Chapter Fifty Seven

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Save a horse, ride a cowboy? 😜😂

It felt amazing to wake up on the Monday and know I didn't have to go to school.
School was officially out for us year twelves!
All we had left was graduation on Friday night.
Last Thursday was our last official day at school and i could not believe some of the girls were actually crying about year twelve being over.
I for one was more than happy to wave it good riddance.
Friday was a student free day for both the Primary and High School's, hence the futile shopping trip I'd had with the family in an attempt to find me a graduation dress.
Saturday I'd met with Aurora.
I was nervous about if or what she would come up with.
But at the moment, she was my only choice.
That or I'd be attending the ceremony in my maternity jeans!
That actually wasn't a half bad idea...
I shook my head.
I'd stand out like a sore thumb against everybody else!
Slowly, I rolled onto my back, preparing to get up and start the day.
A sliver of light was peeking through a gap in the curtains, letting me know we were well into the morning.
Blayze had disappeared hours ago, to get started on a day's work.
Laying on my back, I moved my hands down to gently caress the swell of my belly.
I could hardly believe that it was literally two weeks tomorrow that my Son or Daughter would make his or her entrance into our world.
"How are you doing in there, Little One?"
I all but whispered into the silence of the master bedroom.
My Baby didn't move, but I tried not to be alarmed.
It's usually once I'm up and moving around that he or she will wake up and I'll feel him or her shift around.
A clicking noise from the hallway caught my attention.
I propped myself up onto my elbows and looked towards the doorway.
I'd thought Blayze would have taken the Dog's out with him?
But it was definitely Dog claws I could hear clicking on the floorboards.
Zuke's boof head appeared in the doorway, the plastic bucket still clipped around his neck, making him look quite comical.
We were trialling him without the bucket on, when we knew we had time to watch him.
So far, he was doing well with not trying to bite at his healing wounds when he had the bucket off.
Blayze would have left it on this morning though, because he'd slipped out early but left me to sleep.
From across the room, Zuke stared at me, awaiting instruction.
"Hey Zukey Baby."
I greeted the almost grown Dog.
He crossed the threshold into the bedroom at a jog and came around my side of the bed, his tail wagging.
Laughing lightly, I pushed myself up into a sitting position and eased myself to the edge of the bed.
"Blayze didn't take you out today, huh?"
I asked my Pup, reaching down to give his head a pat.
Zuke just wagged his tail harder.
It was odd.
All the day's I'd been going to school and what not, Zuke was out with Blayze, Azlan and Zeus.
I wonder why he didn't take him today...
"I guess it's time Mamma gets up, hey?"
I asked my Dog.
He scampered backwards a couple of steps, his eyes bright and his tail wagging.
I placed my hands on the mattress and shuffled myself closer to the edge of the bed.
Carefully and slowly, I began to ease myself onto my feet, trying hard to not put any strain on my full and tender torso.
I eased the sleep stiffened kinks out of my back slowly, allowing myself to stand with straight posture.
"Time for Mamma to have a cuppa."
I informed Zuke.
I took just one step before my Dog turned around on his haunches and led the way to the open doorway.
It was incredibly weird to pad my way down the hallway, with such deafening silence surrounding me.
All my life I'd had people around me.
Even when I was young, Mum and I had lived in the Main House with Grandma and Grandpa.
Uncle Lukas and Aunty Bridey had been around a lot.
Then Blayze moved in.
Then Mum and Paul were together.
Then my cousin Talan was born.
Then came along Izac and Jace.
It went along, with the hired hands being recruited as Mum and Uncle Lukas became busy being parents, until the Baby of the family, my cousin Bindi was born.
Today is Monday, the seventh of November, Bindi's 3rd birthday.
As I reached to turn the kettle on, I remembered that we were having a family dinner for Bindi's Birthday this evening.
My Baby began to shift in my belly and I couldn't help but smile as I looked down at my t-shirt covered belly, the kettle kicking to life in the background.
Placing a hand on my belly and feeling the movements from the outside as well as the inside, I smiled down at my unborn child, eager yet terrified to meet him or her.
"Bindi's not gonna be the Baby of the family for long, is she."
I whispered.
Talon, Izac, Jace, Taj, Hazel, Amara and Lily were incredibly excited for the arrival of the Baby.
Bindi on the other hand, either didn't want a Baby to take her place as the Baby of the family, or she didn't quite understand yet what exactly was going on.
Talan, Izac, Taj and Lily wanted my Baby to be a Boy.
Jace, Hazel and Amara had apparently allotted themselves to Team Girl.
Jace had surprised all of us by choosing Team Girl.
Of course Talon, Izac and Taj mocked him for it, but he stood his ground.
"Are you a Boy-"
I stopped talking when a seemingly deliberate foot or possibly hand, elbow or knee was pressed against my palm, jutting out the skin of my belly.
My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't help but smile down at my belly.
The pressure came off my palm.
"Or a girl?"
I asked teasingly.
Once again the pressure came back into my palm.
Smiling, I shook my head.
"Even you want to keep us guessing."
I crooned, giving my belly a gentle rub.
Our whole farm, not just the kids, was divided on the subject of the gender of the Baby.
Grandpa was saying Boy.
No reasons as to why, it was just what he believed.
Grandma also was saying Boy.
She, however, was putting it down to 'the way I was carrying'.
She declared I was 'all in the front' which was supposed to mean Boy.
Mum was battling against her Parent's, saying she thought Girl
In her opinion, it was rightful I would carry on her tradition and have a Daughter first.
I honestly had no idea why people kept saying 'first'.
What made them think I'd even want to do this again once I experienced Labour and a possibly wretched newborn who was never sleeping at night?
Uncle Lukas too deemed Girl.
The sparkle in his green eyes though, told us that he didn't really know, he just wanted to tease Blayze.
Aunty Bridey believed it was a Boy, because we were 'due' for another Boy in the family considering the last four born were Girl's.
Heath had changed his mind and now declared we were having a girl, purely because he was keen to see her run rings around Blayze as she grew up!
Troy, Alex and Jake all said they figured he was a Boy.
Shayne was the black sheep of the hands and declaring Girl.
Blayze declared he had no clue.
My instincts were beginning to sway me one way...
But I wasn't alerting a single soul to this factor.
Hell, I could even be wrong anyway.
By now the kettle had finished boiling.
"Time for Mamma to make a cuppa."
I informed nobody in particular and turned on my heel to head to the drying rack where my favourite mug was waiting.
My green mug that had Cowgirls Rule written on the side.

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