Chapter Fifty Three

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Thank you so much to the overwhelming support of the previous chapter!
I had a few amazing reader's inform me that they were in tears the entire way through, firstly happy tears, then sad tears, keeping them hooked the entire time!
I love the way some of you so openly love this journey!
I'm absolutely loving the writing although occasionally I get a little stuck, particularly with trying to follow up a chapter like the last one!
I adore you all and cannot thank you enough!

Busy wasn't even a sufficient adjective to describe the last couple of days.
On Sunday we'd checked in on Zuke at Quinn's place and my poor Dog didn't even try and get to his feet when Blayze and I arrived at his kennel.
He was still hooked up to a drip and was receiving pain relief by needle every six hours, but Quinn was optimistic now that he's passed the forty eight hour threshold and should pull through.
Then Blayze and I had gone to Bentley's Cafe to meet Loralai and find out why she'd made the surprise visit.
It turn's out she wanted to tell Blayze in person that she's started to see a man.
I still didn't know Blayze's exact thoughts on the matter, because he was yet to talk to me about it.
He'd told his Mum that if she was happy, then he was happy for her.
But I wasn't one hundred percent convinced it was quite the truth.
He'd looked guarded.
Then again, Loralai was old enough to make her own decisions.
And if she's not been with anybody since she was with Blayze's Dad, then she was definitely entitled to have some romance in her life.
I just hoped the 'Brady' man she spoke of was being good to her.
She was a sweet woman who had already endured far too much heartache.
On our way to the car after the time spent with Loralai, Blayze had received a call from Rikki.
We didn't know that it was Rikki though, because apparently she's changed her number since she left town.
Her Mother was sick and had gone to hospital and Rikki wanted Blayze to take Tameron for a week.
So yesterday we'd driven to the South Australia and Victorian border to meet Rikki and pick the five year old up.
Sure, the circumstances weren't great, but on the other hand it was nice that at least Blayze was actually going to get to have Tameron around again for a little while.
The trip had been tiring, taking up practically the whole day, but thanks to daylight savings we made it home before it was dark.
Tameron who had fallen asleep twice during the car ride, was still tired enough to have dinner and a shower without complaint, then fall into his bed which Jaxon and Heath had helped Blayze to put together on Sunday night.
By the time we got home we'd found that Mum had even spruced the bedroom up with some kids' pictures and accessories, making it actually look and feel like a small boy's room.
With Finding Nemo, Ben Ten and Cars inspired wall stickers dotted around the room and a road car mat on the floor, along with a Finding Nemo bedspread, the room really was quite adorable now.
Tameron had been exhausted, but oh so excited when he'd seen his new space.
It was heartwarming to see his reaction.
Today's plans were that Mum and Grandma were keeping an eye on Tameron and Blayze and I were heading into town to have a checkup on the Baby and then hopefully pick Zuke up from Quinn's on the way home.
Yesterday we hadn't been able to visit him, what with the whole day of driving, but Quinn had called and let us know he was spending more time awake and had stood twice, although he was shaky on his legs and didn't stay up for long.
We were yet to hear though, if we were definitely going to be bringing him home today.
"You ready?"
Blayze's voice dragged me out of my faraway thoughts to find that we were parked in the Currency Creek Hospital's parking lot.
When the heck did we even get here?
"You look lost."
I shot Blayze a sheepish smile.
"Sorry. I was a million miles away."
"I figured. Seeing as Josh Turner came on and you didn't even blink."
I sat up straighter in the passenger seat.
"What song?!"
Blayze grinned.
I slumped in my seat.
Of course I love Jaxon's music and Luke Bryan.
But Josh Turner's 'Would You Go With Me' seemed to be my latest mantra.
I can seriously just listen to that song on repeat these days!
"If you're lucky, I might find it when we get back on the road."
Blayze allowed, sitting relaxed in the driver's seat, his back slightly angled to the door and his eyes sparkling gently.
If I'm lucky?
"How about if you love me you'll play it when we get back in the car?"
I retorted.
Amusement sparked in his deep blue-green eyes.
"Or you could download the song yourself and then listen to it when you choose."
I scoffed.
Download it?
We have iPhones.
That means it costs like two odd dollars for every damn song we want to download!
Rip off if you ask me.
"Why would I do that when I can just play it off your phone?"
I asked, raising a questioning eyebrow.
He shrugged.
I couldn't help but smile.
"So should we do this?"
Blayze suggested.
Should we make our way into that ginormous hospital building and wait for my appointment with Doctor Legend to check on our Baby?
I agreed, unbuckling my seat belt.
Blayze slipped his keys from the ignition and pushed the driver's door open.
"I literally have to remind myself to grab my keys in places like this."
He grumbled as he swung his long, denim clad legs out of the car.
I couldn't help but laugh.
"Chill your beans Cowboy. We shouldn't be here too long!"
"Any time is too long!"
Blayze retorted, standing on the other side of the vehicle with the door still open.
I eased myself down from the passenger side.
"You didn't have to come if it bother's you that badly."
I reminded.
I'd told him more than once he could stay home.
Blayze scowled.
"You're talkin' crap again!"
With a roll of my eyes, but a smile lingering on my lips, I stepped back and shut the passenger door.

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