** Part 19 **

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It was the day of our little swim party and it was also everyone's last day in San Diego.

We got up pretty early, not wanting to waste any of the day sleeping.

We told the guys to do the shopping while me and Val stayed and straightened up my apartment.

We got everything set up around the pool that my apartment complex had.

Lucky for us, there was no one else there so we had the pool all to ourselves.

We brought a radio and started playing music while we got the seasonings and towels.

The guys got back an hour or so later, all of their arms filled with bags.

"Ooooh. What did you get?" I asked, jumping up and going to stand between Matt and Brian.

"Why are you so excited?" Brian asked with a playful grin on his face.

"I've never had a pool party before." I said with a simple smile on my face.

Everyone's mouth hung open.

"Are you shitting me?" Brian asked, totally shocked.

I shook my head.

"Did you guys forget who my brothers are? They wouldn't let me go anywhere half naked to a place that would have tons of guys." I told them.

"You do have a point. That's just fuckin' crazy though." Matt said.

"If Ihad a hot little sister I would be the exact same way." Zacky said.

I looked at him and let out a laugh when he winked at me.

"So, why don't you and Val go get dressed while we take the food down to the pool." Matt suggested.

"Are you sure? We could help." I offered.

"It's ok. You girls go get sexy." Jimmy said.

"Let's go, Cee!" Val urged, pulling me towards my room.

"Alright, fine." I said, letting her drag me into my roon and closing it behind me.

Matt's POV

I watched as Val pulled Cynthia into her room.

I turned and saw Brian staring at Cee until the door closed.

A smile came across my face.

I looked at him until he turned and saw me staring at him.

"What?" He asked with a confused look on his face.

"You got it bad." I told him, letting out a laugh.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Syn asked.

I leaned towards him to make sure Val and Cee wouldn't hear if they came out.

"You like Cynthia." I said with another grin.

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