** Part 46 **

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Emily's POV

"Pick up, Cee. Pick up!" I yelled at the dial tone.

"I told you that we were just talking. Fuck, he's going on a date with Emily! What kind of friend do you think I am!?" Cee screamed over the phone.

"CEE!" I yelled to get her attention.

"I'm sorry, Em. Just another brother/sister conversation. What's up?" She asked me.

"I don't know---," I tried to say.

"Jonathan and Anthony put him down! He can't swoop Emily off her feet if his arms and legs are broken!!" Cynthia screamed.

"What the hell is going on over there?" I asked getting frustrated.

"Oh, nothing honey. Now what were you asking before we were so rudely interrupted." She said adding emphasis on the last part.

"I don't know what to wear." I wailed.

"You always know what to wear." Cee said with a laugh.

"Well nothing looks good enough now." I said.

"Ok, Em. You have to calm down babe. You are gonna look fuckin' hot no matter what you put on. Do you hear me?" She asked.

"Yes." I mumbled.

"Ok. Now you are going to go to your closet, pick out an outfit and get sexified." She ordered.

"Yes ma'am." I said, laughing.

"See you later babe. Don't worry. Every thing is gonna go great!" She said enthusiastically.

"Alright, bye!" I squealed.

I hung up the phone and looked at my disastarous room with new determination.

Zacky's POV

My hands clenched and unclenched as I sat in my car outside of Emily's house.

I haven't built up enough courage to get out and go knock on the door yet.

'Don't be nervous. Act confident and you'll be fine.' Cee's words echoed through my head.

"Don't be nervous. Act confident and you'll be fine." I said out loud.

"You'll be fine." I said again as I opened my car door and stepped out.

"Not nervous, confident!" I chanted to myself as I slowly made my way up the drive way.

My heart was pounding so loud I'm surprised Emily didn't hear me coming.

I made it to the doorway and stood there staring at it.

"It's now or never." I told myself.

I lifted my hand to the door and knocked three times.

I heard the scurrying of feet and my hear beat increased sevenfold.

The door swung open and my eyes scrunched up in confusion at the girl standing in front of me.

This is not Emily.

"Hi? I'm looking for Emily." I chocked out feeling extremely awkward and out of place.

"Who are y---," Her voice was drowned out by a high pitched scream.

"Oh my God!! It's Zacky Vengeance!!!" Another girl yelled, coming from the back of the house.

I was suddenly surrounded by five girls who were in their teens and were screaming and shooting off questions like a pistol.

"Girls! Back off and let him breathe!" Came her sweet voice.

I looked up and my pounding heart seemed to slow.

"Wow." Was all I could say.

It wasn't the right word.

It didn't even come close to describing how amazing she looks.

There are no words that can explain what I'm thinking right now.

Her red halter dress was hugging her in just the right places and if I hadn't kept my mouth closed I would be drooling all over the floor.

Her head snapped back up fromchecking me out too.

She didn't say anything.

She didn't have to.

Her twinkling eyes and gorgeous smile told me exactly what she was thinking.

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