Chapter Twenty Seven

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I'm truly blown away by the attention this story receives! I honestly NEVER thought it to be possible!
I've noticed that some of you amazing readers are very quick at viewing when I update and it makes me SO excited!
I'd love to hear from you, find out your thoughts considering you must be enjoying what is going on! 😀 There's a select handful who have been amazing in sharing their views and boosting my confidence and spirit to keep going, but I'd so love to hear from all of you!


The overjoyed whinny almost burst my eardrums as it echoed through the stables area of the Mawson District Large Animals Veterinary Clinic.
Beside me, Blayze was walking gingerly, but with determination.
He was fully dressed by now too, even wearing a black Wrangler hoody to protect himself against the August chill.
Jackaroo was throwing his dark brown head skyward, whinny's erupting from his slightly raspy throat.
I looked up to Blayze's face to gauge his reaction.
He was doing his best to bite back his discomfort.
I'd never had broken ribs or a collapsed lung before, so ultimately I had no clue what he was going through right now.
The hospital had him on some strong pain relief, but clearly moving around doesn't help regardless of the high dosage medicine.
His expression was worried, but guarded as we approached Jackaroo's stable.
Except, I could see the light growing in his deep blue-green eyes and the smallest twitch of a smile forming on his lips.
He knew Jackaroo was excited to see him.
"We haven't seen him this happy yet!"
I turned my head to get a look at the Vet who was walking alongside us wearing a blue set of overalls.
His brown hair was lightly greying and his blue eyes had crinkles around them that said he'd either spent plenty of time in the sun during his life, or a lot of time grinning.
But he'd been grinning since we'd rocked up and it was pretty clear he loved his job, so I'd bet on the latter.
He was Malakai Peters, the Veterinarian who'd operated on Jackaroo.
"He loves Blayze."
I explained.
Blayze muttered, his voice slightly breathless.
That damn lung that had collapsed was certainly giving him trouble...
The big dark brown Quarter Horse turned his head to stare straight at his approaching human.
A soft, slightly raspy nicker was his answer to Blayze's greeting.
I couldn't help but grin.
"I hope you don't feel like I do."
Blayze muttered, approaching the half stable door.
My heart clenched.
Oh my poor Cowboy...
Jackaroo lifted his head and gently set his chin over Blayze's shoulder, his brown eyes drifting shut in contentment.
This was a perfect photo opportunity.
Going as fast as my fumbling finger's could move, I found my phone in my handbag and activated the camera.
I snapped three shots for good luck, in my haste to be disctreet.
"You'd be the best judge if he's in pain. But we think we've got him fairly well covered."
Malakai explained, stuffing his hands into his overalls pockets.
"How much pain relief is he gonna have to go home with?"
Blayze questioned, his back to us as he allowed Jackaroo to keep his position and he patted down the horse's strong, glossy brown neck.
Malakai shifted uncomfortably.
I eyed him with raised eyebrows.
What's his problem?
"I wouldn't recommend he goes anywhere yet."
Malakai hedged.
"Well there's not really a choice."
Blayze turned around, disrupting Jackaroo's comfort.
Jackaroo pricked his ears, following his Cowboy's every move.
Malakai asked, sounding confused.
Uh oh...
"I'm takin' him today."
Blayze stated simply.
"My friends and brother are goin' home and he's goin' with them and my other horse."
He jerked a thumb over his shoulder towards Roo in emphasis.
"Look Son I highly don't recommend-"
Malakai started.
"Nothin' you can say is gonna stop me."
Blayze interrupted.
"I'm not leavin' him here. I appreciate what you've done for him and you'll be gettin' your money but he's goin' home."
This was the hard bit.
Grandpa and Uncle Lukas really needed to get back to the farm.
There was only so much that Troy, Alex, Jake and Shayne could be expected to cope with, essentially on their own.
Blayze needed his car, float and horses to get home somehow.
The Doctor's and Surgeon didn't want Blayze sitting in a car for the minimum of eighteen hours' drive home.
So Blayze and I were getting a plane home Thursday.
Grandpa, Uncle Lukas and Heath were going to start driving Blayze's car and float home today.
Malakai worked his jaw.
It was pretty damn obvious he wanted to put his foot down.
But even injured, you didn't want to mess with Blayze.
He's one heck of a stubborn bloke.
"He's going to need the wound cleaned and regular bandage changes."
Malakai explained.
Blayze nodded.
"My friends can handle that. Or we'll do it now and I'll do it when I get home Thursday."
Malakai looked like he really wanted to protest.
Finally he sighed.
"I'll organise supplies for you then..."
He said grudgingly.
Blayze nodded.
This was really going to happen that easily?
I'd fully expected this to get more heated.
Malakai headed back towards the main building, shaking his head as he walked.
I guess he's not happy.
But he probably know's not to mess too strongly with Rodeo Cowboy's and their horses.
"I'm gonna take this fuckin' bucket thing off his head. Can you halter him?"
Blayze asked me.
I nodded quickly.
At least he aaa being smart enough to ask for help.
It was quite surprising.
