** Part 62 **

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Just as I predicted, we got to Huntington Beach before night fall.

We made our way to Matt and Val's house.

I had a feeling everyone would be there.

When we pulled up to the house, I saw a bunch of cars parked in front of their house.

"Yes! I knew they'd be here!" I squealed.

"I'm so excited! Do you think they'll be upset that you invited me?" She asked, suddenly worried.

"Of course not. Zacky's gonna be happy and the rest of the guys like you." I told her soothingly.

She breathed in slowly and nodded.

"Ok, let's go." She said with a huge smile.

I parked and we both got out of the car, walking up to the door.

I knocked twice and we both waited, huge smiles on our faces.

It took a minute but someone finally came to the door.

It was Val.

She looked totally shocked when she saw me and Emily standing there.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked.

I smiled and so did Emily.

"We're going on tour with you guys." I told her.

"What? Yes! Wooo! You guys are going on tour!" She yelled pulling us both into a hug.

Me and Emily both laughed as Val pulled us into the house, still yelling about us going on tour.

The guys came to see what all the ruckus was about and when Brian saw I was there a huge smile spread across his face.

He ran up to me and squeezed me to his chest tightly.

"Yes! You're coming!" He yelled.

I laughed as I hugged him back.

"I told you I would let you know when I decided. I just didn't call you." I said with a laugh.

Zacky started shouting when he saw Emily there.

He ran to her and grabbed her the same way Brian had grabbed me.

"You're coming! You're coming! You're coming!" Zacky chanted, jumping up and down with Emily in his arms.

I laughed as I watched them.

They are just too cute.

It's kind of sickening sometimes.

"Fuck yeah! This tours gonna be awesome!" Johnny yelled, coming to give me a hug.

"I better not catch any whores in the tour bus, hubby." I said in a warning voice.

"You know you're the only one for me, wifey." He told me giving me another hug while I laughed.

"Are you guys even ready for tour?" I asked.

"We just have to pack up our shit and make sure we have everything. The Berry's should be on their way." Matt said.

"Fuck yeah, JB-dizz is coming. I haven't seen him in a week." Brian yelled happily.

"Hey, you guys told me about them. I've never met them though." I said.

"They are the fucking best friends you could ask for. I don't know what we'd do without them on tour." Jimmy said.

"Yay!" I squealed, happy to be meeting more people.

It was about an hour before the Berry's finally made it to Matt's.

We were all lounging around the living room when the door burst open.

"The Berry's are in the house, bitches!" They yelled at the same time.

I laughed as I watched them strike a pose.

"You must be Cynthia." One of them said.

"Yeah, that's me." I said pointing to myself.

"Heard alot about you. Great to finally meet you." He said.

"Same here. Which Berry are you?" I asked.

They both laughed together and it was kind of freaky to see.

"I'm Matt, that idiot licking Gates is Jason." Matt said, pointing to Jason who was indeed licking Brian.

I laughed and walked over to him.

"Hey Jason." I said.

"Yo, Cynthia! Damn you're hot!" Jason said, picking me up and swinging me around.

"Thanks." I said.

Emily was introduced to the Berry's as well and we hung out for about an hour before we started getting all the stuff in order.

"So, what are we missing?" I asked.

"Hmm, Larry." Val said with a laugh.

"Whose Larry?" Emily asked.

"Only the most fucking awesomest manager in the fuckin' music business!" Jimmy cackled.

"Well, where is he?" I asked.

"You, know what, that's a good question." Matt said.

The door bell rang.

"Speak of the devil." Brian said with a smile.

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