Chapter Sixty One

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I laid in bed with my eyes wide open.
I'd fallen asleep before Blayze even got home from farm work last night, too exhausted to keep my eyes open while I sat in front of the TV, waiting.
It confused me how I woke up in my bed alongside Blayze just now.
I had no clue why it was clearly dark outside, yet I was laying here awake.
My belly was tight and my Baby was doing summersaults, pushing my internal organs against each other and giving me great discomfort.
Wincing, I forced myself up onto my elbows.
But that didn't help much, so I forced myself up even further until I was sitting upright.
Gritting my teeth, I silently begged my Baby to give me a break.
There was not enough room inside my belly anymore for these kind of gymnastics!
Trying to distract myself, I turned my head to the right to see Blayze laying peacefully on his stomach, his arms folded under his pillow and a relaxed expression on his face.
Well I'm glad one of us is peaceful!
Clearly I wasn't getting to sleep again any time soon, because my Baby was in the mood to party.
Gritting my teeth even harder, I scooted my way to the edge of my bed and eased my feet down to the carpet covered floor.
"Alright kidlet! I'm getting up!"
I told my Baby.
As I finally managed to force myself onto my feet, the Baby's movements eventually eased off.
Releasing a relieved breath, I placed my hands over my belly and felt it from the outside as well as my Baby slowly settled down.
"Is it time for Mummy to get some sleep?"
I asked, staring down at my belly.
It was almost 9PM the last time I'd checked.
Now I'd woken up to find myself in my bed, when I'd apparently fallen asleep out on the lounge in front of the TV, waiting to see my fiancé.
I eased myself back down to sit carefully on the edge of the bed.
So far so good...
Slowly letting out a relieved breath, I eased myself around until my back and my head were facing my pillows.
Baby Riley still remained quiet.
One by one, I raised my legs up until they were placed on the mattress.
I still had a calm Baby inside my belly!
I eased myself backwards until I was resting against my pillows.
Points of my belly jutted out as the Baby kicked against my stomach.
Sighing heavily, I forced myself up into a sitting position again.
Baby doesn't want me to sleep right now I guess.
I eased my legs over the side of the bed and pushed myself to my feet.
I turned to the bedside table and picked my phone up to check the screen.
I closed my eyes.
That means I quite literally got about 3 hours of sleep before Baby decided it was time to wake me up.
Inhaling a deep breath, I opened my eyes and looked across the bed to the still sleeping Blayze.
Well, I'd better get out of this room before I wake him up too.
If he brought me in here and I didn't see him before I conked out last night, that meant he had gotten in some time after 9PM.
That wasn't exactly unusual during daylight savings in farm life.
Generally the Farmer's work sunup until sundown, year round.
That meant that come summer/daylight savings time, the days were extended by a good few hours.
Taking my phone with me, I headed for the doorway.
Hopefully this Baby let's me get back to sleep soon.

I awoke with a slightly stiff neck and blinked at my surroundings.
They were familiar, but I shouldn't be waking up here from sleep.
Not in the lounge room.
The TV was on, reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond playing.
Rubbing my tired eyes, I pushed myself into a slightly straighter sitting position.
I looked around where I was seated, lifting a hand to rub at my neck.
My belly jutted out to the side, with possibly a knee or an elbow from my Baby which caused a stab of pain in my ribs and my back.
Wincing, I arched my back, attempting to relieve the shooting pain.
Except, Baby didn't relent this time.
More kick's and shifting's of positions ensued, along with pains through my stomach, abdomen and back.
"Okay okay!"
I groaned, scooting myself to the edge of the lounge.
"I'll stand!"
Somehow, I managed to get myself onto my feet.
The pushiness from the Baby gradually eased off and I released a relieved breath.
With a sigh, I carefully walked a lap of the coffee table.
"Why don't you want me to sleep tonight little one?"
I asked, rubbing a hand over my belly.
Typically, there was now no movement from the Baby.
Back at the couch now, I reached down to pick up my phone.
What on earth is wrong with my Baby tonight?
Maybe I should make an appointment with Doctor Glenn or Doctor Legend...

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