** Part 40 **

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My class dragged on even more then usual.

Probably because I was anxious to get back home and see the guys and Val before they had to leave today.

As soon as the minute hand hit twelve I was out of my seat and speed walking through the campus.

"Hey Cynthia!" A voice yelled.

I turned automatically at the sound of my name and instantly regretted it.


That stupid bitch had the nerve to talk to me even after the shit she pulled with my ex-boyfriend.

Her blonde ass skipped over to me with a huge smile on her face.

I rolled my eyes and turned away from her before I did something that would get me kicked out of this school.

"What's Tyler been up to lately?" She asked, keeping pace with me.

"Healing from being in the hospital and hopefully rotting in hell. Don't worry though, he's saving a spot just for you." I said with a smile as Iturned to see her face inshock.

I watched as her face slowly pulled up into a smirk.

"Why don't you have him give me a call. I could get his mind off his cuts and bruises." She said with a smirk.

"Go right ahead." I said.

"Cynthia, why must you be such a bitch all the time!" She shrieked because she hadn't gotten a reaction out of me.

"Yeah ok! So now I'm the bitch. If it makes you feel better about being a home wrecker then you go ahead and tell your little brain whatever you want. You should feel blessed that you weren't in the hospital bed next to Tyler. Cause I was gonna come and get your ass next." I yelled.

We were finally outside and I could see my shiny car.

My eyes narrowed when I saw someone leaning against it.

My nostrils flared.

That's my car!

I walked faster and as I got closer I saw that it was in fact my brothers.

They're so lucky.

I was about to chop them up and cook them for dinner.

Teagan came forward and I jumped into his arms with a huge smile on my face.

"Teag!" I squealed.

He laughed and I clung to him like a monkey.

"How you doing baby girl?" He asked me.

"Good for the most part." I said, still clinging to him.

"What does that mean?" Teagan asked me suspiciously.

Bianca walked up and her eyes widened when she saw Teagan holding me.

"Just wanted to give you a heads up, your little friend is a slut!" She said with a proud smirk on her face.

"Uh-oh. Bad idea!" I said.

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