** Part 42 **

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I walked into my apartment with my brother's trailing behind me.

When everyone noticed I was there they started smiling and saying hi.

I smiled back and gave Sasha a hug.

My brothers spread out around the room while I went to my room to change.

I looked at my bed and saw that my bed was unfixed.

"Who the hell messed up my bed?" I yelled.

I turned around to see Zacky and Brian with guilty looks on their faces.

"Did you guys let Zacky and Brian have gay sex in my bed?!" I screeched.

The room erupted in laughter as the two guys grimaced in disgust.

I smiled in satifaction and changed my clothes quickly.

When I came back out I saw that Jonathan had started talking to Sasha.

He's had a crush on her for the longest time but he's too scared to tell her.

He also thought it might change me and Sasha's friendship if something went wrong when she was dating my brother.

I told him that wouldn't happen but he's too stubborn.

'I gotta find a way to get them together.' I thought, contemplating my ideas.

"Cee!" Zacky yelled, pulling me from my thoughts.

"What Zacky?" I asked.

"Why did Em have to go?" He whined.

"What? Where did Emily go?" I asked, looking around frantically.

"She said she had some stuff to do and to say bye to you." Zacky answered.

I sat there pouting for a minute before a huge smile made it's way across my face.

"Do you like my Emmy Bear, Zacky?" I asked, nudging him playfully.

He didn't answer me.

I sat next to him and leaned my head aianst his chest.

"What's wrong Zack?" I asked softly.

"I do like her." He said quietly.

"What's so bad about that?" I asked, getting defensive and protective.

"Nothing. I just, don't know how to go about trying to have a long distance relationship. Those never work out." He grumbled.

I smiled and grabbed his hand.

"First, you have to build a foundation. Get to know her, what she likes, her favorite color, worst habits. Then go to the relationship. You're going to need to make lots of calls while you're on the road, visit her when you're not, and send lots of pictures so she feels connected to you when you're away. Little things are what she'll like the most." I said softly.

He just nodded his head.

"Are you up for that?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think so." Zacky said with a smile.

"She has tonight off. I was thinking of calling and asking her to eat with me before we leave. What do you think?" He asked, looking at me with excited eyes.

"I think you're on the right track." I said giving him a hug.

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