Chapter Sixty

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Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the votes and comments! You lovely reader's are beyond amazing 😍💚 please anybody who's reading along silently drop me a comment or even a message I'd love to hear from you! 😍
Here's Chapter Sixty and it's ON TIME 😀👍👏🏼🎉

Sunday was Baby Shower day.
Grandma, Mum and Aunty Bridey weren't letting me have any part in the preparation, so I had a Sunday morning sleep in.
Which turned into a Sunday laze in, which I struggled to get motivated from.
Eventually I was scrambling around the house as quickly as I could, showering and getting dressed.
I pulled on the dress Mum had declared the Baby Shower dress, lacy and a creamy colour, with a light brown belt etched around just under the bust.
Next, I slipped a pair of simple black flats onto my feet, at the same time glancing up at the clock.
The do was meant to be starting at 12:30, but I'd told myself I'd be up at the house by now, helping even though the stubborn women in my family were insisting they didn't want me to.
Blayze had the Dog's out with him already, through i had been expecting him to return to the house by now considering the guys were meant to be having 'guy time' while us women had the Baby Shower.
But he hadn't shown yet.
And I had to leave for the Main House soon.
Or more like now.
Movement at the front windows caught my attention and I felt relief course through me.
He's back.
Instead of sniffing and whining Dog's sounding at the door, there was a knock.
Adjusting my hair in its ponytail, I frowned.
Blayze doesn't knock on his own door.
Bewildered, I grabbed my phone off the kitchen bench and headed to the door.
Twisting the handle, I pulled the wooden door open to find Hayley standing on the doorstep.
I froze.
She was dressed in a short, yellow sundress, white strappy shoes on her feet and her tanned, flawless skin glowing.
Her black hair was down in gentle waves around her shoulders and she had light, but accentual makeup on her face, white and yellow eyeshadow on her eyelids and a soft pink lipgloss on her lips.
Even more noticeable, was the way she wrung her hands together, her white nail polish glinting in the summer light.
She was nervous.
My heart was damn near pounding inside my chest as I dragged my gaze over who I'd thought was my best friend.
Up until graduation night, I'd thought Hayley Jackson had my back.
Was happy for me.
At least it appeared she was as nervous as me.
"I... understand if... you don't... want me here... today."
Hayley whispered, dropping her gaze to the welcome mat in front of the door.
My heart clenched painfully.
I tightened my grip on the doorknob.
What did she honestly expect me to say?
That all was forgiven and forgotten?
"I screwed up big time."
Hayley lifted her gaze to the iron clad verandah roofing, her grey eyes shining with unshed tears.
I swallowed thickly.
"I don't resent you for anything you've achieved Bails."
Hayley's voice almost broke.
I winced.
I wanted to comfort her.
To tell her it was okay.
But on Friday night she hurt me so badly.
"Yeah I've been a bit jealous. But in a good way I swear."
Hayley's voice trembled.
There was a good way to be jealous?
I blinked at her.
"I really don't want a few misspoken words to ruin our friendship."
Hayley whispered, her eyes shining with tears and her voice apparently no longer able to work properly.
Scanning her fragile expression, I knew she meant what she was saying.
But, it was pretty clear that she also meant what she said Friday night too.
"I love you."
Hayley told me, her voice choked up.
"And this Baby already."
She gestured to my more than well rounded stomach.
I almost smiled.
"I know that after everything on Friday, I deserve for you to cold shoulder me for a while."
Hayley dropped her gaze back to the wood slatted floor.
"Keegan told me I shouldn't give up on talking to you, because at least when it comes to guys they'll just punch it out and get over it."
She laughed lightly, but the amusement didn't reach her face.
That much was true.
How many times had we seen guys throw fists, then be sharing a beer not even an hour later.
I swallowed thickly.
I wasn't sure if I could just call this 'water under the bridge'.
But Hayley Jackson has been my best friend since before I can even remember.
There are photographs and stories of us having 'mat time' and 'tummy time' together as Babies.
We shared our first day of Kindergarten together, holding each other's hand to give the other one support while our Mum's cried that their 'babies' were growing up.
Blinking hard against my own suddenly tear stinging eyes, I sucked in a deep breath.
Hayley peeked up at me, her expression so obviously hopeful.
I shook my head, my heart pounding hard.
"I can't say that it's all water under the bridge."
Hayley grimaced, her lower lip automatically quivering.
I continued.
Hayley's eyes were hopeful as she lifted them to meet mine.
"After eighteen years of being by each other's side, I'm willing to give you a second chance."
Shock and disbelief were written all over her tanned face.
She finally whispered.
I nodded slowly.
I didn't want to jump the gun.
She'd shocked the hell out of me Friday night and at the moment I wasn't even sure if I knew who Hayley Jackson was anymore.
But, in less than two weeks I was due to have my Baby.
I kind of didn't need to go losing friends right now.
The relief was evident on Hayley's face.
"Thank you."
She whispered, her voice raw with emotion.
I glanced in the direction of the Main House, which I actually couldn't even see from here thanks to the native shrubbery.
"Now, I've got a Baby Shower to get to."
Knowing my luck, guests would already be arriving, because country folk don't like to be late.
Hayley nodded quickly.
I would probably regret giving her a chance so soon, but an even bigger part of me would regret looking back on this day and not having Hayley involved.
"And I hope you'll still be coming."
I whispered, my lips barely working properly.
Hayley's tanned face lit up, some of its usual sparkle finally returning.

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