Chapter Sixty Nine

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Thank you so much to Jesse40 , RachelBaker976 and Jessie160802 ReneSolomon and SociallyWeirdPerson for your comments! It's so amazing to hear from you guys I can hardly describe what it feels like for you to share your thoughts 😍
P.S Thank you so much for the votes from all of those who did, also.
Book two is almost over guys so don't forget to let me know what ya think 😀😍💚💙🐎
P.P.S... I'm toying with the time frame for BOOK THREE! To continue on the same stage book 2 leaves off or to skip a year or so 🤔 thoughts?? Let me know!! 💚💙

Mum came to join me on the lounge, flopping back until she was practically laying down with her legs sprawled out straight in front of her, her eyes closed.
"Quiet time."
She murmured.
I couldn't help but laugh.
Yes, she'd endured over a day of travelling in the 'boys' car.
But my drive hadn't exactly been quiet either, with Hazel, Lily, Amara and Bindi in the car.
Somehow Mum and Aunty Bridey had managed to talk the kids into a couple hours' rest time before we had to go have the Australian Professional Rodeo dinner.
I guess the long hours trapped inside the car's had made the kids agree some rest was a good idea.
Less than twenty minutes into the Zootopia movie and apparently all eight kids were out to it.
Nine when you included Luka who was just a few feet away from me, sleeping soundly in the bassinet.
"It won't last long."
I decided to be a meanie and kill my Mother's blissful buzz.
"I know."
She grumbled, keeping her eyes stubbornly closed.
Currently we were in a motel suite we'd be borrowing for the night, so we could crash here after the banquet and get back on the road to head home tomorrow.
Grandma and Grandpa had a separate, smaller suite next door, giving them a chance to get some privacy and rest, while the rest of us were sharing.
Five adults, eight kids and an infant all in the one suite.
Talk about a full house!
A knocking noise from the direction of the main door made both Mum and I snap our head's that way, curious but also a little cautious.
Mum groaned.
I shot a sidelong glance towards the outside, covered patio area where Uncle Lukas and Blayze were talking over a beer.
Clearly we couldn't get one of them to answer the door...
Sighing heavily, I forced my exhausted body up out of the surprisingly comfortable lounge.
This had bloody better be good...
"Thanks honey."
Mum muttered, still sprawled out on the couch.
If it was Grandma or Grandpa knocking, I would scream.
They were most welcome to just walk on in!
And I'd have to ask them why the heck they wanted to see us again so soon?
I grabbed the handle and pulled the tan coloured door open.
I blinked in surprise at seeing who was standing on the threshold.
Tall, tanned, bright green eyes, structured facial features and a black t-shirt with a guitar on the front, along with what looked like a pair of designer stonewash jeans.
I exclaimed, surprised yet not exactly shocked to see him.
I glanced over my shoulder to see that Mum had forced herself into a somewhat upright position, but quickly turned my attention back to Jaxon.
"What're you doing here?"
I questioned.
I'd thought he'd definitely be in full preparation mode since apparently he and his band were playing at the shindig this evening.
Didn't they have to get stuff ready and practice their notes both on instruments and in voice?
He held up his hands as if holding off an attack, a smile pulling at his lips.
"I'll go!"
I rolled my eyes, fighting my own smile and grabbed onto one of his wrists to pull him into the suite.
"How did you know where we are?"
I queried.
I guess maybe Blayze or Mum had spoken to him at some point...
"Ummm... because I'm paying for it?"
He asked, raising a questioning eyebrow.
I face palmed.
Of course he is.
"Dad and Lukas are still willing to argue him on it."
I twisted around to find that Mum had managed to drag herself up off the lounge and walk towards us.
She greeted Jax with a smile.
His answering smile made me smile but also feel a little queasy considering this is my Mother.
"Ugh, you two do what you have to. I'll... go let Blayze and Uncle know Jax is here."
I turned on my heel to head for the patio area, giving the pair a chance to greet each other the way it was fairly bloody obvious they wanted to.
I pulled the smaller section of block out curtain aside and pushed open the glass door.
Poking my head out the doorway, the outside air didn't feel quite as warm as back home.
I found Blayze and my Uncle both seated at a glass outdoor table.
"Jax is here."
I informed them.
"Then I'd better come and say hello, then tell him he's not payin' for this bloody joint."
Uncle Lukas declared.
Good luck with that one Uncle...
"You know he's only doin' it coz of Kylie and the kids."
Blayze stated, setting his beer stubby onto the tabletop.
Uncle Lukas raised an eyebrow at him.
"I might believe that if the rest of us weren't here, plus the fact that he paid for everything but the airline tickets when we went to Mawson's for you."
"That's because it was for Blayze!"
I chimed in.
Jax would do anything for Blayze.
"And we know who brought the tickets."
I added.
Grandpa, Uncle Lukas and Blayze weren't happy about it, but they all knew.
Uncle Lukas pulled a slightly smirking face.
"And I don't even feel guilty about not reimbursing that one."
