Chapter Sixty Four

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My dear little Luka had woken us up twice during the night.
The first time was at 12:45AM to have a nappy change and a feed, then he'd drifted back off to sleep at around 1:30AM.
The second time was at 5:30 and he'd returned to sleep again at around 6:15.
So far he was yet to wake up again, but I couldn't sleep.
I seemed to be looking at the clock every five minutes or so, waiting on what time the little man would wake up again.
Thanks to the two times already this morning, I somewhat thought we had around a four hour window from 6:15.
But, he's a newborn so who the heck knows if he'll stick to any kind of a routine yet?
Blayze was outside with the Dog's for the last couple of hours or so, checking on the horses and letting the Dog's do their business and stretch their legs.
Hopefully today we'll introduce Azlan, Zeus and Zuke to Luka.
Azlan and Zeus are both great with kids, though Zeus has only had any real interaction with one baby, my cousin Bindi.
We didn't really know how Zuke would react to a Baby since the youngest person he's met yet is Bindi and he met her as a 2 1/2 year old Toddler.
The kettle dinged to let me know it was finished boiling and I turned to fetch the jug.
Coffee come at me!
I'd barely slept last night, no matter how utterly exhausted my body was, because I'd been too petrified something would happen to Luka during the night.
What if he stopped breathing while he slept?
For that one, I was out of bed about every half an hour to check he was still breathing normally.
I didn't want to sleep and not hear his cries either (not that so far he was proving to cry so much as mewl a bit in discomfort or irritation), so I'd stayed awake as long as I could possibly hold my eyes open for.
I know I'd probably dropped off a couple of times, but doubted if I slept for more than around 20 minutes at a time, from the times I'd checked my phone screen for the time during the night.
Movement at the front windows caught my attention.
Blayze is back.
I grabbed his mug from the wire drying rack next to the sink ready to make him a cuppa too.
He'd not managed much more sleep than me last night/this morning thanks to all my restlessness, so he was probably in urgent need of more coffee!
The door opened just as I was scooping a spoonful of coffee grains into his mug.
To my surprise, it was Grandma and Grandpa who stepped into the house.
I discarded the coffee and the teaspoon and made my way out of the kitchen to greet my Grandparents.
"Hello Darling!"
Grandma approached me with open arms and a smile.
As I stepped into her hug, Blayze followed them into th house, shutting the door with a click behind him and leaving the whining Dog's out on the porch.
I greeted Grandma, dropping a kiss onto her cheek as I stepped back from hugging her.
Next I moved on to hug Grandpa and place a kiss on his cheek too.
"So how are you doing?"
Grandma asked, placing her hands on my shoulders and running her gaze right over my body from head to toe and back again.
"I'm okay."
I nodded.
"Tired, but physically Doctor Glenn gave both Luka and I the all clear."
Grandma's smile blossomed once again.
"Where is little Luka?"
Grandpa asked.
"In our room."
I explained.
"The Baby Monitor is on and I'm just waiting for the next time he wakes up."
"Has he still not woken up yet?"
Blayze asked as he headed for the kitchen.
I told him.
"I did promise you I'd let you know if he did."
We were trying to work out Luka's schedule of awake time and sleep time, so yes, I'd told Blayze I'd let him know if Luka woke up while he was out with the Dog's.
I could tell by the barely contained excitement on Grandma's face that she was desperate to get her first real life look at her first Great Grandchild.
Although I wanted Luka's sleep time to be his peaceful sleep time, I certainly didn't have the heart to say 'Grandma, you have to wait until he wakes up'.
For one thing, we didn't know if it would be 10 minutes, half an hour, an hour or an hour and a half before he would wake.
"You're welcome to go peek in on him."
I told my Grandparents, glancing between them.
A smile lit even Grandpa's face.
"We'll be quiet."
Grandma promised, lifting a finger to her lips as if for emphasis.
I couldn't help but laugh.

While my Grandparent's headed down the hallway, I moved back to the kitchen to find Blayze was almost finished making four warm drinks.
"I'm kinda just assuming Grace and Isaiah will have a cuppa."
He explained, glancing over at me as he stirred the last drink in the lineup of four.
I couldn't help but smile.
"I don't think ether one of them will say no..."
It was rare for my Grandparents to decline a cuppa.
"Did you not get my message that they were tagging along?"
Blayze asked, raising a questioning eyebrow.
I scanned the kitchen bench, but couldn't see my phone anywhere.
Mentally I face palmed.
The phone is probably still back in the bedroom.
With Luka.
If it's gone off, it clearly hasn't woken him up.
I was fairly certain it was on silent anyway, so would only vibrate if somebody called or messaged.
"Well I tried to warn you in case you didn't want anybody to stop in. But they're Grace and Isaiah so I didn't exactly wanna tell 'em to bugger off."
Blayze muttered.
I couldn't help but smile.
"Well, Luka's a pretty placid kid so far, so right now I don't mind. I'm tired because of myself this morning, not even him."
I answered as I wrapped my hands around the mug Blayze offered me.
"Yeah I know what ya mean."
He replied, lifting his own mug off the bench.
"Your tossing, turning and getting outta bed didn't exactly help, but I had one ear listening the whole night anyway. And he barely even moved all night!"
Smiling, I shook my head and carefully lifted the gently steaming mug to my lips to take a testing sip of the hot drink.
Swallowing the mouthful and slowly setting the mug back onto the bench, I lifted my gaze to look at Blayze's face.
"Speaking of surprises... have you heard anything from Codie yet?"
He shook his head.
"Only the message last night that said Henry was in ICU."
I chewed on my lower lip.
So far (at least as far as I was aware), I'd heard nothing from Noah regarding her Dad's condition.
Then again, if Codie had messaged the boys then she probably assumed that Hayley and I knew what Codie had said.

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