** Part 14 **

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I breathed in as deeply as I could so I wouldn't explode and cause a scene.

"Fuck no! I drug his ass out of my apartment and then I threw his shit out after him. He's lucky I didn't kill his ass for putting his hands on me." I said, still maintaining my calm.

"Poor guy. You're never gonna get a man with that attitude." Chris said.

"Any guy who puts his hands on a woman isn't a man. That's a chicken shit and they should try picking on someone their own size." Matt said in a hard voice.

Val hooked her arm through Matt's and soothingly patted his back.

"If I ever meet the prick who put his hands on Cee, I'll teach him a lesson he'll never forget....if he can still walk and talk that is." Jimmy said in a low and menacing that even creeped me out a little bit.

"Anyone who ever tries to hurt Cynthia, will have to deal with us too." Brian said, looking Chris straight in the eye.

Chris looked at all of the guys and saw they were tensed up, as if they were ready to fight right now.

Chris started to look a little nervous now and that filled me with utter enjoyment.

"So, you okay now Cynthia?" Chris asked, putting fake concern in his voice.

"I didn't get my ass kicked, he did. I'm great. Not like youcould give a shit less anyways." I said.

Sash looked at me wide-eyed.

'Fuck!' I yelled at myself.

'Sorry.' I mouthed to Sash and she nodded with a small smile on her face.

"Hey baby? Can I talk to you for a minute?" Chris asked in an overly sweet voice.

I narrowed my eyes at him instantly.

"Yeah." She whispered.

"Hey Sash---," I said quickly.

"I'll be right back." She reassured me as she stood up and followed Chris into their bedroom.

There was a couple of seconds of silence and I went to go sit on Val.

Since she was right next to Brian I just swung my legs up and laid them on his lap.

He didn't seem to mind, he just started drumming his fingers on my shins.

"Sorry you guys. I knowthis must suck for you guys. I have toomuch drama in my life." I told them glumly.

"I find it pretty fuckin'hilarious !" Jimmy said with a chuckle.

"You are soeasy to please, Rev." I said with a smile.

"Only in some areas." He said with a sly wink.

I laughed at how stupid he was.

"Are you trying to be nice to him?" Zacky asked.

"I'm trying and failing miserably. It's so damn hard to be nice to him !" I said through gritted teeth.

"Since when do you try and be nice to someone you don't even like?" Val asked in shock.

"Since Sasha Lynn Matthews is the one in love with him." I said, putting extra emphasis on him.

"You've never done that before. If you don't like someone you usually just tell them." Val said.

"That is true. But this is Sash we're talking about. If she is unhappy, I'll go apeshit on whoever upsets her. Plus, I sort of promised." I grumbled at the end.

Val looked a little taken back for some reason.

I was gonna ask her what was wrong when we all heard a low thud against the wall.

We all turned to look at where the noise came from and we heard what could have been a moan.

"Looks like someone is having fun." Johnny murmured and got everyone chuckling.

I didn't think that though.

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