Forgot to add this in my entry from the other day, but I also don't feel like editing the other one.
What I meant to include was another reason I've decided to go back to school for an English Major. Regardless of my intended teaching career/experience, getting a degree in a "school" subject (Math, Science, History, etc.) would be very helpful if ever I decide to teach the English/Language Arts Section of class. I'm not sure if I *will* teach English beyond what literally any Elementary Education teacher would, because my intended grade is kindergarten. Of course they'll learn that as well and my background will be somewhat helpful, they don't necessarily use a bunch of it, as far as writing goes-- like maybe a second grader might. HOWEVER, I still plan to use this as a tool for being an English tutor/author/marketer/whatever other job path I saw on my school's website. Finna use my degrees to make two checks at one time, bih! C'mon for multiple streams of income!!!!!!!! Well, if everything goes right, that is. Lol.
Also, I just thought up my job for while I'm in school elsewhere, as well. Why not become an English Coach?! I'd be learning and majoring in the shit-- so why not?! I thought about trying my hand at being a daycare worker to gain teaching experience. If that doesn't work out, coaching will.
My charger is trash.
Stay tuned for another post, but about studs lmao.
Memoirs of a Broke B*tch
Humorhere's me whining about sh*t I can probably change, but won't cuz it's more fun to write about it.