** Part 41 **

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My brothers all spread out into a line and stepped closer to Bianca.

Teagan set me on my feet and stood protectively in front of me.

My brothers would never put their hands on a women.

But they also don't take it too well when anyone disrespects me in front of them.

No matter who it is.

"What the fuck did you just call my little sister?" James seethed.

The look on his face and my brothers' approach had her backing away with a scared look on her face.

"Did you just call my sister a slut, you blonde whore?!" Anthony yelled.

"I-I-uh." Bianca stuttered.

As much as I was enjoying seeing Bianca squirm under my brothers' glares, it was starting to cause a scene.

Six big guys advancing on one girl draws attention.

I jumped in front of them and spread my arms out wide to stop them.

"Guys! Stop! I'm fine! Does it look like I give two shits what this bitch thinks of me. Come on, let's go!" I said firmly.

I didn't move until they started walking towards my car.

I turned to face Bianca who still looked like a heffer in the head lights.

"You are so lucky. If you were a dude...daaaaamn it would be all bad for you!" I said with an evil smile as I walked to my car.

"You guys want to go to jail don't you?" I asked as I sped out of the parking lot with Teagan in the front seat and James, Anthony in the back seat.

The rest of them went with Jonathan in his car.

"That bitch shouldn't have been talking to you like that." Nathaniel said, still angry.

"You guys need to quit being so protective." I grumbled.

"Not gonna happen." They said at once.

I laughed and shook my head at their stupidity.

We made small talk until we reached the door of my apartment.

I heard laughing inside and when I opened the door I saw Emily, Zacky, Matt and Val sitting on the couch.

Jimmy and Johnny were on the other couch and Sasha and Syn were in the kitched in deep conversation.

My smile faltered and I got that feeling again. What is happening to me?

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