Blayze reached up to unclip the snaps on the bucket thing around Roo's ears.
Then he opened the stable door to let me in so that I could halter him.
Thankfully, Jackaroo remembered his manners and lowered his head, placing his nose into the nose band of the halter for me.
I slipped the band around the back of his ears and tied the knot on the side of his head.
"Want me to lead him?"
I offered, holding the leadrope loosely in my right hand.
Blayze was silent a moment and I'd swear he was doing a self analysis to see what his body could currently handle.
"I'll do it."
He declared a moment later.
I warned.
The hospital had only cleared him to be out for a couple of hours, to visit and assess Jackaroo.
He was steadier on his feet than he'd been yesterday, but he was still far from my normal sturdy footed, energy filled Cowboy.
He held out his right hand expectantly, his gaze unwavering as he looked me directly in the eye.
Knowing full well it was useless arguing, I reluctantly handed over the rope.
Jackaroo shifted eagerly.
"Hold on."
I cautioned the horse, placing my hand against his neck.
"Let me out first."
I didn't want to chance him accidentally slamming me into one of these stable walls or something, in his haste to get out of the stable.
Blayze raised a finger to Jackaroo, signalling him to wait.
I slipped out of the partially opened stall door and made my way across the aisle to give Blayze and Jackaroo some room to move.
Blayze used his boot clad foot to push the stall door out of the way.
Then he gestured for Jackaroo to step out into the aisle, with a smooth but subtle flick of his hand.
The horse's strong hooves clacked on the solid cement flooring of the walkway as he stepped out of the sawdust filled stall.
He still had the bandage around his barrel and it just wasn't right.
Even I could see that his strides were short as he looked around this new space, curving in a half circle around Blayze.
Blayze's frown told me he too wasn't happy with what he was seeing.
"Lets go."
Blayze muttered and started slowly towards the large double doors.
Behind us the other horses neighed their protests at their stable friend leaving.
Blayze ignored them, which meant that Jackaroo in turn did too, trusting in his owner's instincts.
A black face suddenly popped over a nearby stable door, right at the end near the main doors.
Blayze stopped walking, staring at the new horse, seemingly transfixed.
I asked, glancing between him and the horse.
"That's Pincer."
Blayze said quietly.
Who's that?
I wracked my brain but came up empty.
"Xalan's horse."
Blayze whispered.
My breath caught in my throat.
Jackaroo stretched his nose forward, but the horses couldn't reach each other.
Did they remember that they'd been in the same accident?
Pincer suddenly rolled his eyes and thrashed around backwards in his stall until he reached the back wall and reared.
I stepped back quickly, even though the horse was in the confines of the stall and definitely couldn't hurt me or my baby.
Shit maybe he does remember!
"He was actin' like this before we rode."
Blayze whispered.
I span around to face him.
What the hell is he on about?
His gaze was still trained on the black horse.
"We were asked to do bloods on that horse."
We both turned around to find that Malakai was walking towards us, a plastic bag in his hand.
I whispered.
"What did ya find?"
Blayze's voice overlapped mine, alarmed but demanding.
Malakai shook his head in denial.
"I can't disclose that. The heads of the Rodeo know."
Uh oh...
"Tell me."
Blayze insisted, his tone rough.
Pincer slammed into the side of his stall, making both and Jackaroo and I jump.
Blayze flinched.
Malakai pursed his lips and peered toward the stall.
Mentally I slapped myself.
It's time to save this poor Vet from Blayze.
I turned to him and reached forward to grasp his free hand.
"You can't force a professional to talk about something they're not allowed to."
I reminded him.
I was fully aware that he was frustrated and wanted to know why the accident occurred.
But taking it out on the Vet wasn't fair.
Clenching his jaw, Blayze turned to lead Jackaroo outside to where his Ute was waiting, with his float hooked up behind it.
Grandpa, Uncle Lukas and Heath climbed out of the Ute as we walked out of the stables into the crisp Winter day.
"How's he doin'?"
Grandpa questioned.
"May need some meds along the way."
Blayze explained.
"What about his wound?"
Uncle Lukas asked.
"May need a clean and re-bandage."
Blayze told him.
Grandpa and Uncle Lukas nodded.
"Let's load 'im up."
Uncle Lukas declared and headed for the back of the float.
Heath went back there with him to help lower the ramp.
Rowan neighed eagerly from inside.
Jackaroo neighed back, his voice raspy.
"Why's he so raspy?"
I asked Blayze, concerned.
"Probably the puncture."
That somewhat made sense considering Blayze's voice too was only just beginning to return to normal.
Blayze led Jackaroo down to the back of the float and sent him in.
Uncle Lukas tied him in and Heath closed the barrier's around him.
"Don't worry we'll keep a close eye on 'im and keep ya posted."
Grandpa promised, placing a hand on Blayze's right shoulder.
Blayze nodded.
"I trust you guys."
I exchanged hugs with Grandpa, Uncle Lukas and Heath before they piled into the Ute.
They were headed home.
Blayze and I had to go back out the front to the car that Salazar was waiting in and head back to the hospital.

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