Chapter Thirty Two

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SURPRISE!! 😀 hope you all enjoy! Thank you so much for the views and ultimately the votes and comments it's truly what spurs me on to keep publishing! 👍

Thank you so much RachelBaker976, Mikayala7700 and Kayla-Jan for your comments on chapter thirty one! 😀😍
Thank you RachelBaker976, Mikayala7700, southerngal14, McKayelaTurtlez and Jesse40 for your votes on chapter thirty one! 😍

🐎 Bailey 🐎

Slowly I opened my eyes.
Blinking, I took in the darkened interior of my bedroom, but with a gentle stream of sunlight peeking through a gap in my drawn curtains.
My head felt thick.
I wasn't sure I even had the energy to lift my head off my pillow.
My body felt like it was a lump of cement dumped on my mattress.
My mouth felt like the dry soil of the outback, with a sickening coating of thick saliva coating my tongue, the roof of my mouth and my throat.
I tried to think back to how I'd gotten here, but I literally struggled to remember.
I guess somebody helped me to my bed yesterday afternoon.
My heart instantly grew heavy as the reminder of my life right now crashed down on me.
Immediately a torrent of hot tears pricked at my eyes and I blinked against them, my throats feeling tight.
I don't want to adult today.
With my lower lip trembling, I pulled my blanket up over my head and attempted to hide from the world.
But at the same time, I heard the swish of my bedroom door.
I squeezed my eyes shut, even though my head was already hidden from view thanks to my blanket.
"C'mon Baby, time to get up."
Mum's voice urged.
I wanted to protest, but was already putting up the facade that I was 'asleep', so kept silent.
"I saw you pull the blanket's over your head. I know you're awake."
Mum's 'my hands are on my hips' voice stated.
Breathing a sigh, I tossed my blanket back so it pooled around just below my shoulder's.
"Time to get up and face the day Baby."
Mum's voice softened now that she was looking at my face.
I shook my head in denial.
I don't want to.
"I'm not gonna let ya mope this out Bailey Grace."
Mum warned, literally placing her hands on her jeans clad hips.
It hasn't even been twenty-four hours since Blayze walked away!
"Your Baby needs you to Cowgirl Up. All I'm askin' is you just keep puttin' one foot in front of the other. Nobody said it's not gonna hurt like hell."
My mind flashed to Blayze even though I wasn't sure that I actually wanted it to.
It hurt so much to think of him.
Yet apparently I couldn't stop it.
Where was he?
Was he drunk?
"Up ya get and I'll fix ya some breakfast."
Mum insisted, taking a long step backwards towards my door.
"What's the time?"
I whispered.
"Almost ten."
Mum replied before slipping out of my room and closing my door behind herself with a gentle click.
Almost ten.
That meant it was almost twenty hours since I'd last seen Blayze.
Immediately another fresh round of hot tears boiled within me.
Wiping at my eyes, I tossed my blankets aside and pushed myself into a sitting position.
Mum was right as usual.
As much as I wanted to just stay curled up in the darkness of my bedroom, it wouldn't help me in any way.
I'd only wind up sitting here thinking, remembering and crying.
A wet nose against my hand made me look down.
Staring into the doe like innocent eyes of Zuke, I swallowed thickly.
"Can I do it Zukey?"
I whispered, my voice barely working.
Zuke whined, wagged his tail and flicked his pink tongue out to touch my skin.
Well Zuke believes in me.
That or he just wanted me to get up because he wanted to go outside and use the toilet.
"Alright I'm getting up."
I relented.
Zuke danced backward, wagging his tail enthusiastically.
The worst thing was, yesterday was mine and Blayze's three months of being together.
Was that a bad sign for our chances of longevity?

"Good morning Darling."
Grandma greeted as I stepped into the kitchen.
She was drying off utensils that had been sitting in the wire dish drying rack and placing them into their designated homes.
I muttered, easing myself onto one of the breakfast bar stools.
"Your eggs are almost ready."
Mum stated, twisting around from the stove to glance at me.
"Would you like tea or hot chocolate?"
I sighed, propping my elbows on the bench top and cupping my chin in my hands.
"Tea please."
Mum nodded and turned back to her cooking.
"I'll get the drink's."
Grandma offered, hooking the tea towel onto a knob on one of the cupboards beneath the sink.
"Thanks Mum."
My Mum answered.
"Hello Darling."
I jumped slightly in surprise as strong hands landed rather gently on my shoulders and Grandpa's scent reached my nose.
"Hi Pa."
I all but whispered.
Grandpa leaned in to kiss my head.
Yet another storm of hot tears pooled in my eyes.
Maybe I'm just going to need people to just leave me the heck alone...
"Here ya go."
Through tear blurry eyes, I watched Mum place a plate of poached eggs on toast, topped with cheese in front of me.

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