"You guys, like me, can pay for this shit, Luk."
Blayze stated, leaning forward in his chair and bracing his elbows on his knees.
"But believe me when I say, I don't even know the amount of zeros that are attached to Jax's pay check with every gig they perform. He can pay for this shit without having to think about it fitting into the monthly budget."
"And I don't like sponging off people."
Uncle Lukas replied, a slight frown marring his brow.
"Jax knows that."
Blayze assured him.
"Just think about it from his perspective though. If he can help Kylie, he wants to."
It almost felt like I was eavesdropping, except for the fact that both the guys already knew I was standing there from the get go.
"Says the guy who is making sure to pay Jax back for all the furniture and shit."
Uncle Lukas retorted.
I rolled my eyes at their banter.
Because we'd been in a bit of a financial bind after Blayze's accident and with all the bills piling up, plus me being pregnant and not working, when Grandma and Grandpa given us the house, Jaxon had paid for the furniture we'd needed.
Except Blayze was paying him back, as had been the agreement from the get go, although Jax had tried to insist it didn't need to happen.
Jaxon Rowan might be stubborn, but Blayze Riley is just about the most stubborn person I know!
"That's a little bit different Luk."
Blayze insisted, wearing a slight frown.
"Look at it from the perspective that Jax wants to help Kylie out where he can."
In that aspect, I could understand where he was coming from.
Mum's busy being a full time single Mum and also trying to help run the farm.
But, she's also an independent woman who doesn't want to rely on anybody else.
"Did Paul cough up for the school fees yet?"
Uncle Lukas questioned, his gaze swinging between Blayze and I, as if he thought one of us might know the answer.
Mum had been fighting with Paul for months for him to pay the kids' school fees for the year, considering she pays for everything else as well as actually being there for the four of them.
But of course he wasn't cooperating.
The school had been getting antsy, wanting their money and putting pressure on Mum to make it happen.
"Somebody did."
I told my Uncle, because I knew that much.
I'd been with Mum when she was on the phone ready to plead with the school to give her some more time.
We had another Cattle Sale coming up and had to sell off some of our hay crop and then she'd be able to pay the fees.
But the head accountant had told her the fees for Izac, Jace and Hazel were paid.
"So who did?"
Uncle Lukas asked.
That question, I couldn't answer.
"I think we all know the answer."
Blayze suggested.
"And I highly doubt it was Paul coming to his senses, especially considering Kylie was asking him to man up."
Uncle Lukas pulled a slightly grimacing expression.
"Jax again."
Bloody hell...
He even paid for Mum's kids' school fees?
"What's Jax again?"
I jumped in surprise and whirled around to find that Mum had come outside, sneaking up on us.
Thankfully, there was no sign of Jax with her.
That would have been awkward!
"Luka's awake. Jax is comforting him."
Mum said, glancing from me, then to Blayze.
Jaxon has a surprising knack for kids and Babies so I'd found out recently.
Luka seems to relax almost the same way he does with Blayze when he's in Jax's arms even though the guy's only let him once so far, due to his gig schedule.
"Did you ever find out who paid the school fees?"
I asked Mum, curious about if she actually knew the answer.
She looked surprised.
"That's what you guys are talking about out here?"
Her gaze flicked questioningly towards Uncle Lukas and Blayze.
"No. We started off on the fact that we don't want Jax copping the bill for our stay here."
Uncle Lukas told her.
Mum rolled her beautiful green eyes.
"Let it go, Luk. I have. He said he's more than happy to, in order to make life a little easier on us with the decision to come here being so last minute and with Christmas in a few days."
I almost smiled.
Of course Jax had put it so logically that Mum couldn't help but see the sense in his generosity.
"Did he pay the school feee?"
Uncle Lukas outright questioned.
It was definitely a family trait, not holding back when you wanted to know something.
Mum pursed her lips and frowned slightly.
I had my answer.
I was pretty sure Uncle Lukas and Blayze did too, because we all know Mum.
But Mum wouldn't want to admit it.
"I try not to lie to you."
Mum placed her hands on her hips as she stared at her younger, but not little Brother.
"Yes, he got the school off my back. But I'm paying him back, even though he doesn't want me to, because it's not his responsibility."
Uncle Lukas sighed and sank back into his chair, lifting a hand to rub at his face.
He looked...tired.
That wasn't good when our night hadn't even started!
"Can we end this discussion now?"
Mum asked, raising her eyebrows.
"We're not here for this."
We're here for the banquet!
And my Uncle is going to get a heck of a shock tonight!
"I'd better go say hi."
Blayze declared and pushed himself out of his chair.
"And I'd better rescue him from our kid."
I turned on my heel to head back inside.
More than that, I was giving Mum and Uncle Lukas a chance to exchange a few private words.
It didn't take a genius to see that my Uncle clearly had an opinion about Mum's new boyfriend paying her kids' school fees.

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