Chapter Forty Two

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It felt as though somebody stabbed me straight in the heart.
Blayze's words echoed in my head.
I didn't do anything.
But was that even true if they're arresting him for assault?
I jumped in surprise as suddenly Blayze threw an elbow, clocking Senior Constable Pharryl straight in the cheek, then breaking away from him, one side of the handcuffs attached to his left wrist.
Sergeant Clarkson roared, clutching his folder against his side.
I managed to briefly tear my gaze away from Blayze to see that Codie too had broken free from the Police, except he wasn't wearing even half the handcuffs yet.
His pair were on the floor, the silver glinting against the dark blue carpet.
I looked quickly back to Blayze who was now standing a few feet from three of the Police Officer's, his broad shoulder's set wide and his fists clenched at his sides.
"What the fuck are you on about?!"
He demanded, the anger easily detected on and in both his face and voice.
My veins thrummed with nerves.
"Shut up and cooperate or things will get a whole lot worse!"
Sergeant Clarkson snarled, his angry grey glare snapping from Blayze to Codie.
"When exactly was this supposed to happen?!"
Codie demanded, looking as angry as Blayze.
"Tyron Reynolds was found this morning in critical condition. He's in hospital on life support."
Sergeant Clarkson noted, his face masked in a practiced expression of indifference.
My heart dropped.
Life support?
Tyron might be going through a very difficult time since the death of his twin, but did he deserve to be beaten up badly enough that he wound up in hospital with machines helping him to live?!
How could a Policeman be so callous about such an event?
"Well it fucking wasn't us!"
Blayze yelled.
Whisper's arose around the hotel's dining room.
"They were hunting last night with us."
Joel stated, slowly rising from his chair, a weary but irritated expression on his face as he eyed the Police Officer's.
"Your input is not needed Joel."
Sergeant Clarkson dismissed him.
"Are you fucken kidding?!"
Keegan demanded, springing out of his chair, his anger radiating off him in waves.
"Quiet Keegan!"
Sergeant Clarkson warned, his beady eyes steely.
"I didn't touch him!"
Blayze said through a tightly clenched jaw, his voice low.
I could easily see the ridge of muscle along his jawline, letting me know just how mad he was.
Sergeant Clarkson narrowed his grey eyes mockingly at him.
"Save that one for the judge!"
He sneered.
My god!
Why does he have to be such an arsehole?!
"Don't fucken touch me!"
Blayze snapped at Senior Constable Pharryl, taking a step backward as the man in uniform approached him.
"Shut up and stand still or we'll taser you!"
Sergeant Clarkson ordered.
I flinched.
Blayze shot a glance sideways in my direction, meeting my eyes.
He was by now standing just mere metres away, thanks to breaking away from the cops.
Except, this position basically had him trapped in by the tables, the wall and the Police.
I felt like my heart was lodged in my throat.
Oh god no.
No, no, no!
My chest began to feel constricted.
Blayze clenched his jaw and his fists and ripped his green-blue gaze away from mine, to glare at Uncle Lukas' Policeman friend.
"I'm sorry Blayze but you're gonna need a good Lawyer. He's not in a good way."
I just managed to hear Senior Constable Pharryl mutter as he slowly and seemingly wearily closed the distance between he and Blayze.
I froze in my place, my heart pounding inside my chest like a caged animal that wanted out.
They can't do this!
Blayze dropped his glare to the carpet covered floor and let Senior Constable Pharryl finish hand cuffing his wrists.
Senior Constable Pharryl closed the cuffs with a sickening metallic click, then placed a hand on Blayze's shoulder.
Blayze ordered before Senior Constable Pharryl could drag him off, most likely to the Police Station.
Senior Constable Pharryl raised a questioning eyebrow at him, waiting.
Blayze started to pull the Officer in my direction.
I remained frozen on my feet, my eyes widening as a hand cuffed Blayze and the Police Officer approached me.
