** Part 64 **

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We are now on the road, making our way to Oregon.

So far it's fucking amazing.

We're having so much fun on the bus.

There's bunks for all the guys and there's two couches in the front of the bus along with a mini kitchen and bathroom.

When we first set off I was jumping around the bus.

Everyone laughed as I danced and jumped around.

"Who the hell let Cynthia have an energy drink?" Emily yelled as she came out from the bunks.

I giggled as all the guys went quiet.

"Emily! I had an energy driiiiiiiiink!" I squealed.

"You guys know she gets extremely hyper when ever she drinks that crap, don't you?" Emily asked.

The guys shook their heads as Val laughed.

I giggled again as I watched Emily scolding the guys.

"Emmybear!" I squealed.

"She's not that bad." Brian said.

"Brian it's almost ten at night and I know you're going to want to go to bed eventually since you all have to be up early tomorrow." Emily said.

"It can't last for that long." Matt said.

Emily turned to him now and he closed his mouth.

"When Cee has an energy drink, it's like she's snorted heroine. That shit doesn't wear off for hours!" Emily said.

"Hours and hours!" I chirped, giggling as I jumped on the couch.

"Aw, crap. Good job, Christ!" Emily turned to Johnny and pointed her finger at him.

"You! If I waked up tomorrow looking like crap from lack of sleep, I'm going after you." Emily said.

I laughed and jumped over to Emily, hugging her.

"I love you, Emmybear." I said, squeezing her.

I saw her smile at me.

"You know I love you too, but you act like a five year old on crack whenever you drink that crap." Emily said.

She brought me over to the couch and sat me between Brian and Matt.

"Don't let her move. She just gets more hyper when she bounces around." Emily said.

"But I was enjoying the show." Brian pouted.

Emily glared at him.

"You better keep it in your pants." Emily warned.

"In your pants! In your pants!" I repeated and laughed.

I tried to get up but Matt put his arm around my shoulder and Brian wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Hey! Emily they won't let me go!" I whined like a five year old.

"It's for your own good, honey." Emily said.

"No!" I yelled.

"Yes!" Emily said firmly.

I pouted and leaned back, laying my head on Brian's shoulder.

Emily smiled in victory and went over to Zacky who was grinning.

"You are aggresive. I like it!" Zacky said.

I heard Emily laugh.

"In your pants! In your pants!" I chanted again.

Everyone laughed and Emily and Zacky blushed.

I smiled and leaned back on Brian's shoulder.

I sat there for an hour, the adrenaline running through my veins making me twitch.

I guess sitting down wears you down even more then jumping around.

I felt Brian lean his head on mine and I smiled at the warmth that his skin brought.

I fell asleep peacefully, dreaming about life.

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