** Part 11 **

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" If you guys don't close your mouths some flies might get in there." I said with a laugh.

"Is that a 1970 Chevelle?" Matt asked in astonishment.

"Yup. It's in excellent condition." I said with pride.

"Where the hell did you get that car?" Zacky asked, looking at me disbelievingly.

"Well, seeing as I'm a girl and I have absolutely no knowledge about cars what so ever, I saw this guy driving it one day and I thought it was just sooo pretty. I slept with him a couple of times and he gave it to me." I said with a sweet smile on my face.

They all stared at me wide-eyed.

"Such a fucking liar." Brian said.

"Cynthia, is that your dad's car?" Val asked.

"Yeah. My brothers fixed it up for me and gave it to me as a present to cheer me up." I said.

"Why did you need to be cheered up?"Johnny asked.

"Because I wasn't seeing my best friend as much and I was gonna be moving away soon."I explained to them.

They gave me sympathetic looks and it made me uncomfortable to have them looking at me like that.

"Ok! That doesn't matter! So, the back seat is big enough for four people. But since you guys are kinda huge, it might be a bit of a squeeze. Two of you can ride up front with me." I told them, walking to my side of the car and opening up the door.

I lifted up the seat and Matt, Brian, Johnny and Zacky got in.

"Johnny, get the fuck off my foot cocksucker!" Brian yelled.

"Fuck you, Syn!" JOhnny yelled back.

"Calm down kids. I don't want to have to put you on time out." I said jokingly.

Val and Rev jumped in the front with me.

"It's only fair to warn you guys ahead of time." I started.

"What?"They all asked at once.

"I think my driving instructor might have been drunk when he issued me my license." I told them.

"So you're saying---," Zacky didn't even get to finish his sentence because I stepped on the gas and we flew out of the garage.

"Holy fuck!" Johnny yelled.

I made a quick turn and sped off again.

"What. The. Fuck!!" Brian yelled.

I was weaving in and out of traffic and Rev and Matt were both laughing telling me to go faster and faster.

Val was clutching on to Jimmy's arm while he cackled and yelled out the window at people.

A stupid car cut in front of me and I had to slam on my breaks to keep from crashing into him.

"Stupid fuckhead! Hold on!" I yelled.

I threw my arm across Val's chest and clutched onto Jimmy's arm with all my strength.

I was making sort of a makeshift seatbelt since Val didn't have one.

The light turned red and all the cars came to a stop.

I turned to Val.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, your arm is as good as any real seatbelt." She said with a laugh.

"Cynthia? Could you let go of my arm? I can't feel anything below the elbow."Jimmy said casually.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry. I forgot I was still holding your arm." I said apologetically, squeezing his arm sot he blood would start flowing again.

The light turned green so I took of slowly.

"How 'bout you guys back there?" I asked looking at them through my rear view mirror.

Matt had the biggest smile on his face.

"I think I shit on myself."Johnny whispered.

"I really hope your kidding cause if you mess up my car I'll make you clean it up with your tongue."I told him seriously.

"Just kidding."He said quickly.

Brian and Zacky just nodded their heads.

"Haha! You guys are such babies. I thought you were supposed to be tough guys." I said with a smirk on my face.

"You could probably make hard-core mafia men cry with the way you drive."Brian said.

I chuckled and drove the res of the way to Sasha's house at a semi-normal speed.

The guys practically kissed the ground when I let them out of the car.

"Pussies." I mummbled, rolling my eyes.

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