Excuse me while I throw a tantrum

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MY PHONE IS BROKEN AND I DONT HAVE ANY MONEY TO FIX THE SHIT! My screen is acting so fucking dumb, it's acting like it doesn't recognize my touch. BITCH, YOU RECOGNIZE MY DAMN TOUCH. Bitch, I am desperate here. It's not the phone itself that is making me go nuts, it's the things I can't do without it. Now I can't listen to music all day. My classes are mostly in Sign Language, so if I'm not listening to music, I am listening to people fucking breathe, fart, cough, sigh, listening to fucking chairs squeak, hoes walking outside of the classroom, computer sounds and listening to people scratch their fucking scalps. The ONLY reason I'm going to one of my classes today is because she uses her voice and I usually have the music down anyways. I'm trying to calm down because it ain't THAT serious, but seriously, music is the only way I can tolerate this bullshit. 

I just GOT this fucking phone in February, y'all. My other phone who I was in a relationship with (lmao) for two years just randomly died on me so I just decided to get an iPhone. WORST DECISION EVER. Y'all hoes love to just be on Twitter bragging and shit about your iphones 'cause you got emojis and shit and yall had snapchat first or something but the hardware and software on this shit is fucking TRASH. A nigga goin' right back to Android. Fuck this shit lmao. I'ma get another Galaxy. Y'all can keep them exploding ass S6s and 7s and shit, but I loved the shit out of my Note 2. LOVED IT. 

I think I'm gonna try to put my phone in the freezer for a couple hours and see how that goes. Apparently that works for some people. This is the whole reason I wanted a fucking Mac, 'cause those computers generally suck less in general, and it would be dope to be able to sync my phone and messages and stuff. If I'ma be an apple junkie, I'd better be used to the disappointment lmao. And I'm SO mad I switched, too. Bitch you could do ANYTHING you wanted on Android-- there's a shitload of apps, you can personalize your font-- I even created my own. Smh. The grass ain't always greener on the other side. Fuck this iPhone bullshit, right, but also, I DO want a Mac, so I'll probably just stick with this bullshit ass phone. 


*it's aight. i'm just mad right now.

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