** Part 49 **

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Zacky's POV

I'm still shocked by how well this date it going.

I thought for sure when Emily saw all of the trouble I went through to impress her, she'd think I was too desperate.

Imagine my surprise when I see that she almost starts to cry.

I smile at the cuteness of it and revel in the fact that she liked it so much.

We are sitting at the gorgeous table that Bernardo set up and I can't keep the smile off my face as I look at how beautiful she looks in the candle light.

The way the glow from the flame bounces off her skin and makes it look like she's glowing.

Almost like an angel.

I grin as I shyly reach across the table and pour myself a glass of wine.

It's funny.

Before tonight, no one would never put the word shy and me in the same sentence.

This girl was making me feel things I've never felt before.

It's a little scary but exhilirating at the same time.

I stuck the bottle back in the ice bucket andlean back in my chair, sipping the sweet wine.

I look up at Emily and see that's she's staring at me.

"What?" I ask innocently.

"Why didn't I get any wine?" She asks with a slight pout on her lips.

I usually hate when girls pout, but on Emily, it looks absolutely adorable.

"I thought you don't like to drink. That's what you told me."I said.

"I don't like to drink. I never said I don't drink." Emily pointed out with a smirk.

She had me there.

"Ok." I said with a shrug.

I poured Emily half a glass and leaned back, watching her slowly sip the drink.

"So, why did you go to all this trouble of setting this up?" She asked out of curiousity.

"Why do you think I went out of my way?" I asked softly, tilting my head to the side.

"No one does all of this for just anybody." She said simply.

"What makes you think you're just anyone. You are special." I said sincerely.

I looked deeply into her eyes, not once looking away so she would know I was being serious and telling her the truth.

Her eyes grew wider as the time passed by.

I leaned towards her and she quickly looked down at her lap.

"You don't have to lie to me Zacky. I'm not one of your little gullable fan girls whose gonna fall to my knees and worship the ground you walk on at the first sign of kindness." Emily bit back bitterly.

My eyes buldged and my mouth opened in shock.

"What the fuck are you talking about Emily?" I asked, my voice coming out harsher than I had anticipated.

"I don't need you to sweet talk me Zacky. Just be honest." She said, still in the same harsh tone.

"I'm trying to tell you that you are special to me and you are throwing it back in my face?!" I said, completely annoyed.

I'll never say it out loud, but her bitterness all of a sudden really stung me.

I stood up and pushed my seat back roughly.

"Have a great dinner." I said harshly.

I stood up, ready to leave.

As I was passing by to get to the door she grabbed my hand.

"Zacky, please don't leave." She whispered urgently.

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