** Part 23 **

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We continued our little chat all the way down to the pool.

"Finally! Took you long enough." Zacky grumbled.

I laughed and Syn put me down, chuckling as well.

I started walking over to Zacky when I was suddenly swept off my feet.


Brian had swooped me up and was now running, at full speed, towards the pool.

"Brian! No!" I yelled as everyone laughed at us.

"Cannonball!!" He yelled as he griped me tighter, jumping in the pool.

We were under for a couple of seconds before we both humped up, Brian's arms still tight around me.

"Holy shit! You bastard! It's cold!" I whined smacking him on the shoulder.

"You know you liked it." Brian said cockily.

"Oh yeah. I love being drenched in a shit load of cold water." I said sarcastically.

I swam over to the edge of the pool were Val and the rest of the guys were still laughing like idiots.

"Will one of you please help me out of the pool?" I asked.

Jimmy laughed and walked towards me.

He put his hand out to me.

"Come on dripping beauty." He said with a laugh.

I smiled and took his hand.

He started to pull me up so I put my feet against the wall of the pool and pulled him in.

"Fuck!" He yelled before he fell face first into the pool.

I jumped out and laughed as he popped back up, sputtering and shivering.

"You are so dead." Jimmy growled.

"I'm too young to die." I squealed as I ran and hid behind Val who went and hid behind Zacky who went and hid behind Matt.

"Looks like you've got quite a few people to go through before you get to me Slim Jim." I said with a laugh.

We spend the next few hours playing around in the pool.

We played chicken fight.

They even had me and Val go against each other.

It was pretty hilarious because she almost pulled my top off and the guys started wolf whistling.

Me and Val just shook our heads while smiles made their way across our faces.

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