** Part 30 **

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Syn's POV

I breathed in deeply as I saw the was that Jeff guy was looking at Cynthia.

"Chill, Syn." Zacky said, squeezing my shoulder.

"I know. It's hard though." I grumbled.

"If you told her how you feel already you wouldn't have to worry about her running off with some bartender." Zacky said.

My scowl got even bigger.

"Ok, that probably didn't help. I know how to cheer you up." He said with a laugh.

"How?" I asked.

"Hey Cee!" He yelled.

She turned her head and smiled when she saw it wasus waving her down.

I couldn't help but smile as she came closer, her hips swaying from side to side.

"What's up babes?" She asked.

"Can we get two shots of Absinthe?" Zacky asked.

"Pretty strong drink. You sure you two can handle that?" Cynthia asked with a cute smile.

"Fuck yeah! We're Zacky Vengence and Synyster fuckin' Gates!" I yelled. She laughed.

"Got it." She said.

She looked up at Emily who was already at the top of the ladder.

I turned to see Zacky checking out her ass.

"Like what you see?" I asked with a laugh.

"Fuck yes I do." He said, completely mesmerized.

"Em's! Grab me the Absinthe!" Cee yelled up to her.

"Gotcha!" She yelled down, sliding across the wall on the ladder to grab it.

"Look out!" Emily yelled as she dropped the bottle and Cynthia spun around and caught it behind her back.

She skipped over to us and threw up two shot glasses as she spun the absinthe bottle in her hand.

She poured it to the rim and passed it to me with a wink.

"Cheers!" I yelled with a smile.

She smiled too and poured some into her mouth straight from the bottle.

Cee scooted over to Johnny, Matt, Jimmy and Val who were playing a drinking game.

"Val, babe. You wanna hang with me behind the bar?" Cee asked her.

A smile lit up her face and she nodded.

Cee stuck out her hand and helped Val climb over the bar.

Why does she seem so perfect to me?

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