Chapter Sixteen

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My comfortable sleep, filled with a dream of a sunset picnic with Blayze, with our horses grazing nearby, was beginning to leave me.
I clamped my eyes more tightly shut and fought to hold onto the dreamland.
But my ear's were acutely aware of the sounds of birds warbling in the tree's, somebody clanging around in the kitchen and a dog's claw's clicking on the floorboards.
Noooooo I don't want to wake up yet!
But at least today is Saturday which mean's no school.
Today I'm going shopping with Hayley and Noah.
I'm not entirely sure what they want to shop for, but I know I need to think about looking for some baby items considering that in a couple of days I'm officially twenty-one weeks along in the pregnancy.
I'm officially half way.
In a mere five months my baby will decide it's time to come out and grace our world.
The bedroom door opened with a gentle click and swish.
I snapped my eyes open, startled that Heath would just come wandering in.
But, my sleepy eyes didn't find Heath.
How had I not realised that I was alone in this big, comfortable bed?
How did Blayze escape the bed without me realising it?
They do say you're a deep sleeper.
Yeah, after ten years he's probably worked out how to get around my sleeping self.
Suddenly my mouth felt as dry as our far paddock's in the extreme's of drought.
A strange, but slightly familiar warmth was gradually coursing through my body.
Because Blayze was standing just inside the bedroom doorway, a towel wrapped around his hips.
His hip bones protruded deliciously, leading up to the firm and structured ridges of abdominal muscles, going up further still to the solid, tanned expanse of his chest.
His left hand was raised, in what I'm assuming was him scratching the back of his head, the muscles in his arms flexing mouth-wateringly, while his right hand gripped the edge of the towel, holding it in place.
His gaze flicked toward the bed, where I now lay propped on my left elbow, pretty confident that my mouth was hanging open and drool was sliding out like it does to Zeus when he's watching you eat food.
I should probably find some composure...
Blayze greeted, an amused smile gracing his lips.
"Wh-when did you sneak out?"
I croaked, embarrassed by the rasp in my voice.
Was it due to lack of use because I'd been sleeping for many hours, or because in the last couple of minutes I'd been overcome with lust for my beautiful boyfriend's body.
At least one of us get's to keep a nice body.
Not that I'd ever had ab's or defined muscles...
"Not long."
Blayze replied, crossing over to the chest of drawers.
"Figured I'd have time for a shower before you were likely to wake up."
"What's the time?"
I asked, shuffling my way into a sitting position.
Man I'm full of questions today aren't I!
"Uhh... almost eight."
"Grandpa will kill us!"
I exclaimed, tossing the blanket aside and scrambling to the edge of the bed.
"Lukas sent me a text late last night to say we could sleep in coz Jax and Kylie have gone away as you know and Isaiah decided to take Grace out for the day."
He explained, pulling various items of clothing from the drawers and tossing them toward the bed.
The wash jeans were the heaviest item to land, hitting the bed with a gentle thud.
Well I guess that's nice for my Grandparent's to get away and have some quality time together.
I was really happy Jax had taken Mum away for the weekend too.
He wanted to celebrate their two months being together.
As far as I was concerned, Mum definitely deserved that kind of doting treatment after two asshole relationships.
"Apparently Heath's makin' breakfast."
Blayze explained, turning around.
I snapped my head toward the door that was almost completely closed, knowing that I'd cause my body more grief if I sat here drooling over his toned body.
"Well I'm gonna take a quick shower."
"Wait just a sec, I wanna talk to ya about the plans for the day."
I insisted.
I slid my body off the bed and scampered across the room to the door.
Crazy boy was seconds away from dropping his towel!
Oh you know you love it.
I do.
But we've got things to get done today and it's already 8AM.
I closed the bedroom gently behind me, to the sound of Blayze's amused laughter.

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