** Part 15 **

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I hesitated for half of a millisecond and then I was on my feet running towards Sasha's bedroom door.

I banged on it loud.

"Hey lovebirds! Get out here !" I yelled quickly.

The door slowly opened and I looked in to see Sash.

I pulled her out of the room and laced my fingers with hers as I drug her to the couch.

We sad down side by side and she crossed her legs, indian style, as we liked to call it.

She laid her head on my chest and I laid my legs across her lap.

It almost looked like I was sitting in her lap.

We always sat like that together and it always made us laugh at the different reactions we got from people.

"Are you trying to take my place?" Chris asked, coming to sit next to me, to my utter disdain.

He put his arm on the back of my seat. "I don't need to try that hard." I said sarcastically.

Sash hit my leg lightly and I grumbled in response.

She took that as my apology without me having to actually say it.

" I honestly don't see why we can't get along, Cee." Chris murmured softly, putting his arm around my shoulder.

I breathed in deeply and tried to fight the strong urge to rip his arm out of it's socket.

"There are just too many reasons to count. # 1 is that you are touching me." I said, removing his arm and throwing it like it was a dirty diaper.

The guys busted out laughing and Val cracked a smile.

Sasha breathed in deeply.

"You know what Chris? I'm actually trying to be nice to you. Don't make it any harder then it already is for me. Don't give me any more reasons to hurt you." I said in a low voice.

"So much hostility, Cee." Chris murmured again.

"And I wonder why." I said, my voice laced with sarcasm.

"You need to get laid." He said.

"CHRIS!!" Sasha yelled.

My eyes narrowed and my fists clenched into tight fists.

I looked at all of the guys and they were doing the exact same thing as me, which probably isn't the best thing at the moment.

What shocked me the most was the look on Brian's face.

He looked so mad.

His usually cool and laid back demeanor suddenly changed to tensed up and ready to fight.

His face was getting red with anger and his eyes were narrow slits.

His nostrils were actuallyflaring.

If I wasn't so shocked by his reaction, I would be backing away from him slowly, trying to make as much space between him and me as possible.

"You are seriously testing my self-control." I said in a low, strained voice.

"Hey Syn?" Matt said, finally realizing Brian's expression.

He obviously knows what happens whenever Brian looks like this.

"Let's take a walk." Matt said, standing up.

Brian was still sending death glares to Chris who was starting to shift uncomfortably.

Matt nodded to Zacky and he stood up as well.

He patted Brian's arm.

"Come on, Syn. Let's take a walk." Zacky said, trying to lighten the situation and break Brian's stare.

"We should all take a walk. I don't want to do something I'll regret later." I said, standing up.

Sash looked upset as we all started standing up.

Brian finally stood up and he was right behind me with Matt and Zacky on either side, flanking him.

"Don't be sad, Sash. It's better if I go now, rather than later. It's not your fault. I'll call you later, okay?" I asked her.

She nodded slowly.

I stood her up and gave her a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Remember what I told you." Chris called as I was about to shut the door behind me.

I flipped him off.

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