Chapter Eighteen

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Blayze wasn't speaking to me.
At least he wasn't properly.
I certainly didn't class blunt bare minimum's as 'talking' to the girl you apparently love.
And it was barely just over twenty four hours after our sweet little moment after Jaxon left Wednesday evening!
Being it was Friday, I was supposed to be going to school until lunch time.
But we had a Cattle Muster to do. In preparation for Drenching and it was going to be Zuke's first Muster.
I'd enlisted myself to help.
Blayze of course disagreed.
Hence why as of yesterday afternoon, when I'd said I was joining in and he'd said no, he was barely speaking to me.
Last night I'd even spent a lonely night up in my old bed in the main house, with Zuke as my snuggle buddy.
My dog had surprised me when he'd chosen me.
I'd walked away from Blayze albeit mad and Zuke had chased me at a jog.
Being already tired from a lack of sleep wasn't exactly what I wanted when I had a day of Mustering ahead of me.
Grandma shot me a grim, slightly sad smile as I walked into the kitchen with Zuke trailing behind me.
Crap the dog...
"C'mon Zuke."
I muttered and headed for the back exit.
The gentle clicking of his claw's on the wooden floor told me he was following.
The chatter in the out dining room ceased as Zuke and I passed the doorway, headed for the back door.
Boo hoo they can damn well pick sides if they want.
See if I care.
I'm joining in while I'm still remotely capable to.
Even Blayze can't stop me.
Of course I'd listen if he actually had a valid excuse.
But he doesn't.
He's just being a stubborn jerk.
And you don't think you're being stubborn.
My god!
Now I'm going to start arguing with myself?
I pushed the back door open to let Zuke outside into the crisp morning.
My half grown dog looked up at me with sad, questioning eyes and wagged his tail at half mast.
He was pleading with me to not make him go.
"Don't you start your shit too!"
I growled.
He scampered out the door, a squeak like yelp that by no means matched his size emitting from him.
The creak of the garden gate made us both look to the front of the house yard.
Blayze and Heath had arrived.
Apparently Zuke wasn't paying very good attention this morning, because he should've seen and/or heard them coming before now.
I froze, with my hand still on the open back door handle as the brother's approached the house.
Blayze stopped to give Zuke a pat and Heath kept coming.
My heart jolted in my chest.
Was that Blayze hinting he wanted to talk to me?
Don't be stupid if Blayze wants a word he'll tell you as much.
"Grumpier than a fucking cornered brown snake."
Heath grumbled as he squeezed past me to enter the house.
I frowned, confused.
Was that in reference to me or Blayze?
Blayze stoped patting Zuke and my dog darted off to find somewhere to do his morning business.
My heart lurched into my throat as Blayze approached the back door where I was still rooted to my spot.
"You come to your senses yet?"
Blayze asked, sliding his hands into his jacket pockets.
I felt a legitimate growl build in my throat.
But I'm not a dog, so I swallowed it and settled instead for a pissed off scowl.
"Don't piss me off!"
I snapped.
"I'm tired as hell and I'm pregnant. You're the one who's being an ass!"
I spun on my heel and headed back into the warmth of the house.
Hushed whisper's met my ear's as I neared the out dining room.
Pissed off to the max, I flipped them all off and continued for the kitchen.
Who cares if they're all scared of Blayze beating them up?!
They can stop being such a bunch of woosy bloody bitches!
"Bailey Grace Harley!"
My Grandfather's shocked voice exclaimed.
I stopped in my track's and winced.
Didn't realise Grandpa was in there too...
Feeling like a scolded puppy, i forced myself to turn around and walk to the out dining room's entrance.
"I'm sorry Pa."
I apologised, leaning in the doorway.
"That wasn't meant for you."
"I should hope not!"
My Grandpa agreed, a frown on his face.
Damn it.
I certainly was doing well today!
"You and You."
I winced as Grandpa pointed at me, then landed his glare on something or rather someone behind me and pointed there to.
How didn't I feel Blayze arrive behind me?
I definitely should've known he wouldn't just stay outside...
All the hands and Heath pressed their lips together and dropped their eyes to the table.
Like me, they knew Grandpa now meant business.
"Sort your shit out!"
Grandpa snapped, his fierce green glare flickering from me, to behind me.
I gulped nervously.
It's not often Grandpa reaches snap mode.
He doesn't have to because we've all learned by now to not mess with him, because he will lay the law down where it's necessary.
Grandpa turned his attention back to his coffee, as if he hadn't said a word.
I spun around, with my heart sprinting in my chest and almost smacked my nose on Blayze's chest.
Swallowing hard, I lifted my gaze from his dark blue Bullzye jacket style jumper, until I was looking at his face.
By the looks of the slightly red lines around his deep blue-green eyes, he didn't have a great sleep last night either.
I swallowed nervously.
Just because we're both good at being pissed off doesn't mean I enjoy fighting with him.
Even though I'd been mad at him last night, I'd still lain awake in my tiny, lonely bed, missing the smell of him and his cuddles.
His gaze roamed my face for a moment, making me gradually even more nervous by the second.
"Can we talk?"
He asked softly.
I swallowed past the thickness in my throat and nodded.
Grandpa was right.
We were idiots to draw this out and waste our precious time and energy being angry with each other.

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