If your reaction to all these famous black men being accused of rape is to automatically point out that famous white men are not being held responsible for THEIR rape accusations, just block me. Because that doesn't make any fucking sense. Why does race matter, if these rape allegations are true. Let's just assume they are true (and I totally believe they are, I don't give a fuck.)... you don't want your faves in jail to be held accountable because you believe they are only being punished that way because they are black? You don't think maybe that the white men should be punished the same way? You just want EVERYBODY to walk free because you don't see the white men being arrested fast enough?
I don't understand the whole, "leave (famous black guy) alone because y'all don't care about (famous white man) doing it." Y'all are not thinking of the victims at all. How would you feel if somebody raped you, yet everyone else is so dismissive of it, regardless of the reason, you would be L I V I D.
Also, please stop saying that you think some of the women are lying, in an effort to get people to accept your fave again. Even if that is true, what is that supposed to do? Y'all think people are going to applaud your fave for two rapes and he has 5 accusers? What? Y'all nuts. Bye.
Memoirs of a Broke B*tch
Humorhere's me whining about sh*t I can probably change, but won't cuz it's more fun to write about it.