Chapter Sixty Three

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Thank you so much to all the amazing support and feedback! I just love this journey and I hate to think that at some point it's going to end 😩 I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

"So who wants a cuddle?"
I asked, looking around the room of the important people who'd been here when our dear little Luka made his unexpected arrival into our world.
The excitement on Hayley and Noah's faces was more than obvious, but they managed to somewhat compose themselves.
"Kylie and Lukas should."
Noah stated, lowering herself to sit in one of the armchairs.
Uncle Lukas waved a dismissive hand.
"I don't doubt we'll be gettin' our fair share of cuddles."
I almost smiled.
"Scared Uncle?"
I teased.
Blayze, Mum, Keegan, Codie, Hayley and Noah all laughed.
Uncle Lukas stared at me with a look of bewilderment.
"Scared? I was sixteen when I held my first ever Baby, you, and there's been many more since!"
"Prove it!"
I challenged.
With a dramatic roll of his green eyes, my Uncle stepped up.
Blayze deposited our sleeping two hours old Son into Uncle Lukas' Baby Trustworthy arms.
While the transition was in process, I hurriedly grabbed my phone and activated the camera.
My poor child was going to have every aspect of his life documented if I had my way.
Quickly I snapped a couple of pictures, going for a few different angles.
'Great Uncle Lukas!"
I declared, relaxing back into the lounge cushions, wearing a grin.
The room erupted into laughter!
What was even funny?
It was the truth!
He's my Uncle which means he's my Son's Great Uncle.
"I know I'm pretty awesome, but can't we just leave off the 'great' part? I'm not that bloody old!"
Uncle Lukas said with a roll of his eyes, adjusting his position to make himself and my Son more comfortable.
Mum reached out to lightly fitst bump her Brother's shoulder.
"We don't exactly have a choice! I'm Grandma and not even forty!"
The whole room laughed!
"So umm.. the Doctor's never arrived..."
I stated, turning my head to look towards the front window's of the house.
Flying in by plane, the Royal Flying Doctor's should have been here around two hours ago at least.
"You're right."
Mum wore a slight frown as she too looked toward the windows.
"I might call the hospital."
"That's a good idea."
Uncle Lukas agreed.
"Though lucky for them both Bailey and Junior seem to be doin' alright."
"Luka, Uncle."
I rolled my eyes.
"His name's Luka."
It was Uncle Lukas' turn to roll his eyes, but a smile pulled at his lips and shone in his eyes.
"Well I'm sorry but right now he's definitely Blayze Junior!"
The whole room laughed.
So far I got my wish of a Mini Blayze!
"Hi, yes."
All eyes, including mine, turned towards Mum as she walked away from our group, towards the kitchen.
"Yes I'm calling because my Daughter was just in labour. She was a case that was being highly monitored by the Doctor's and the Royal Flying Doctor's plus her Doctor were meant to fly out here. We haven't seen them, it's been hours."
She wore a frown as she paced the wooden floor.
"Yes the labour was successful and the baby has nursed, albeit briefly."
She stopped to listen to whatever whoever was on the other end had to say.
Suddenly her green eyes widened.
"Oh god! Okay yeah that's understandable. Yeah we'll get onto our town's Doctor to check them out. Okay thanks. Bye."
She said, then pulled the phone from her ear.
Walking back towards the lounge room area and the rest of us, Mum wore a sombre expression.
"They got an emergency radio to go to a man who'd had a heart attack."
She informed us.
Oh god...
That's awful!
"Bailey I'm gonna ring Doctor Glenn and see when he'll be able to come check you two out."
Mum told Me, still holding her phone in her hand.
I nodded.
It would be ideal to get Luka checked on.

"Who else wants a turn?"
Uncle Lukas asked the room in general.
"I should probably go let Bridey know how thing's have gone."
It's been a few hours now since he's checked in with his Wife and Children.
'Any of you who's game can have a cuddle."
I told Hayley, Noah, Keegan and Codie, unsure as to which one of them might actually be up for it.
Blayze and I would get plenty of time for Baby cuddles when everybody went home.
"Oh please me!"
Hayley begged, scrambling her way up out of her chair.
Laughing, Uncle Lukas walked over to her to place Luka in her awaiting arms.
"Look out Kee!"
Codie teased, nudging the other guy's side with his elbow.
"Fuck off!"
Keegan retorted, giving him a shove.
"No kids for me any time soon!"
I wanted to tell him that it wasn't always that simple.
Blayze and I certainly hadn't planned Luka.
Instead, I settled for rolling my eyes.
He'd learn one day.
"Hello sweet little Luka."
Hayley crooned as she cradled my Son in her arms.
In Blayze and Uncle Lukas' arms, Luka managed to seem almost tiny.
But, with my best friend, who wasn't all that different in size to me, he really didn't seem all that little.
"I'll see you all later."
Uncle Lukas told the room in general, slowly backing towards the front door.
"See ya Luk!"
Keegan and Codie bade.
I wanted to get up and hug my Uncle, but even stumbling my way to the toilet around an hour ago had  been a weak legged task, so I settled for raising my arms in the air like the child me used to when she wanted a hug from her Favourite Uncle.
Well, he's my only Uncle but we won't remind him of that...
Smiling, my Uncle walked over and leaned down to hug me.
"Well done kiddo."
He praised.
"He's a ripper!"
"Thank you."
I whispered, my throat suddenly feeling thick with an onslaught of emotions.
Uncle Lukas rolled his eyes as he stepped back.
"I didn't exactly do nothin'."
But he was here, lending support.
"Oh and you'll have to send me a photo of Luka so I can show Bridey and the kids."
Uncle Lukas told me.
"They'll be chompin' at the bit to see him."
I grabbed my phone to check the photos I so far had.
I have to get a Hayley and Luka photo!
I activated the camera and handed the phone to Blayze.
"Can you get a few photos of Hayley and Luka please? Then I'll find a photo of Luka I can send to Uncle."
He took my phone from me and climbed off the lounge.
It only took him a few seconds to get a few pictures and he returned the phone to me.
"I got a just Luka one too."
He told me as he sat back down.
"For ya to send to Luk."
I couldn't help but smile.
"Thank you!"

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