest.
Blayze looked surprised.
Maybe not as surprised as me, but surprised nonetheless.
"You're up."
I squeaked, my voice for some reason not coming out properly.
Blayze eyed me suspiciously.
"Why have you got your 'crap I got caught' face and voice on?"
I dismissed quickly.
I grabbed his wallet, keys and even the wretched smokes off the bed and walked across the room to meet him.
"Here's your stuff I accidentally left you without last night."
He lifted his hands and slowly (cautiously maybe?) took the item's from my outstretched hands.
"Umm I-I seen that there's pe-people talking about s-something that apparently h-happened last night."
Damn it!
Why am I stuttering?
I'm definitely not helping my case at pleading innocent!
Wearing a frown of curiosity, Blayze pressed a button on the side of his phone to light up the screen.
His gaze drifted down the screen, then he unlocked the phone.
My heart was in my throat as I watched him scan his phone.
With a shake of his head, he locked it and started to slot the item's into his jeans pockets.
"People just love gossip."
He muttered.
"Are you gonna tell me what happened?"
Thankfully this time I didn't stutter.
But I hated the vulnerable edge that was so easily detected in my voice.
"I thought that first thing's first you'd wanna talk about why me and Keegan wound up sharing a jail cell."
Oh yeah.
How did I apparently forget about that?
I sighed and turned around to walk back to the bed and sit down.
"Great. So our list is growing then."
I sighed.
"There doesn't have to be a list."
Blayze groaned, walking over to join me.
"Yes a chick might have... offered herself last night. But Number One) I'm definitely not stupid enough to accept. Number Two) I told her no as always and definitely didn't let her even touch me. Number Three) Since you read the messages that have apparently flooded my phone, you'd see that I told her to shut up and fuck off."
"Why'd she make a pass at you?"
I hated the vulnerable note in my voice, but I couldn't exactly help it.
I'm not a robot.
Even without being pregnant and having the extra hormones and emotions, I'd still be uncomfortable with knowing girls throw themselves at my boyfriend!
"Please tell me we're not having this conversation again where I have to tell you that I'm not interested in anybody else."
I dragged my eyes up to look at Blayze's face, clenching my hands into one large fist in my lap.
"I didn't say I don't trust you."
I learned my lesson the last time we argued over this crap.
"I asked why some girl was hitting on you?"
He scowled.
"Fuck knows! You'd think after ten year's she'd understand it's not gonna happen."
"She's been after you for ten years?"
Yes I'd heard he and Heath talk about it.
But it still surprised me he'd never gone there.
"Will you understand things a bit more if I tell you she dated Codie back before I even moved here? They were still together when I arrived. She cheated on him."
For one fleeting moment, I had the sickening feeling that the person 'she' had cheated on Codie with, was him.
But that didn't make much sense considering he was saying for ten year's she's tried to be with him and he's knocked her back.
Plus, the Blayze I know has a hell of a lot more loyalty than that.
He's been friends with Codie for almost as long as he's been a resident here in Riverston.
"So you've never been with her because she hurt Codie?"
I whispered.
Does Noah know about this 'she'?
It would kind of make sense to some of their relationship issues...
He agreed.
"And she's been with so many guys that even my single self could never think of it as a compliment."
"What are you on about your... 'single self'?"
I asked, confused.
He looked at me like I was a six pack short of a carton.
A lettuce leaf short of a salad.
There buck's short of a shout.
A couple snags short of a barbie.
I asked wearily.
He rolled his eyes.
"Okay you're gonna hear a whole load of shit from people around town, so I'll tell you what counts okay?"
I probably wasn't going to like it.
But at least I was fairly confident he'd at least tell me the truth.
"I was kickin' myself for my earlier fuck up. Then the fact that you were pissed at me and I didn't really know how I was gonna fix that."
I interrupted him, a vice like grip going around my heart.
"Blayze don't bother with excuses just-"
"I'm tellin' you what happened."
He insisted, placing his hand on my thigh just above my knee.
I bit my lower lip in an attempt to keep myself quiet.
"Kayla came over to me and... offered to help cheer me up."
Blayze rolled his eyes.
"I told her no and stepped away when she reached out to touch my arm."
I felt my heart pang a little at the notion of another girl trying to touch him.
But I tried to push it aside and keep listening with an open mind.
"Because she's Kayla she kinda as usual wasn't ready to listen to no so... well when I told her she and the whole town know by now that I'm off the market she kinda blew off our relationship as being anything substantial and said you wouldn't need to know."
Now it felt like somebody punched me in the heart.
I literally struggled to bring in my next breath.
Why would a girl be such a heartless bitch?
No wonder Suzannah's the way she is...
"Don't worry."
Blayze squeezed my leg gently.
Don't worry?
How am I meant to not worry?
"Her face already pisses me off, considering she hasn't listened to me for ten years, she cheated on my best friend and broke his heart and most of all, she insulted you (even though she didn't say you by name) and degraded our relationship. So I was really fucking mad at her. I let rip on her over all three matters, drained my drink, went to get the keys off Troy but Keegan said he'd bail with me so he drove his car back and dropped me home."
The messages I'd glimpsed and the story he'd just told me led me to one conclusion.
"Uh oh... you went off at her in true Blayze form didn't you?"
A tiny weeny part of me felt a bit sorry for the girl.
Most of me felt satisfied as hell though.
Stupid bitch deserved everything she got for trying her shit with him!
Blayze now wore a frown.
"Of course."
With a smile, I shifted forward, gently cupped each side of his face with my hands and lightly moulded my lips to his.
Immediately he kissed me back, his hands going around to rest on my lower back.
"Breakfast is up!"
Heath's voice called from the direction of the kitchen.
Blayze broke our kiss and planted a final chaste one on my lips.
"I can't have bacon."
I reminded.
"So tell Heath thanks but I'll rustle something up."
"He knows ya can't right now. He's done ya poached eggs."
As if on cue, my stomach growled.
We both laughed.
Blayze pushed to his feet and extended a hand to help me up.
"We're not done talking."
I warned.
He rolled his eyes.
"I know. But we'd better go eat this breakfast."

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