Chapter Seventy

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My heart had an ache in it that I couldn't figure out.
It wasn't Blayze causing the hurt.
He was bending over backwards to keep our little family running smoothly.
He was working around the farm most days now, although he was trying to stay as close to the homestead as possible, just in case Luka and I needed him.
He makes me a cup of tea at night once Luka's asleep and I massage his shoulders.
Luka now sleeps a solid eight hours through the night and is awake for two hours at a time, napping for four hours between the stints of being awake.
He was an easygoing Baby, still crying very little and easy to read whether he was hungry, eliminating bodily fluids, or needing to go back to sleep.
The three Dog's positively adored him, all laying around his bassinet whenever they had the chance.
Zuke was the Dog who got to frequently spend the most time with Luka, now that Blayze was getting back into work and Azlan and Zeus were with him, as had been their routine for the majority of their lives.
I just couldn't pinpoint what was wrong with me.
The TV couldn't distract me.
A good book, be it Vampires, Werewolves, Rodeo, or even a corny Romance couldn't win me over.
Luka's adorable little face and his almost smiles seemed to be the only thing that lifted my spirits.
I lifted my phone off the nearby lounge cushion and checked the screen.
Thursday the twenty ninth of December.
We'd been through an incredibly busy, but beautiful Christmas, with Luka being positively spoiled rotten, even though he was a mere month old.
In just two days it was New Years Eve.
A whole other year was about to start.
And so much has already happened this year.
Some selfish part of me didn't want the year to end.
A big part of me felt like it was my year.
Blayze came home.
We got together.
We got Engaged.
We have a baby!
And there were plenty of dramas in between.
I dropped my phone back onto the couch cushions and turned my gaze to where dear little Luka lay sleeping soundly in his bassinet.
I truly am blessed.
I just need to snap out of my funk.
I have a healthy and happy Baby.
I have a Man who I love and who loves me back.
I have an amazing group of Family and Friends.
The sound of the front door opening had Zuke scrambling to his feet and me turning my head to look at who'd decided to come over.
The tall stature, broad shoulders, light blue Bullzye t-shirt and faded blue jeans made it all too easy for me to recognise who it was.
I frowned as Zuke jogged over to greet him.
"What are you doing back here already?"
I questioned.
It certainly wasn't time for a morning smoko!
He's taken to joining Luka and I here, if I hadn't taken us both up to the Main House, instead of having the break with the hired hands.
Blayze nodded in the direction of the hallway and our bedroom beyond.
"Go get dressed."
He urged.
Get dressed?
I looked down at the Marlin, Dory and Nemo inspired pyjamas I was still wearing.
A present from Mum at Christmas.
I wasn't in a hurry to get dressed, because I didn't have any plans to do anything today.
Or, at least nothing besides being Luka's Mum and preparing Lunch and Dinner for Blayze and I.
I looked back over at Blayze.
"Why? It's not necessary, Luka and I don't have any plans."
He rolled his eyes.
"Because I asked you to."
I frowned deeper.
"I love you, but you're not my Boss."
He arched an eyebrow at me challengingly.
"Do it, or I'll drag you back there myself and change you as if you're a god damn Toddler!"
Somebody's suddenly got his knickers in a twist this morning...
He was fine when he left the house a few hours ago.
I rolled my eyes and scooted myself to the edge of the lounge.
"If it bother's you that much... even though you're not even meant to be here watching me..."
I pushed myself onto my feet.
"Just hurry up?"
He sounded frustrated.
I rolled my eyes.
"Watch Luka then."
I told him and turned on my heel to walk around the lounge and down the hallway.
Bloody Bossy Cowboy!

"Have fun!"
Mum sang, leaning in to give me a hug.
She was here on Babysitting duty, as per Blayze's request.
I rolled my eyes, but hugged her back.
"I don't even know what he's up to."
He certainly couldn't be proposing, because he already did that!
Mum laughed!
"Well he's Blayze, so we know he's not going to kill you!"
She stated with a smile.
I shook my head and headed for the door.
My Mother has lost it.
And I'm leaving my five and a half week old Baby with her...
"So what exactly are we doing?"
I asked Blayze, closing the front door behind me once I was standing on our porch.
"You'll see."
He answered and headed for the steps, all three Dog's crowding around his legs.
"It would be helpful if you might tell me what's going on?"
I insisted, following after them.
Clearly nobody was going to wait for me...
"You're not acting like your usual self lately... and I think I know why."
Blayze declared, making his way through the worm pathway in the stand of trees.
I frowned, even though I was walking behind him and he therefore couldn't see my expression.
My funk mood has been that obvious?
"What... do you mean?"
I asked, feigning ignorance.
The pounding sound of horses' hooves made me turn my head to the left, following the noise.
Blayze was leading me in the direction of the Working Horse Paddock.
"Blayze what are we doing?"
I insisted, ducking under a low hanging branch.
Finally most of the trees broke away and the general area of the Working Horse Paddock came into view.
The majority of the horses were a little way off, munching on hay that had been spread out.
A select few horses were at the front fence line, charging up and down and making a racket.
My dear Golden Child, Phoenix, was among them.
I frowned, watching my horse pace the fence line at a pace that was somewhat between a canter and a gallop.
It was incredibly unusual behaviour for Phoenix.
He's normally a placid Horse who just blends in with the crowd, grazing and mosying around with everybody else.
"What's his problem?"
I asked, looking up to Blayze's face.
"Is this what you wanted to show me?"
There was cause for concern if Blayze thought he had to get me to see.
"Troy, Alex and Jake have taken a few horses out to move a mob of Sheep to a different paddock."
Blayze explained, placing his hands on his hips.
A few horses being taken out for work has sent Phoenix off the deep end?
No way...
"I've been workin' him just about every day."
Blayze told me, twisting to face me.
What we were currently witnessing didn't show a Horse that was being regularly physically and mentally stimulated.
"He needs you Bails."
Blayze told me.
"And you need him."
I was missing Phoenix.
Incredibly so.
I'd hoped Blayze working him would help him to settle and when my Doctor's gave me clearance I could get back into working him.
It seemed however, that the fates were giving me a nudge a little earlier than planned.
I walked the few steps over to the fence line and lifted my hands to cup them around my mouth.
I yelled out, trying to gain his attention.
A couple of the young horses bucked and took off a few paces, probably not scared, but just using it as an excuse to flee.
Phoenix whirled around, his ear's flickering as he searched for where my voice had come from.
He looked our way and a loud neigh erupted from him, before he launched himself forward and came galloping over, dust and leaves flying out from beneath his fast moving hooves.

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