** Part 1 **

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I tried my hardest to focus as my literature teacher droned on and on about our next assignment.

Sometime I wondered why I even bothered coming back to school.

I'm Cynthia by the way.

I'm 20 years old and I am currently attending San Diego State.

I'm majoring in the wonderful art of photography.

I've always loved taking pictures.

The thought of capturing beauty in it's entirety is what hooked me to it.

When I heard you could do it professionally I almost screamed.

Well, anyways.

I only have a few months until I graduate so I'm hella excited.

"You guys are dismissed. Have a good four day weekend." Professor Stark said.

I jumped out of my seat and gathered all my stuff, shoving it in my bag as I walked out of the building.

"Hey Cynthia!" I heard someone yell from behind me.

I turned at the sound of my name and saw Vincent coming towards me.

I stopped and waited as Vincent's tall and lanky form caught up to me.

Most people say I'm stupid for not giving him a chance.

He was the "perfect" boyfriend.

He was cute, nice, knew how to listen.

But he just wasn't my type. He wasn't rugged enough for me.

"Hey V. How you doing?" I asked as he gave me a hug.

I pulled away from his tight hug and looked up t see him staring at my chest.

"My eyes are up here Vincent." I said with a laugh.

He chuckled nonchalantly.

"Sorry, I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to go somewhere this weekend. You know, since you and your boyfriend are history." He said looking at me with a hopeful look in his eyes.

I chewed on my lip trying to think of a way to let him down gently.

"I'm kind of going somewhere this weekend." I told him quickly.

His face immediately fell.

"Oh, well that's cool. We can always go some other time." He said regaining his hope.

"Yeah, sure." I said after a long pause, I didn't know what else to say.

He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I really like your hair by the way." He said with a smile walking away.

Everyone had been commenting on my change of hairstyle.

Instead of my normal, boring dark brown hair...I had added deep purple highlights and had cut it into choppy layers.

Apparently it looked good.

As he walked away I smacked my palm to my forehead.

"So stupid!" I told myself.

I walked to the lot and got into my black 1970 Chevelle.

I always loved seeing the expression on guys faces when they saw who this car belonged to.

Nobody expects a girl to own a classic muscle car.

I absolutely love this car.

Mostly because it belonged to my dad and he's dead now.

It made me feel like a part of him was still here with me.

Just thinking of him brought back such good memories, but they were stained with sorrow and a longing to have him here with me again.

I peeled out of the parking lot and made my way to my apartment across town.

After I had safely parked my car in the garage I walked up the stairs to my apartment, slamming the door closed behind me.

I dropped my bag on the floor and plopped down on the couch.

It felt so good to just sit and relax for the first time in 3 days.

My high school yearbook was laying on top of the coffee table in front of me.

I had been flipping through it last night until I passed out.

I picked it up slowly and opened it up to the back where I had left off.

There was a picture of me and my high school best friend, Valary DeBenedetto or Val as she liked to be called.

We had been inseparable since freshman year, having every class together and hanging out during lunch and after school.

I smiled as I read the little note she had left me.

I had totally forgotten that she had left me her number so that we could stay in contact.

I stared at it for at least five minutes before I decided to actually call her.

As the phone rang so many questions went through my mind.

Would she remember me?

Did she change into a completely different person over the two years we hadn't talked?

My mind was silenced when someone answered.


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