Chapter Seventeen

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It was still crisp at 6:20AM as Blayze, Heath, the dogs and I trudged toward the main house on the Monday.
As it was the first of August, I was hopeful the weather would begin to warm a little.
Not that I wanted it too hot.
Summer isn't exactly my favourite season, with many day's in the mid forty degree's, flies everywhere out in the paddock's and often we're affected by drought or at least drought like conditions.
Plus I couldn't imagine being heavily pregnant in those conditions would be anywhere near fun, considering I already detest the flies and the heat.
Azlan and Zeus' collar's tinkled lightly as they jogged ahead of us.
Zuke was his usual nuisance self, wedging himself between the adult dogs and attempting to bite their ear's in hopes he'd gain their attention.
They both did their best to ignore him for the time being.
Zuke was almost six month's old, which meant he was going to have to get registered with our council.
I was going to have to make a decision as to if he was going to be a Working Dog or not.
I had qualms, because I wasn't sure in my abilities to train a Working Dog.
Though I knew I could ask Blayze, Uncle Lukas and Grandpa for advice.
"What's with the commotion over there?"
Heath asked, breaking into my thoughts.
I followed his frown, to the direction of the stables.
Our 'Stables' are open fronted, the open side facing the East where typically we get the least bad weather from.
Heath was right, a crowd was gathered at the first stable.
Yesterday afternoon when she and Jaxon got home, Mum moved Delilah into that stable, believing she was seeing sign's her beloved Mare would foal soon.
Excitement lit within my heart.
This year's Foal from Delilah was to be her last, whether it be a Filly or a Colt.
"Delilah's foaled!"
I squealed and hurried for the stables.
Zuke barked and bounded after me.
Azlan whined and quickly followed.
With careful but hurried steps, I crossed the yard to join Mum, Grandpa and Uncle Lukas who were gathered outside the first stable.
"Has she had it yet?"
I called as I got closer.
All three turned around.
Their somber expression's made me falter in my step.
"Wh-what's happened?"
My heart seemed to plummet as I slowly stepped forward.
"We have a Pally Filly."
Grandpa explained.
Oh yay!
Immediately my heart beat more easily again.
"What's with the faces then?"
I hurried forward to get a look through the stable fence panels.
"Dee's not in a good way."
Mum whispered, stepping up alongside me at the fence.
A still wet palomino Foal was standing with splayed legs near the fence, trying to balance.
She had four white sock's and a white blaze down her forehead, adorable and blingy, much like Aviator.
My breath caught in my throat when my eyes slid to the laying down form of Mum's precious eldest Broodmare.
Her breathing was slow but ragged.
Sweat covered much of her body, but that was to be expected after pushing out a baby.
Who knew how long she'd been in labour for overnight?
The problem was, there was far too much blood on the sawdust floor which she was laying in.
"Sh-she'll be okay r-right?"
I stammered, turning to Mum.
Mum's lips were pressed together and her face was unusually pale.
Her green eyes were red rimmed and my heart clenched with simultaneous fear and sadness.
"Flynn's on his way, but I'm not expecting she's going to be doing anything other than crossing the rainbow bridge."
Mum's raspy voice brought tear's to my eyes even more than her words did.
I turned to her and pulled her into a hug, as both our bodies lightly trembled.
"Pulse is weak and her breathing's gettin' slower and slower."
Uncle Lukas' voice murmured.
I twisted around, releasing Mum a little, to see he was talking to Blayze.
"Luk and Blayze?"
Several tear's splashed onto my cheek's as Mum's teary voice spoke from just behind me.
Blayze and my Uncle immediately turned around, their eyes on Mum.
I winced as I physically heard Mum swallow.
"You bury her?"
Mum whispered.
Blayze nodded quickly.
Uncle Lukas agreed.
With hot tear's sliding down my cheek's, I turned to face the stable again.
Delilah's sides were quivering as she attempted to breathe.
Her white tail was filled with blood and muck, as were her hind leg's.
Zuke's 'I'm A Tough Guy' bark made us all turn.
Doctor Flynn's white van coasted towards us in the early dawn light.
I turned quickly to face Mum while Blayze grabbed Zuke's collar.
Mum's eyes were also filled with tear's, no doubt mirroring my own.
"Can you please go help Mum with breakfast and the kids? They'll be up soon."
She whispered.
I bit into my lower lip and nodded.
"Just let me say bye to Dee."
It seemed everybody already knew the beautiful Mare wouldn't be living with us much longer.
"Of course."
Mum nodded.
Sweet Delilah is my dear Phoenix's Mum.
She deserves a goodbye.
Heath opened the stable gate so I could slip inside.
The Foal skittered sideways as I passed her, approaching Delilah's gently quivering body.
"Hey Dee."
I choked as I squatted by her sweaty head.
"You're the most amazing Mare. I thank you for Phoenix and all your other beautiful babies."
Tear's streamed from my eyes, making my vision blurry as I reached a shaky hand out to touch the star on her golden forehead.
"Love you forever and always."
I struggled to say through my burning throat.
Doctor Flynn's voice talking with Mum and Grandpa told me my time was up.
Biting into my lower lip and blinking hard, I blew Delilah a kiss and climbed to my feet.
The world around me was blurry as I stumbled toward the stable gate.
Heath held the iron feature open for me and Blayze pulled me into a hug.
I buried my face into his jumper clad chest and tried hard to swallow down my tears as I wrapped my arms around his back.
This is hard enough for Mum as it is, she doesn't need me falling apart as well.
"Heath's take ya up to the house Babe."
Blayze kissed the top of my head as he rubbed my back.
"This'll be over pretty quick."
I nodded robotically, my heart breaking for not only Delilah, but also Mum and what was now going to be Delilah's orphan Filly.
Heath murmured, his hand gently touching my shoulder.
"Take Zuke too."
Blayze urged.
I nodded and grabbed my half grown dog's collar.
He'd only be a nuisance down here, not yet understanding to stay out of the way.

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