Remember when I told y'all about how I accidentally threw a party in undergrad? Well, that was probably one of my only noteworthy 'present' real life stories. I noticed a lot of the mini stories I write in this 'journal/diary' have been dreams. I mean, I didn't do much of anything in undergrad so me (mostly my roommate 😂) throwing a party was crazy as hell. Easily the most interesting day of my undergrad career. So I got to thinking.... what was the most interesting day of my grad school career? Wellllll, in the two and a half months I lived on campus, I'd say the most interesting day I had, consisted of being in the school buildings "after hours" for the purpose of a group project.
I gotta admit, I was anxious. I was excited, too, because after a whole five years of being petrified of any projects that include presentations, I was finally back to what I knew. But nigga...that anxiety pulled right up on me. When we got into the discussion of how we should set the PowerPoint up, I was like "okay, how do y'all do this and that?" because I overthink everything.
So, one of my professors gave us an assignment where we had to pick a certain human development theory and connect it to one of the movies she listed. She assigned everybody to their partners. I get assigned to.... let's call her Marcy. I don't know, that name just jumped out at me.
Anyway, I can't remember when we chose the theory or the movie, but I do remember I wanted to go with Erickson because his stages are laid out very plainly and I knew we'd get an A, easy. However, we ended up moving forward with Vygotsky. The movie we chose was American Graffiti. At first we were gonna go with Antwon Fisher but then we decided to use a movie that neither of us had seen before. It would put us on even ground, I suppose. So, we wind up choosing American Graffiti. Girl. Disaster lmfao. But we'll get into that another time. Anyway, first of all, we definitely tried it with choosing the day to present because we actually didn't get started on it until probably a week or so before the day of our presentation. More on THAT in another entry.
She texted me to see if we should catch the movie together or separately. My computer was a mess so I knew my computer wasn't going to stay on long enough for me to watch the whole movie on, number one, and number two I couldn't find that shit anywhere! ANYWHERE! So I figured she would have better luck with her stuff and so I just suggested we go ahead and work together. We pick a day to watch the movie and we roll back into the building where our class is usually held, after hours without permission. Nigga's nerves were damn near frayed lmao. It felt like we were on a super secret mission. As far as I know, she wasn't totally sure if we were allowed to just roll up in the classroom, either. Anyway so we get to our normal classroom, and nobody is in there, halleluigi. We roll up on the front and got the projector together, shooting the breeze, I guess. Actually I think we figured out we'd use my Hulu account to catch the movie cuz I had found it on there through the STARZ free trial thing just before. Anyway so we're playing around with the classroom's computer and tried to get it to project on the projector but it wasn't working for anything. We done turned the shit on and off twelve times, flipped every switch in the room and unplugged and replugged in anything that we could. it was not happening lmfao. There was this red switch or button that we hesitated pushing solely because we swore it would set off an alarm. We decided it wasn't because it's too easy to reach it and for emergency stuff there's extra shit, such as the word 'emergency' in white capital letters. So after almost an hour we give up. So we pack our stuff up and here's when I found out Marcy was a real one. She walked into another classroom that I was almost sure we weren't technically supposed to be in. Again, the adrenaline was up for no fucking reason lmao. What the fuck is wrong with me? 😂 Like I'm still sure we were not supposed to be there, but I can't imagine much would have happened if someone did wind up needing the classroom. I doubt it be anything more than somebody saying, 'hey, you can't be here' lmfao. In my mind I was like 'bitch can I get expelled behind this?' lmfao. I was looking at the cameras with a confident look though lmao. You not finna SEE me sweat 😂. We settle in and I log in on the computer and blah blah blah we finally catch the movie. I think I had popcorn on deck, as well as a pen and paper ready to catch the notes. The movie was so fucking fun to watch. It was like being at a drive in, except we were in a classroom without permission :). I didn't expect to like it at all and if you know me and what I'm about, you know exactly why. Soundtrack?! FIRE. Story?! INTRIGUING. I even watched the sequel on my own volition immediately after. In short, it was a damn mess. Anyway we talked during the movie, cracking jokes blah blah blah and boom the movie ends and we compare notes and take our black asses back to the brib. It was fun to me, for some reason lmao. I got such a thrill from being in the classroom "after hours" like a fucking lame lmfao. And then on top of that, I found a new favorite movie of mine. American Graffiti is now my favorite white people movie of all time 😂. And it's not even the greatest ever in terms of plots and all that but I still loved it. The fact that I loved the movie so much was what helped me out with the presentation. I felt at ease the whole time. I had never felt so calm during a presentation, ever lmfao.Okay I've begun to judge myself for writing about this lmfao. Whatever. Bye.
Memoirs of a Broke B*tch
Humorhere's me whining about sh*t I can probably change, but won't cuz it's more fun to write about it.