Chapter Fifty One

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We'd been home from Deni for five night's and five days.
It was safe to say, that it was a very memorable event for many reasons.
By the time Sunday morning had rolled around I'd even learned that Troy and Blayze's cousin Bindi had hooked up Saturday night after Ayala and Bindi's performance.
Perhaps even more scandalising was that Hayley had confessed to Noah and I that she'd slept with Keegan, indeed losing her virginity.
But apparently they'd made no progress from there, infuriatingly enough.
Noah and I were all for playing match maker and between us we'd set up for a dinner tomorrow night at mine and Blayze's.
The excuse being that our closest friends needed to come over and see the house.
But really we wanted to force Hayley and Keegan to acknowledge each other.
Joel and Kristen had been invited too, but they had to decline because of Kristen's Sister's birthday.
They were driving out to Fletcher Creek, staying the night end returning Sunday.
It was Friday and I was currently helping Mum and Grandma with the household chores up at the main house, along with preparing meals for the guys that were out working their butt's off.
Even Jaxon had made his return yesterday.
It was cute but rather sickening how he and my Mother were apparently struggling to keep their hands off each other.
Nevertheless I was grateful that she'd found somebody who cherished her so much.
She more than deserved it.
"Bailey can you get those sausage rolls out of the oven?"
Grandma asked as she passed through the kitchen, heading for the lounge room with a full dirty clothes basket in her arms.
I told her, setting my phone aside.
Blayze was being incredibly frustrating.
I'd wanted us to go into town this afternoon and stock up on what we needed for tomorrow's dinner, preventing the rush of doing it all tomorrow as well as getting the preparation done.
He'd told me he'd 'see what he could do'.
Yet every time I messaged him to see how much closer he was to being able to escape, an answer would come in with some other excuse of something else he had to do.
I was trying extremely hard to maintain maturity and not crack the shits.
He'd spent more than enough time scoring time off lately, mostly due to his accident, so it was fair enough he actually got his jobs done.
But I was annoyed it was messing up my plans.
I grabbed a pair of oven mitts and crossed to the oven, pulling the mitts on as I went.
The pastry on the homemade sausage rolls (for once not made by Grandma and actually put together by Me) was perfectly golden when I opened the oven door.
The smell that suddenly filled the kitchen was heavenly.
I reached in and pulled out the first tray, lifting it to set it on the back of the stove, before I went back to the oven to bring out the second tray.
It meant we had about four dozen mini sausage rolls ready to go.
The thing was though, forty eight sausage rolls sounded like plenty.
But if my effort happened to be anything like Grandma's signature dish, then the rolls would disappear quickly.
It would literally be first in, best dressed.
"How'd they turn out?"
Grandma asked as she walked back into the kitchen.
By that point I'd discarded the oven mitts and turned the oven off.
"Ooh they look great!"
Grandma declared.
"I don't know how they've actually turned out."
I explained.
"They don't look too bad though."
"Smell's great in here!"
Both Grandma and I glanced over our shoulder's as Jaxon entered the room.
"Do you want to be the taste tester?"
I offered.
"It doesn't look like Blayze is coming in any time soon."
Grandma chucked, giving my shoulder a squeeze.
"Ahhh. The life of marrying a Farmer."
She mused.
I nearly choked on thin air.
"I- we- we're not married!"
I spluttered.
Grandma laughed.
"Give it time."
Jaxon's face and voice were laced with amusement as he stepped up, reaching around me to grab one of the small pastries.
"Shut up with that!"
I scolded, swatting his arm.
He just stepped back, laughing at me before he bit into the sausage roll he'd grabbed.
His green eyes widened.
"That's good!"
"There ya go sweetie."
Grandma leaned in to kiss my cheek.
"You did good!"
Jaxon eyed me with surprise.
"You made these?"
I felt a blush warm my face.
"No need to sound so damn surprised!"
Jaxon put a mock expression of horror onto his face, throwing a hand over his mouth.
"I might just be sick!"
Beside me, Grandma threw her head back and laughed.
"What's going on?"
Mum looked amused as she stepped into the kitchen.
Chuckling, Jaxon popped the last of the sausage roll into his mouth while I oh so maturely poked my tongue out at him.
"I'm just stirrin' Bail's."
Jaxon explained.
Smiling, Mum shook her head.
"When he thought Grandma made the sausage rolls he said they were good!"
I threw my hands up.
"Then he found out I made them and pretended they'd rendered him sick!"
Mum scolded, giving his shoulder a push.
"I was only jokin'!"
Jaxon exclaimed, holding his hands up as if to hold off an attack.
"What's going on in here?"
We all glanced at Grandpa as he came in, followed by Uncle Lukas.
"Ah! Two more people who love food! Try one of these!"
Grandma gestured them towards the trays with the freshly made sausage rolls.
Uncle Lukas practically ran to the stove.
I felt my cheeks warm when he and Grandpa both grabbed a roll.
Around our home, these little rolls are a cause for excitement.
I just hoped mine lived up to standard.
Uncle Lukas exclaimed.
"You've outdone even yourself!"
Yet another blush warmed my cheeks.
"He's right darling."
Grandpa dusted his hands off and kissed Grandma's cheek.
Grandma pulled me into her side.
"Actually, this batch is all Bailey."
She explained, putting her arm around my shoulders.
A twinkle shone in Uncle Lukas' eyes as he flashed a glance towards Mum.
"Well looks like unlike Kylie, Bail's inherited Mum's cooking gene!"
That was basically Uncle Lukas for 'congratulations'.
At least towards Me.
Maybe not so much for Mum.
Mum exclaimed.
The whole kitchen erupted into laughter.
"I'm sure your cooking is awesome."
Jaxon assured, slinging an arm around Mum's waist.
Uncle Lukas snorted.
"Lets hope you don't mind Weet-Bix for breakfast then!"
I couldn't help but laugh.
Although he wasn't exactly being nice, my Uncle actually did have a point.
There's a reason Grandma does the cooking.
Mum never found the knack for it.
Mum exclaimed.
"Lukas, behave!"
Grandpa mock scolded.
It was like my Mum and Uncle were kids again.
So sweet!
All of us laughed.

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