Chapter Twenty Four

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Ok you amazing people smashed over 100 views of chapter Twenty Three in just two days so here is Chapter Twenty Four for you! Thank you SO MUCH to RachelBaker976 rodeogirl1715 Jesse40 StarPumpkinpie dreamer602659 marnimiddleton123 and jaymonkey for your wonderful comments! Truly blew me away to see how much you're enjoying and caring for this journey 💙 I'm hoping the joy and involvement continues 😀😍


My house was a madhouse.
People were running around like they were chook's who'd had their heads chopped off.
Mobile phones and the house phone were ringing constantly.
Mum had her phone clamped to her ear as she slid into a chair at the dining table beside where I'd been dumped by Uncle Lukas who'd saved me from face planting in the coffee table.
I dragged my gaze to look at Mum's face, my head ringing with white noise.
Images of what I'd seen on that TV screen and of Blayze over the last ten years played in my mind like a movie.
Mum's face was pale and her eyes were full of the stress she was feeling.
I had no hopes of hearing Jaxon's reply over the chaos already going on in the house while everybody fretted about Blayze's welfare.
"Drink up honey."
Grandma's voice urged.
I slowly and robotically turned my head to see that Grandma had set gently steaming mug's in front of Mum and I.
I shook my head.
I can't stomach food or drink.
My stomach is far too knotted up.
I'll vomit.
The rich scent of Chamomile was drifting towards my nose.
Grandma was hoping to offer us some calming vibes through Chamomile Tea.
Suddenly my phone was vibrating on the table in front of me, the noise echoing through my head.
It wasn't the first time it had rang.
But I wasn't able to talk to anybody, so I'd ignored Hayley and Noah's call's and most of their anxious text messages.
A strange number was plastered across the iPhone's screen.
I don't tend to answer number's that I don't know.
But in a time like this...
I grabbed my phone with a shaking hand and deliberated a moment longer, before I slid the answer bar across and placed the mobile to my ear.
I asked, my voice barely working.
My heart was pounding in my chest.
It felt like my blood was running cold in my veins.
"Bailey it's James. I get you most likely have no interest in talking to me and especially not now. But I've seen what's happened and I take it you're going to want to go to Mawson District."
I barely recognised my supposed Father's voice.
Why was he calling me?
How did he even have my number?
"I'm more than happy to get you tickets."
James explained.
Tickets for what?
I turned my gaze toward where Grandpa, Uncle Lukas and Heath were talking animatedly with each other.
They'd already been talking about how we're going to have to head to Mawson District.
But apparently there was also discussion about how somebody was going to have to stay behind.
"Possibly Grandpa, Uncle Lukas and Heath will be coming too."
I muttered through almost numb lips.
"That's fine. I'm on an airline website now and preparing to make bookings."
I asked, shocked.
Can I even stomach a plane flight right now?
"Well it's the quickest way. It takes at least sixteen hours to drive to Mawson District."
James replied.
Mentally I face palmed.
I knew it took ages to drive to Mawson District.
I'd waited over a day for Blayze to get there!
I scrambled out from behind the table to go around to where Grandpa, Uncle Lukas and Heath were gathered.
"Who's coming?"
I asked them, interrupting their chatter.
All three heads turned my way.
"We can't all go..."
Uncle Lukas reasoned, his expression twisting slightly.
"You can."
We all twisted around to see Troy and Alex had stepped up.
"Between us, Jake and Shayne, we can help Grace, Kylie and Bridey keep things going here."
Troy insisted.
Uncle Lukas looked reluctant.
Grandpa looked apprehensive.
"Plane tickets are being booked now."
I interrupted.
"I need to know who's coming with me."
Grandpa and Uncle Lukas exchanged a lengthy glance, seemingly communicating wordlessly.
"We're in."
They told me in unison, turning to face me.
"And flights sounds a hell of a lot better than driving."
Uncle Lukas agreed with a nod.
"Even though it will be expensive."
Maybe I'll hold off to let him know just who's paying for these flights...
"So how many?"
James asked into my ear, through the phone.
I told him, turning away from the gathered crowd while Uncle Lukas and Grandpa discussed Farm management with Troy and Alex.
"You're gonna have to get on a flight from Currency Creek to Adelaide."
James explained.
Currency Creek?
That's like three hours away!
But I was aware that it would take around five hours to drive to Adelaide.
The plane ride from Currency Creek to the Adelaide airport would be less than an hour.
"We have to get on a little plane from Currency Creek!"
I turned around to yell towards Grandpa, Uncle Lukas and Heath.
Chaos immediately erupted around me once again.
"You need to get packed!"
Grandma stressed and ran from the room, probably headed to pack a bag for Grandpa.
Mum pushed back from the dining table with her chair scraping.
"Dad, Lukas, Bailey and Heath are getting on a plane in Currency Creek."
Mum explained into the phone she still had clutched by her ear as she chased after Grandma.
Uncle Lukas pushed Heath towards the kitchen.
I guess he has to get his butt down to the Cottage and get a bag packed quickly.
"What's your email address?"
James asked, interrupting my observations of this madhouse.
Initially I came up with a scary mental blank.
Finally I remembered!
"Bailey Harley ninety at hotmail dot com."
I recited.
Why does he need my email address?
"All lowercase."
I added quickly.
"I'll e-mail the boarding passes to you."
James explained.
"I'll text you anything else that comes up, because I guess you're going to be in a bloody hurry from now."
James added.
I squeaked, unsure I could say much more at the moment..

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