Blayze stopped about two feet in front of me, his gaze roaming over my face which I'm sure gave away my mounding fear.
"Your keys are in my front right pocket."
He muttered.
Oh yeah.
He'd gotten Keegan to drive to meet Hayley and I, then he'd driven my car to Harrison's and then into town.
Biting into my lower lip and blinking hard against the burning, salty tears in my eyes, I cautiously stepped closer to him.
I guess he wasn't going to be able to give me the keys considering his arms were cuffed behind his back.
My hands were lightly shaking as I attempted to get my fingers into the front right pocket of his dark wash jeans.
"Don't cry."
Blayze whispered.
His words alerted me to the wet sensation trickling down my cheeks.
Don't cry?
How the hell was I supposed to do that?
Biting into my lower lip, I slipped my Ute's keys out of Blayze's pocket and forced myself to look up to his face, even though I knew he would absolutely hate to see my tears.
His face twisted with pain.
"Bailey do you want me to call Lukas? Get him to come pick you up?"
Senior Constable Pharryl offered.
I offered him an angered glare in return.
"What I want is for you to let Blayze go!"
I all but growled.
"He's done nothing wrong!"
My veins were thrumming with a dangerous combination of anger and nerves.
"He's not goin' anywhere Little Miss."
My skin crawled as the new voice joined our little group.
Blayze's blue-green eyes ignited with a protective fury.
I actually even noticed Senior Constable Pharryl clench his jaw.
Does he not like his superior coworker?
"He's not goin' anywhere except the cells."
I flinched at Arsehole Sergeant Clarkson's grating voice.
"Don't speak to her!"
I snapped my gaze up to Blayze's face.
He's going to have to watch his mouth though.
Sergeant Clarkson holds power, which means he can make Blayze's life extremely difficult if he so pleases.
I twisted around to look at the Sergeant.
With a bald head and a protruding gut, his facial skin tinted pink, I wondered how he actually managed to do a Policeman's job.
Don't they have to chase people and stuff?
He hardly looked fit enough for that!
"Little Miss?"
I asked, really fighting the urge to place my hands on my hips.
"My name's Bailey Harley."
I informed him.
Somebody snickered.
But was it Blayze or Senior Constable Pharryl?
Sergeant Clarkson seemed to choke on his breath, his beedy grey eyes widening.
"G-get these two loaded!"
Sergeant Clarkson snapped at Senior Constable Pharryl before he turned on his heel and stomped away.
"Go home Bails."
I whirled around to look at Blayze, my heart racing.
"Go home? Why? Then how the hell are you going to get back?"
He pressed his lips into a line and released a sigh.
"These guys have it their way and I won't be gettin' out 'till Wade can get here anyway."
He muttered.
My heart dropped like a stone in the river.
"I-I'll call Jax!"
I promised him.
Blayze grimaced.
"He's gonna fucken love this one."
I winced.
"Come on."
Senior Constable Pharryl nudged Blayze towards the archway.
With a defeated sigh and a last glance my way, Blayze quite clearly grudgingly began to walk.
Another Officer with a bald head and a goatee joined them, his hand on Codie's shoulder.
"How the fuck did this happen?"
I managed to hear Codie appeal to Blayze.
"Fucked if I know."
Blayze replied.
"No talking!"
Codie's Officer snapped.
"Then why'd ya make us walk next to each other?"
Codie retorted.
Damn it Codie don't provoke them!
Codie's Officer pulled Codie to a stop, letting Senior Constable Pharryl and Blayze get ahead.
"Worried we'll scheme up our alibi?"
Codie asked the cop.
"Too bad for you our story will match anyway because we were together and nowhere near Tyron!"
The Officer scowled and shoved Codie in the back, making him walk.
"Ohhh gettin' on your nerve am I?"
Codie taunted.
"My god I wish he'd just shut up!"
I snapped my head to my right to see that Noah had arrived by my side.
"I'll send ya the bill for my Chiro for those two!"
Codie remarked just as the Cop pushed him through the archway.

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