Chapter Eleven

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Merry Christmas amazing readers! I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Thank you dreamer602659 for your vote on Chapter Ten 😊


The telltale rhythmic beep of hospital machinery greeted me as I slowly reached consciousness.
I snapped my eyes open, my heart pounding and therefore the beeping of the machines got into a crazy, fast tempo.
I guess that machine is measuring my heart rate...
"Oh Bailey!"
I jumped slightly in surprise as Hayley launched at me with a remarkably gentle hug.
I croaked, patting her back.
Movement from the opposite side of the hospital bed I was laying in caught my attention.
A sleepy looking Keegan shifted forward until he was sitting on the edge of the seat.
"You're awake."
He commented, his usually deep voice a little scratchy from either sleepiness, lack of use or both.
"I'm so sorry!"
I turned my focus to Hayley; realising the shaking sensation I was feeling, was because she was lightly shaking.
"Guys can you please give us a moment?"
We all looked toward the hospital room's doorway, to where Doctor Legend's familiar form was standing.
Oh crap I really am in-
Oh my god!
I clutched at my belly as Hayley stepped back from the bed and Keegan rose out of his chair.
"My baby?"
I whispered, locking my eyes on my Doctor.
Already my vision began to swim.
The machine's beeped more loudly.
"I'll get Blayze."
Keegan muttered just before he disappeared from view.
Hayley shot me a distressed last glance before she too stepped out of the room, with tears streaming down her face.
"D-D Doctor L-Leg-"
I could barely speak as I attempted to ask my Doctor for information.
My head felt stuffy, my tongue felt thick and my mouth was as dry as our paddock's in summer.
But I had to find out what the go was with my baby.
Flashback's of Austin's fist swinging at me made me cringe.
No, no, no, no, NO!
"I'm going to run a few basic test's if you don't mind."
Doctor Legend informed me, approaching my bed with smooth, slow steps.
"J-just t-tell me!"
I begged, multiple hot tear's flowing out of my eyes and onto my cheek's.
"I'll check your heart rate first."
Doctor Legend explained, pulling his stethoscope thing from around his neck.
"It's not going to tell you anything good! I'm stressed!"
I yelled, clenching my hands into fists at my sides.
As a Doctor shouldn't he of all people know this?!
Doctor Legend didn't seem to notice the new arrival, but I snapped my head toward the doorway.
Blayze walked to my hospital bed, looking like he'd been hit by a truck.
His eyes were red dimmed, but there were also dark purple bag's underneath them.
I even noticed a white bandage wrapped around his right hand.
Seeing Blayze and even more, his disheveled, lost appearance, broke me further.
I now had no hopes of controlling my tears.
They came out in a fierce, endless torrent that I couldn't stop.
I lifted my hands to my head, my hands shaking as I clutched at my face.
Oh my god what if I've lost our baby?!
"I'll let you handle this for a moment."
I vaguely heard Doctor Legend remark.
The next thing I realised, the mattress sunk alongside me and warm, strong, familiar arms went around my body.
I clutched at Blayze's jumper and buried my face into his shoulder, trying hard to just breathe.
But it wasn't working so well.
Both of us already loved our baby.
If he or she was gone...
"Nate already told me our baby is alive."
Hold on...
I pulled back enough to look at Blayze's face, while I still clutched at the soft fabric of his hoody.
I stammered, my heart begging for my ear's to have heard correctly.
"That's all I know so far."
Blayze told me, pulling me back into his chest, as if he needed to hold me as much as I needed to be held.
My baby is alive...
Tears of relief flowed steadily down my cheek's as I clutched onto Blayze, deeply inhaling his familiar scent.

"I'm sorry about my outburst."
I apologised, feeling super embarrassed about how I'd previously acted toward my Doctor.
Doctor Legend has been so incredibly amazing to me these last few months...
And I went and acted like a right idiot just because he was only trying to do his job.
The Doctor waved a dismissive hand.
"Your anxiousness is more than acceptable and understandable."
He promised.
"I would like to run a few basic ob's on you if you'll accept it, because I really do need to assess your wellbeing and then we can organise an ultrasound for you both to see your baby if you'd like."
See our baby again?
Hell yes!
"You really do need to let him run his check's."
Blayze told me, rubbing my back gently.
I sighed, feeling my shoulder's sag.
I agreed.
Doctor Legend smiled and stepped up to the side of the bed, brandishing a small light to flash in my eyes one at a time.
"Both eyes seem good..."
He mused as he checked my second one.
"Now I'll just take your heart rate and your blood pressure."
He told me, his English accent standing out strongly.
I nodded mutely.
What else was I meant to do?
I couldn't exactly say no when I'd already given in and agreed.
Doctor Legend checked my heart rate and claimed it was slightly on the slower than usual scale.
Next he strapped one of those bandage things with the Velcro around my bicep, then pumped the little handle thing so that the bandage material inflated until it was almost uncomfortable.
A few moments later, he let the bandage down and removed it.
I asked, seeing as he wasn't saying anything.
"Your blood pressure is a little high."
Doctor Legend explained, placing his tools back on a trolley.
"I'm not alarmed, seeing as you have just woken up and you've been very stressed about your baby's welfare."
He explained, moving to the end of the hospital bed to write on my chart.
"So she's okay then?"
Blayze asked, still seated on the edge of my hospital bed.
"Looking good."
Doctor Legend agreed, closing his pen with a click and sliding it into his shirt's chest pocket.
He'd started to make me feel worried!
"I'll go organise a Nurse to bring in the scan equipment for you."
Doctor Legend explained, before turning on his heel and leaving the hospital room.

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