** Part 54 **

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I hung up the phone after about an hour of talking to Emily.

That girl could argue with you all day about why someone's all wrong for her even when she knows they'd be the perfect match.

She's just scared to be happy.

Happiness has always come with consequences for her.

This time is different though.

Zacky is different.

I honestly think that he won't hurt her.

Of course couples are gonna fight and have arguments, mean words will be exchanged.

But I don't think he would ever hit or cheat on her.

If I wasn't absolutely sure that he was a good guy, I wouldn't have even introduced them.

I knew the effect it would have on Emily.

I hope she doesn't fight this.

She deserves happiness too.

She just has to be willing to accept it.

"Oh, fuck! My head hurts!" I heard Brian groan.

I turned around with a smile and saw him stumble towards me.

"Good morning sleepy head." I said in a cheery voice.

"How can you be so happy? Doesn't your head hurt?" Brian asked, coming to sit next to me.

"I've been up for an hour mister. I took three aspirin, thanks to Mr. Vengeance, and now I'm peachy keen." I said.

"Nice to hear. Do you want to be the best girl in the world and get me some aspirin." Brian said with puppy eyes.

"Yeah sure." I said as I hopped out of my chair and got him some medicine.

"There you go. You'll be good as new soon." I said with a grin.

"Thanks, Cee. You're the best." Brian said with a smile.

I stood there and looked at him as he smiled at me.

I realized I was staring at him and snapped myself out of it.

"Thanks. My awesomeness just comes naturally." I said with a laugh.

"Ha! Me too! How did the world get the honor of having two people as awesome as us?" Brian asked.

"I don't know. I guess their just lucky as fuck." I said simply.

Brian busted out laughing and soon enough I was laughing too.

"How the fuck did we get stuck with such cocky and self centered people?" Matt said, rolling around to face us.

Him and Val had crashed on the pull out couch last night and he was whispering so he wouldn't wake her up.

The plan pretty much failed cause the second Matt pulled away from her, Val woke up.

"Where you going?" She mumbled sleepily.

I chuckled slightly.

"No where, babe." Matt said, turning back around and winding his arm around her.

I saw her snuggle into his chest and I smiled widely.

"You guys are the cutest couple I've ever seen." I cooed, making Val laugh.

"We're pretty sexy, but we're not the cutest anymore." Val said with a smirk as she looked at me and Brian.

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