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Umm... so which one of y'all hoes voted for Trump?! How y'all gon vote a sundried orange into presidency?! Unless you are a straight white male, you had no reason to vote for him. He doesn't respect women (lowkey, almost no males do, let alone a rich, white one). He is not for y'all poor white people lmao. And I'm flabbergasted at the turnout of white ladies that voted for him. With all that whining about feminism (noticeably for the progression of white women, y'all not slick), I would have thought Hilary would have won lmao. Girl, not that I hate white people or anything like that, but y'all have quite a history of fuckin' shit up. Girl, y'all better hope he doesn't fuck up too severely. I mean, he will, cuz he's Trump and that's what he does, but uh.... ya really did it this time. 

If you're part of the (white)  LGBT, he is not here for y'all fagueritas ( calm down, I am also one of those, minus the whiteness). I guess y'all like being white a little more than being your complete self. Hey, maybe I would too. Still woulda voted Hillary though.

If you black, he thinks you have no reason to NOT vote for him (and congrats to y'all for voting a racist into office.)

If you're hispanic and you voted for him, just know he'll probably try and have y'all deported. He don't care if y'all were born in Kentucky, he tryna ship yall out TAHDAY. Plus, he thinks all of y'all are Mexicans lmao. I guess some are anti-black and since Hillary is connected to Obama, they fucked her over in the process. 

Muslims, if you voted for him, hopefully y'all got some good insurance, because surely this presidency will empower white people to go around assaulting y'all and try and get you in the hospital. Bless up, baes.

to the straight (or gay, a good chunk of you niggas are racist and misogynistic, anyways lol) white males who wanna see America be Great (white) Again, y'all can kiss that shit goodbye. It's cute that y'all think you're better than everyone else, but nah. Y'all deflect all of your issues on other people. Apparently POC, namely black people are seen as lazy. Yeah, says the people who forced everyone else to do the work for you. Y'all niggas couldn't even do housework cuz it was too feminine and left all of that shit up to the women. Don't tell me shit about having to go to work, because you niggas probably still sat your asses down in the couch on the weekends. Y'all lucky the system is built so that you actually don't have to do shit. Must be the life. You're not better than anyone else, though. Don't fuck with the fagueritas? So, mind your damn business. You do not have to believe in anything for it to not be real. It exists, girl. "I don't agree with it". Nobody asked you, though. That is not up to you, girl. Don't like anyone that isn't white. Y'all need to worship us, lowkey. None of this shit would be here without POC. Y'all hoes better get on your knees and pray for forgiveness. Can't believe y'all are this trash and then still go to church and pray to God like he's actually okay with that shit. Y'all moreso act like there ain't one. Might be true.

I'm not mad, I'm actually looking forward to see the results of this thing. It's the start of a really good book where the people inside go through a bunch of unpredictable events and I, as the reader, wanna see what happens at the end. 

bitch, this is gon be a term for the books!!

brb for my thoughts on school.

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